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About Erin & Mrs H, and book reviews.

About Erin & Mrs H, and book reviews.

I, Erin (the cat, aka Princess, ME) is very much real. That's me in the pictures you see. I rule the roost and love nothing better than to nap, chase mice and the occaisonal bird that is slow enough. Mrs H (aka Mrs Hudson) is retired, and runs everything I do not, which, lets face it, is everything! But she doesnt mind. In fact, neither of us would have it any other way.

 Mrs H's passion is for reading and then sharing on our blog the adventures we read. Our passion is for, but are not limited to, Children's Middle-Grade books, Picture Books, or fun, more adult-oriented adventures like the Rivers of London series of novels and novellas. Books about or containing felines and other companions and creatures, talking or otherwise, are always welcome. Biographies not so.

Being ND, we love books that shine a light on people that are under-represented. It is so important these books recieve the publicity they deserve and reach as wide an audience as possible.

Mrs H is autistic, and she does sometimes get things wrong. Please therefore be patient. Meltdowns I can deal with, unconstructive critiscm not at all.

While this blog has a mixed age audience, we will not review books containing behaviour or language not suited to the book's age group, no matter the genre.

As we know only too well the time and vast effort and passion that goes into writing and publishing a story, we will not give a bad review, but decline to review a book we do not like. The reason: tastes vary so much it would be unfair of us to judge negatively. This situation has, however, never arisen. Books of a mature nature, will be flagged as such in our review.

Together we do our best to please, spread joy, laughter and promote the authors we review. If you would like to get in touch, about book reviews, please message us via Twitter.

Do bear in mind Mrs H is a slow reader, and I'm a slow listener and typist, so please give us plenty of notice.


Mrs H says insisted I need to mention that she is looking for an agent for her now complete MG adventure book, set in 1920's London and featuring a speaking cat called Erin and her ex-Army secret service spy called Mrs Hudson.

There have been so many taglines for this story as it has developed I have lost track. Suffice to say, think retired female secret agent antics and claws-out feline fun! There are troublesome kittens and a really nasty villain called Anders.Think Angela Lansbury's Miss Price meets Mary Poppins and you are right there.

It is rather exciting, ankle-bitting fun, with a great cast of human, feline and canines, and a human antagonist you'll love to hate! Did I mention the very upset tarantula? 


We can be found through Twitter at:

Erin the Literary Cat @ERINTHECAT1

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