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Sunday 16 July 2017

Gone astray!

This weeks post opens with Erin singing her own version of the Fern Kinny classic, to her peep, who is crying......

© ERIN THE CAT PRINCESS.BLOGSPOT.COM He walked into our life
And he took it over
But yes he's beautiful
Yes he's beautiful

I've been with better looking toms
He's been with prettier princesses
But friendships beautiful
Yes it's beautiful

I don't need love affairs any more
I can't have love affairs any more
Cant you see, its stray cat chemistry
You really must agree loves beautiful
Yes so beautiful

I was the rain, he the sun
But now we've built an understanding
I think peace is beautiful
It's so beautiful

I don't need love affairs any more
I can't have love affairs any more
Cant you see, its stray cat chemistry
You really must agree, life's beautiful
Saving life's beautiful

And if the whole world fell in love
Just like that tom and us
It would be beautiful
Oh it would be beautiful

The world don't need love affairs any more
No it don't need love affairs any more
Oh why can't you see it's the chemistry
And together we are beautiful

We are beautiful
Can't you see, it's the feline chemistry
Together cats and peeps are meant to be
We are beautiful
Yes its beautiful

He came into our life and changed it forever
But now he's gone the tears flow
Where he is I do not know
But life and love he leaves behind
And that is beautiful
Oh so beautiful......."

Come on peep, snap out of it!

You have to accept it. He couldn't hang around. It is the way of life, and tom cats, especially tom cats who still have their, you know, those dangly bits, the pompoms as it were that get them such a bad rep on the streets.

To have uncontrollable urges is terrible, a bit like me and mice or cream, though that isn't an addiction, and I don't leave a trail of pregnant moms in my wake, OK maybe a few body parts, but that is just life, and you can't take the mouse out the cat, now can you?

Hmm I can see that this isn't resonating with you. Well those urges are a bit like you and pizza, though in his case it lead to being thin and straying and fighting. Thankfully you only get fat, and don't go chasing other shoppers claws out down the clothes aisle for the best shoe offers!

Though I do think if you had a bit more vim and vigour you could shed a bit of that puppy fat..... a litter of twelve is it?

Now I know you thought he was cute fluffy and cuddly. And hungry and needy, and far from home and alone in his life. But you can't just go taking strays in willy nilly without having a plan and without telling me. I mean I do like to be involved in these things and not just  wake up one afternoon and find I've been invaded.

This whole affair gave me quite a complex, and the anxiety attacks were horrendous. I swear I've put on half a pound in cream.... er.... weight these last couple of months through comfort eating the nip mice I found in the cupboard. Ok eating the nip AND the mice I found in the cupboard.

Oh yes its been longer than you think and I did try to tell you he was breaking in, but did you listen to me? NO!

Did you see the signs of his late night visits and daytime raids on my pantry? The scraps of food strewn across the floor. NO! I mean you can't have thought that was, surely. A princess doesn't do that to her food. Well only the stuff that comes with its own transport system.

ALL you saw is what you thought was yours truly having a bit of a tantrum throwing  parties and stopping up late to watch TV. Well it may come as a surprise to you, peep, we DON'T have TV! What yours truly was doing was pulling in extra patrols and stopping up late watching cat flap TV.

Times are a changing. It used to be a Princess could leave her Palace flap open, but now seems like you just can't trust anyone. I suppose having an open door policy is just that, the good and the hungry!

Still, I can't be too hard on the lad. He was clean, and well spoken, when his mouth wasn't full that is.

And he did respect my distance and let me have my Palace in peace until I was out on patrol or out for the count.

I swear he must have seen my work schedule as we never bumped into each other. He would have made a perfect husband in the human sense, but most toms are like that. However he did have his uses, and kept the other local naives and young guns at bay, and there weren't any more late night parties to disturb the peace when he was about at two AM.

It was a bit like having a secret helper your own secret muscle cat, a freelance who you paid out of your own bowl, unwittingly.

