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Saturday, 6 November 2021




An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Cat Princess


Erin, addicted to Mystery Adventure and Mice!

Hello, and welcome to my Saturday Book Review!

This week, we have something really rather different but supremely special. What Abigail Did That Summer is a spinoff novella from the Rivers of London series of books, by the hugely brilliant, Ben Aaronovitch. Needless to say we both are totally addicted to this series and pounce on any new book that comes out. To be accurate, I get Mrs H to pounce on the postman the moment they leave the sorting office!


Before we get started it will help to have a bit of background info on the Rivers series.  


The Rivers of London books are wonderful detective series, infused with magic, all manner of river spirits, faye and modern-day villains equiped with magical skills. For the greater part they are set in or around London and the UK. The lead protagonist, Peter Grant, is a police constable, and erstwhile apprentice wizard. OK, so in actuality they prefer the term of Practitioner. But anyone who wields balls of light, can stop bullets and can blow holes through things like his one hundred years plus police boss, Inspector Thomas Nightingale, can do, can call themselves what they like. Peter and Nightingale are based at an old London building known as the The Folly. Together they are the only practitioners serving the UK. If their is wierd stuff going down, be it 'jazz vampires' or trouble with the local River Godesses, which there certainly is, then you call The Folly!


This is NOT Harry Potter. This IS up to date policing with a magical and thoroughly entertaining and addictive twist. CSI really has nothing on these guys!



So, with that really rather hurried back-story to the Rivers of London – which believe me, comes nowhere near expressing how clever, involving and darkly fun and somewhat tongue in cheek the books are – we shall proceed to the actual review. 





Published by Gollancz, an imprint of Orion Publishing.

ISBN: 978 - 1 - 473 - 22435 - 3

Cover price £7.99 (Paperback)

The Plot:  

Abigail Kumara (we'll call her Abigail) is the thirteen-year-old neighbour of Peter Grant's parents and Peter's cousin. She had come to Peter's attention when she was found ghost hunting in a tunnel on an active railway line. Having discovered Peter is a wizard, she is intent on learning magic herself. Later, she earns a nickname/reputation that is really rather appropriate: 'Ghost Hunter, Fox Whisperer, Trouble Maker'.

Our story opens in the 'Achieving Best Evidence' suite at the local police station, and Abigail is there to help them with their enquiries into some missing children. The mother of one particular child, Simon, that Abigail had become friends with, arrives and takes over the meeting. Simon's mum happens to be a high ranking civil servant – of the possible spy kind.

So, at this point, the story cleverly flashes back to how Simon met Abigail some days earlier.

It is the summer holidays, and Abigail is left to her own devices, free to wander around London as she will. With a brother who is essentially terminally ill, her mother has enough on her plate.

Simon says hello to her at the entrance to Hampstead Heath, and thus the two get chatting. Both were supposed to meet someone different there, to take them to some strange 'event/happening', but it seems they have not turned up. So, the two get talking and after doing a bit of cat watching, or rather watching the crazy cat lady who looks after the strays in the area, they head to gates. There they get questioned by the 'Feds' (police) about some missing children. Simon admits to having met one of the girls before Abi could stop him. She has a bit of a record and doesn't want to get involved. So having both given false names and addresses, they escape the Feds, and Simon invites Abi to see his house.  

Later, on the way home, Abigail is confronted by a talking fox. Yup, she can talk to foxes, or rather these foxes can talk and want to talk to her. But these aren't your everyday sort of fox. Bigger, better, and in need of someone to investigate something weird they can sense in the area. A brewing menace or something that they really don't like. What they need is someone special. And as to the foxes, Abigail is a 'person of interest' she gets elected.

Is this weird stuff something connected to the missing teenagers? Well, that is where the adventure lies.

Now, this is a short story, 196 pages that fly once you get the swing of the story, which incidentally doesn't take long at all. In fact, you are dropped right into the middle of it when you start. But as I said, you get taken back to the beginning quickly. It may seem strange, but the right moment was picked, and it works really well and delivers suspense.

What transpires next is..... well, let's just say it takes all of Abigail's street skills, a hefty dose of stamina and lateral thinking. Not forgetting a posse of talking foxes that seem to be under the impression they are 1970's secret agents, a hooley bar, and a load of military-strength stink bombs! All in a day's work for Abigail!

So, what did we think?