And then of course you discovered him and realised he was in need. Well you thought he was in need I knew his needs were not what you thought or knew! Oh how naive you are ol' peep of mine. A tom is a tom is a tom, and they march to the beat of only one drum.... could be a tom-tom!

OK so that is a bad joke but it is the truth, and they do make the worst of parents, I should know.

He came in search of some comfort by way of food and a tickle and some more food, and clearly it was just fate that made him cross our path, and fate that made him eat us out of house and home.

I mean I don't mind, I didn't mind, but he didn't like anything that I liked so I did rather miss out on some of that extra special food you bought him.

And then there was the nip, and the cream.

Really? Really? I don't get that level of treatment and I own the place, and run it. Not that I am begrudging a lost soul the basics in life, but the premium nip from the Meowijuana™ stand at BlogPaws? Not even I've tried that stuff yet!

It did seem rather good, and judging by how much he guzzled straight from the pot, and sprinkled on his breakfast, post lunch snack, evening tea and then early morning pre-starter, I'd say it was the best nip ever!

In fact I'm really surprised he could walk in a straight line again, ever!

Come on now. Really what is all the fuss.... yes he was adorably cute and cuddly but he didn't belong here, and he had to go, permanently.

You did the right thing after all sending him on his way, sending him packing. Hard though it is to do, these things have to be done.

It's not cruel, to be kind. It's how the world works.

You were not turning your back on him either if that's what you think, nor would I ask you to do that. What you did was just an act of kindness to all concerned, and he won't bother anyone else ever again.

Doing nothing is sometimes the worst thing you can do, and whilst you may have enjoyed it, the company, the fact remained that a decision had to be taken.

I think putting any fellow creature in a cage is hard, and a betrayal of the trust that had built up between you, but these things had and have to be done.

I mean it's not as though anything bad was going to happen. And look how it turned out, peace and quiet and a good nights sleep for me.

So if you'd checked him with a chip scanner sooner, you'd have known he was living in temporary accommodation close by, and best of all, he has a home, and humans that love him, humans how now have him back again. So you see he wasn't really a stray, and never walked alone, well only at two AM and lets face it most decent peeps and most cats are in their beds at that time.

So there you have it, lessons to be learned, for sure, but a happy ending to a real life fairy tale romance.

Now look, ol' blubbery one, and by that I mean blubber of the tear kind and nothing to do with the blubber elsewhere, tears do not maketh the peep. Actions however do speak louder than sniffles, so get up and do something positive with this glorious morning.

The air is cool the sun is out and the birds are singing. What more could you ask, huh? OK so I'd be asking for a mouse to squeak, but we can't have everything in life. Though I dare say there's many a mouse that will be thankful for that.

First things first lets see if maybe we can help a real cat in need. A sister who has fallen on hard times, or whose peep has maybe not been able to care for their needs.

Next thing.... and some may say the order of the day, is get my breakfast!

A Princess has to eat you know. All this looking after tom cats and watching others scoff food at all hours of the day makes one pretty darn hungry.

What I want, I think, is a full English. Fried mouse with all the trimmings, including a cream sauce with a side of fresh Meowijuana™ nip, on everything.

I think maybe, for this coming month YOU, peep, can also take my night shifts too, after all I have some sleep to catch up on because of you.

Oh, and all those extra meals you managed to serve up for the stray, I think they can stay.

I really DO think they should...... don't you?

                                      ~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~

It's Sunday Selfie time!

Please join me now as we enter the Sunday Selfies hosted by the fantastic 

Kitties Blue: XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, and Cooper Murphy, from The Cat on My Head blog 

The Sunday selfies is a wonderful weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and shares stories and pictures for others to enjoy. 

Why not join the fun, by adding the code from our hosts, (a link is on their page) and posting your own selfie. It really is that easy.

We have a guest selfie this week, well a foursome selfie to be honest. 

The ladies of 'Hen House', a small cottage on the estate, have been wanting to do a selfie for ages. And since they threatened a sit-down strike and to go broody if I didn't, I thought best to let them have there way. 

Hildegard, on the far right, set the timer to 3 minutes which is apparently tradition with hens, and after much clucking around and saying "has it gone off yet?" they took this shot.

I do think it came out rather well done, don't you? 

To see what all our pals have been up to this week, please click the links/images below, and enjoy the HOP!


  1. I love the selfie! The hens are totally priceless.

    I'm glad your visitor has a home, although I think your peep will miss his friend. He was a good cat.

    Happy Sunday Selfie Erin!!

    The Dash Kitten Crew

    1. Thanks, I know the Hens will appreciate you saying so, they do their best with only a short amount of time in their busy schedule. Yes our guest will be as much missed as the volume of food he ate. MOL namely a lot. He taught us a thing or too about acceptance and love and compassion. Lessons well learned I say.
      Purrs. ERin

  2. Purrs that he is now safe and loved. This is the best of all outcomes.
    Thanks so much Erin fur coming to our pawty! What fun we had
    Timmy, Toby, Miss Fitz, Mr Buttons

    1. Hi Timmy. It was great fun, and the spread of food, even being as late as I was, was a sheer delight, and a feast for the eyes, whiskers nose and palette.
      Purrs. Erin

  3. Erin you outdid yourself in your selfie! How beautiful your royal furs are!
    We are glad your visitor made it home!!!

    1. Thank you. I tries to look my best, and spend a lot longer than the ladies at Hen House do, but then to be fair they have only get three minutes per egg. MOL

  4. Well that's sure sad and happy at the same time, but a home is a home, even if it isn't as good as yours Princess Erin.

    1. Yes life throws some strange circumstances and stories to be told. One thing for sure it has changed our lives for the better.!
      Purrs. ERin

  5. gosh well it was fun while it last with your visitor.The hens are looking in fine form,xx Speedy

    1. Hi Speedy. Yup he was quite an interesting visitor to the Palace, and not entirely unlike either, for all his bad timing. MOL
      Purrs. ERin
      PS The hens are back to laying eggs now and thank you very much for your comment!

  6. It was the best of was the worst of times...A very entertaining story to say the least and while parting can be such sweet sorrow (for the peeps anyhow) we are glad your visitor is back to his own home, safe and sound. Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

    1. Yes, strange how reality can be stranger and more interesting than a writers pen can forge. Alls well that ends well, as the great cat bard once mewed.
      Purrs. ERin

  7. How does it feel to have your palace all to yourself again, Erin? I'm glad to hear that the tom was mostly respectful to Your Highness, even though he did get some of the nip. I'm glad that he is not homeless & I bet he'll be fur-ever grateful for the generosity of you & your peep. I bet the tom has a pinup of you, Erin, on the wall in his kitty den. Winks. -Valentine (& Mom)

    1. HI Valentine, you are a sweetheart to be be worried for me. It is somewhat a relief not to have a rough visitor visting at all hours. Polite though he was, it wears a bit thin after a while and one gets little enough sleep as it is what with baby sitting my retired peep, I'm sure you understand.

      I wonder, do you think I should have given him my signed picture? I have a couple, for special guests, royalty and the like, but this guy was travelling and I doubt if he had more than a litter tray and carrier to his name.... Oh well, if someone is happier for knowing me then my work is done.
      Gentle sweet purrs.
      ERin TCP

    2. No worries. With or without a photo of you, how could he ever forget a princess?! He'll always remember your beauty and grace. Kisses. -Valentine (& Mom)

  8. I am glad your visitor has a home, but why wasn't he fixed? If his family didn't get him fixed then they are not very good. I can see why your peep is sad though. When I took Emmy to the vet to get her checked for a chip, I would have been devastated if she had one. XO

    1. Yes that is a question we all asked. I think people consider it wrong to neuter or maybe just the money? But he still was no happier and looked worse for it.
      Purrs. ERin