Before I say, this is what some newspapers have said:

"Highly entertaining" The Sunday Express.

"Funny and wildly inventive" The Mail on Sunday.

 "Charming, witty, exciting" The Independent.

We think that of all the stories we have read of late, this one really takes the prize. Sure, this is a bit different to your usual Middle-Grade adventure, but then, of course, it blatantly isn't.

What this is, is a multi-age range, down to earth adventure magical mystery. It comes complete with brilliant and diverse characters, beautifully executed and with just the right mix of all of the attributes mentioned above, and more.

I have to add that we had bought the Audible version of this to start with. We were so impressed that we listened to the adventure three times! The narration of the story is spot on and highly captivating. If you fancy getting into the real feel for this adventure, and the lingo, then the audiobook is a must. Actually, we recommend the audio for all of the entire Rivers of London series.

Whilst this IS a brilliant story, if you want to take the plunge into the main Rivers series, then we would strongly advise going to the very first in the series. Aptly the first is entitled 'Rivers of London'. If you are not bothered by a couple of spoilers, please just jump in and enjoy this little gem and masterpiece.

Want to buy a copy?

If you'd like a copy of What Abigail Did That Summer to add some foxy and faye hijinks into your life, then please do support your local bookshop first, and send your own posse of foxes to check it out and buy it for you!

The Rivers of London series is published by Gollancz. A link to their website can be found HERE.

So, until next time, we wish you a genus loci free week!

Me catching up on some sleep. We have red lighting to help Mrs H.




If any publishers, agents or authors wish us to review their books, please do get in touch. Details are listed in our book review page.



  1. That was a great review, Erin. I really want to get this book now!

    1. I honestly, paw on heart, do not think any of theseries of Rivers books will disappoint you. Certainly dip your toe into the series here, maybe the audio of this and or the first Rivers of London book, too. And they are for us at least extremely addictive.

  2. That really does sound like a good read sweet Princess, thanks for telling us about it!

    1. I hope one day you'l have a chance to read or listen to the Rivers of London series. Well worth an Audible copy for certain.

  3. I enjoyed it this novella and several others in "Tales from the Folly" which is a short story collection from the Rivers of London series.
    This is one of my top 10 favorite series, and I recommend it to everyone!

    1. Excellent, I am so pleased you have already found this series, and rate it in your top ten. 'Tales from The Folly' was rather good, wasnt it. 'The October Man' was another brilliant novella. The joy I think for all of these novels, novellas, and graphic novels, is that they span quite an age range and garner interest from across genre, too. Not many series can do that and maintain quality. Do try the Audible, if you havent already, as the narration (by a single narrator playing all parts) is brilliant!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, that is my bed and double fleece Mrs H has taken over, MOL The lighting effect on the grey fleece is all from one red bulb, too.

  5. Great review! We love these kinds of stories! Mom is also a BIG Audio book fan, as it takes almost 2 hours to drive to the pet food store. Thanks for the terrific review. this is now on our reading list!

    1. I am so pleased you have added it. Please do add the first 'Rivers of London'novel, as the narration is done by a single person, and amazingly too. You will get the local dialect plus additional feel for the characters. Ben Aaronovitch said he used to write different characters with different accents, just to challenge Kobna Holdbrook-Smith to see if he could do it. Which he always manages to do, too! Excellent fun!

  6. Erin, that book sounds SO good! We loved your review, and we totally want to read this one!

    1. I am so pleased. It really is one of those series that just grows and gets better with each novel/novella. Like a TV series that you find one series in, and just have to go and play catch up on!
      As our friends at Eastside Cats mention, 'Tales from the Folly' is a great collection of short tales. Well worth a listen. The series has their Top Ten approval, also.
      Mrs H has said we can review Rivers of London, the first novel, soon, so do look out for it. Truly, the Audible audio book is brilliant, and adds quite another dimension to an already stunning creation. Mrs H says I need to stop going on!

  7. Oh, that sounds good, Erin. We think We would be interested in the whole series.

    1. It is a very entertaining series, and if you get Audible version you have the added bonus of Kobna Holdbrook-Smith narrating all the parts, which he does incredibly well. Eitherway they are great fun, and so very different.

  8. Sounds like a great book - and a wonderful series. The fox seals the deal for me!

    1. They do rather, don't they. Which is why I think the Audible would be the way to go, as the foxes are so endearing.