  9. Mee-you Hildegard an thee other Lady Chickss are berry purrty!!! Who KNEW chick-henss could take Selfiess ERin???
    Now on to yur bloggie post...Oh mee KAT this iss thee BEST post mee has red frum you! Good fur tellin it like it iss...yur Mumma iss a softie touch. Mee had a mee-yow with LadyMum when mee ferst moved inn an told her NO xtra katss aloud here. Iss one fing to raise $money$ fur our Feral Kat Rescue an doe-nate towelss an blanketss butt no strayss feralss aloud here!!!
    Mee hopess yur Mumma getss over her sadsss...
    **Nose kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

    1. Thank you from the Lady Chicks, they had fun working out the timer I can tell you. YThank you I am glad you enjoyed out account and yes, sometimes you do have to tell it how it is, for their own sake... and for my cream supply too. MOLPurrs and head bumps.

  10. I am glad your visitor did have a home even though the peep is going to miss him. The hens did a very good job of their selfie.

    1. Thank you, yes it is good he did, though I do hope they snip off the dangly bits. MOL The hen girls were quite impressed with the results too and are thinking of doing a movie next MOL

  11. Oh my mouses no! Do you mean to say that that visitor-you-thought-might-be-your-long-lost-brother actually has had a home all this time? You think he might ever come back to visit? purrs

    1. Yup, turns out he was staying with relatives in the next village, taking in the sites and meals of the area until his peeps got their new rental sorted. A long lost brother would have been very nice, or a sister. Hey ho such is life....
      Purrs. Erin

  12. Love the hen seflie, Erin! Though they are not as cute as you. It's for the best that the tom got sent back to his home. No telling what he might have done to your castle in the long run. :)

    1. Thank you on behalf of the hens, and I. Oh my, yes, having a man cat about the place would cause havoc with my sleeping arrangements not to mention the extra floof I'd have to get peep to try and vacuum up!
      Then theres all the extra food, not to mention my cream supply! No, best he has his own bachelor pad until he has the OP!
      Purrs. ERin

  13. Those ladies sure are adorable! And I'm so happy your little visitor got back home safe and sound.

    1. Thank you, I know they will be pleased, and will be toast of the village. Purrs ERin

  14. We bet your staff must miss the kitty, but he did such a great thing and now he's home. You guys are just pawesome. And most important, the palace is all yours again!

    1. Parting is sweet sorry, for sure but better with his family as he has one, as they will have missed him loads more as he is so adorable. And yes the Palace is all mine again though I am keeping tabs on who is coming in and out.

  15. Well, it sounds like you have everything under control. Thank goodness. I am glad that everyone is okay. Sometimes the story can be sad, but I do like when it ends well. Hugs.

    1. Yes a good ending, all things considered, and better than many a stray and tom cat would have, for sure.

  16. Lady Shasta here - Hey there Princess Erin. So glad your vizitor haz a home with good keeperz fer him. Tom wuz a good vizitor wuzn't he even if he did git sum speshal treatment fer a bit. Butt u wuz lucky - Tom WUZ a vizitor - an'now with your keeper'z help, Tom haz gone home. Well MY keeper, who did not even ask fer my opinion, d-sided WE needed 2 provide a home fer ANUTHER doggy! I think u met her - Miss Maizie. She iz still a bit of young whippersnapper at almost 11 monthz an'haz ZERO respect fer her elderz, mainly me! Ain't worried'bout respect fer my keeper - that'z her problem - my keeper brought her home, NOT me! I just don't know what 2 do.

    1. HI. I do think you will need to take this young lady under your wing as it were, and your peep I am sure will want to ensure the status quo is maintained, and will help you with Miss Maizie's training and social etiquette classes...
      Over in the cat world a smackie paw session would be required if the youngster got out of hand, or a nip or two or three. MOL I'm sure you will be OK
      Purrs. ERin

  17. Great selfies and we are glad your visitor has gone!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Thank you, the ladies will appreciate that and hoping to get audition for the next Chicken Run movie!
      Maybe not, huh?

  18. The extra meals are the LEAST your human could do after upsetting your world! I am glad though, that the "tom" DOES in fact have a home! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Extra food should always be on the menu, I mean I can have mouse 24/7 so why not nip and cream? Yup the lad should be home in the loving arms of his family, which is excellent news, plus he's not eating my NIP!
      Win Win really. MOL

  19. Would that be Hildegarde de Bingen? ;p

    Great selfies, chickens! We are glad your gallavanting friend has a family :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Oooh now I'm not sure, but she is very religious about her egg laying. MOL Yes , my visitor is homeward bound I hope, and to a life without my nip! MOL
      Purrs. ERin

  20. We hope that Tom has headed home...where he is being well taken care of. And that guest selfie?? Now we're hungry!!

    1. Yup me too, and where I hope they'll be looking after those pompoms too. MOL
      I'll not mention your last comment to the ladies.... they're tough old birds so won't be too upset, but might take umbrage and stop laying !
      Purrs, ERin

  21. Your poor Peep ... he gave his heart ... surely you can understand that, Erin? He's the most incredible man I've ever met - and as much as you like to make fun of him - you are on the receiving end of that kind of love from him all the time. Time to show him how much you appreciate him. Maybe remind him that there's a cat out there with his name on its heart ... and it's just a matter of time?!?

    1. Now theres the rub, I don't get that sort of extra TLC, even at weekends. Nor do i get all that extra food and cream, not forgetting the Nip. I bring mice, rabbits and rats, and they get rejected, what more can do, force feed them to the peep? Anyways alls well that ends well, as the bard once said or possibly thrice.

  22. Thank you, the ladies spent ages primping and preening, and ages deciding who would sit where! I think it worked out well, and will be pinning a copy up for they in the Hen House.
    Purrs. ERin

  23. OMCowkittiness, that non-stray reminded us to our Stranger, who acted like he was homeless too...and we all walked into that trap. I think they are all actors, Erin, we have to keep an eye open. Anyway, you have made the greatest song out of if, how inspiring it all can be, huh..MOL :D
    It's nice that you let the hens do a Selfie, but you better be in control next time to snap that Selfie for them :D Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead with lots of mice and cream...or vice versa :) <3

    1. HI Binky, yup the tom sure did lead us astray as it were. But then he never really said anything, just smiled and looked so unloved and unkept. Hoping his parents get him the op so he can stop wandering and being so unsettled.
      Ah the Hens really did like doing the selfie but next time they said they want a movie roll! Me thinks that will have to lay a lot of eggs to pay for that flight! MOL

  24. Oh ERin, sounds like ya'll had some real innerestin' times 'round there. A tom's been visitin', huh? We're glad to hear he has a purropurr home and all. Altho' ifin he's runnin' 'round at 2 a.m. dinin' out, one has to wonder 'bout just how purropurr said home is. We do hope your peep got those nether bits removed vefur returnin' him to his less than home. Least now, maybe he'll stay home and not be botherin' you anymore. We do unnerstand how attached our peeps can get to just 'bout any kitty dat crosses their path. You'd think we weren't enuff. Alas, we're just glad all is well at da palace again, and you still reign. big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Alas we couldn't have him done as he had a home, but had he not he would have had an all expenses paid day trip and then found a loving home to recover in. Ah, yes its good to have the Palace back to normal again, but I do have to take extra care of checking visitors, sort of Homepalace Security team. MOL
      Have a wonderful week.

  25. Thank Cod everything worked out for your visitor, Erin, and that he does have a home! Oh and those hens sure do know how to take a great selfie. :)

    1. Yes it was probably the best outcome for the lad, well that and having the snip, I hope. I shall congratulate the ladies, who knows they may make a repeat showing at some point... assuming they can decide who gets to press the timer. MOL

  26. I'm glad your visitor has a home, Erin! Now be a sweetie and purr and rub all over your peep to show how much you love him. And oh my, those are some mighty fine looking hens! They take a great selfie.

    1. Yes me too, and whilst he really was very nice, the Palace just couldn't have him eating us out of cream and nip! Thank you, I trained them hens myself you know. But the problem is it takes ages for them to get ready then just before they press the timer one has to go lay an egg and it all starts again!
