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Sunday 2 July 2017

Le Cats 30!

The life of a princess, is one that demands order. Also respect and much food and cream as one can scoff... er... politely eat, with all due social etiquette.

The last thing this princess needs is to come home and find not only chaos where once there was tranquillity, but also an interloper!

Yup, either one of these things would be enough to floor the most conscientious for cats, and send them running for a draught of nip beer.

It all started just the other day.......

Hi yer dude, whats going down! Or in case you, ol' peep are not hanging with the chill crowd, and dig my lingo.... what are you doing?


Moving what and where to? I don't recall you saying you're moving out? It wasn't in the last budget meeting! I mean you just can't go doing that sort of thing without telling me!

There are things to do, like rent out your bed space, part time rental of course. I do have first dibs on all the comfy bits especially that hollow around the middle.

Whats that peep, you not moving you, just moving the bed. What, MY bed. You can't do that I......

OK, so you can do that, but why? I had just got that sun puddle how I like it, and heaven knows they are hard to find in this country.

And what about all my jumping off points, huh? I mean you wouldn't have this sort of thing going on at an airport! can you imagine the chaos it would cause. I mean we cats have these things calculated to the catzillienth of a degree to allow for the intelligence of... sorry I meant thickness of the landing area, not to mention the flab... er... springiness and surface resistance.

With one fell act you have ruined my day. No really I think I may have to have a lie down....

Erm, peep, what you actually do with the bed? I mean all I can see is this humongous pile of paperwork old clothes and... ooh, would you look at that! Last time I saw that nip mouse was when I was practicing for the world famous Le Cats 30.

Whats that peep, ol' acceleration challenged one, you mean you've never heard of Le Cats! The Le Cats 30!



I mean it is famed around the globe, and beyond, I hear tell.

In fact every cat aspires to be in Le Cats 30. We all undertake rigorous practice sessions to reach the pinnacle of feline excellence and performance. And whilst we all may never be called to enter that great race, if the time comes or if a circumstance demands, we use this training for the good of others, for peeps. Mild mannered feline to hunter killer and protector in a flash!

Just look at Tara the Cat, whom saved her four year old peep from that hound! Yup, that is what it is all about, be it to help others, or self improvement, like yogurt is to you....

Whats that peep? YOGA you say, really?

I thought you always say that this yogurt improves your inner transit speed and well being, and you do tend to cogitate a lot in the bathroom.

Whats that?




Ooops, well moving on, this being a family blog and all, its like YOGA is to you. Meditation of the finer things like ones claws and fur, or spacial anomalies and their relation to why them nip mice keep vanishing. That sort of thing, and it keeps us cats keen and ready.

Hmm, clearly this isn't actually sinking in. What I need is an allergy... er... sorry, I meant an analogy to describe the whole thing.

Best I can come up with is.....

****** Some 30 minutes later........ ******

Well I thought the parable of the cat carrying the old mouse on it's head, across a river of cream, was way better than your peep version, I mean who'd believe one called The Wacky Races, that was on Tv last night!

OK, so mine it doesn't really relate to speed, but it is all about the mind set. A whole life ethos and a dedication to the purity of Le Nap and being as one and should the need arise, to serve a higher good.

What's that ol' snail like one?

WHAT? As though I would! That higher good I referred to was not... er...  would not, in a purely hypothetical context, have anything to do with your new stash of nip on the top shelf of the pantry, that mysteriously vanished last week.

What do you mean and the weeks before? I didn't have those, granted if I had known it was there I may have thought about it, but one bag is enough for this Princess. Erm.... That is speaking hypothetically, of course.

Anyway, I've spent the last thirty minutes trying to explain about the Le Cats 30, the whole ethos and legend and all you can come up with is a blank freckled face!

Surely this means something to you, peep, rings some sort of bell? I mean I have been known to undertake full training sessions around this very Palace itself. Though as I'm in peak physical performance and a regular hunter, I usual don't overdo my training, quick bursts are all that's needed, between naps that is.



Oh well, I do think I'm wasting my time around here..... Anyone would think all you saw was us having a mad half hour!

After all it stands to reason a cat doesn't waste energy and nap time on stupid games.... I mean who'd be thinking a thing like that?



                                                          ~~~~~~ Le Fin ~~~~~~

It's Sunday Selfie time!

Please join me now as we enter the Sunday Selfies hosted by the fantastic 

Kitties Blue: XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, and Cooper Murphy, from The Cat on My Head blog 

The Sunday selfies is a wonderful weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and shares stories and pictures for others to enjoy. 

Why not join the fun, by adding the code from our hosts, (a link is on their page) and posting your own selfie. It really is that easy.

This weeks selfie shows yours truly doing some housework.

Yup, there is no limit to the skills a Princess has to master, and polishing the window ledge takes a lot of practice. Indeed, get the surface to the right temperature is quite tricky and one really does need a sunpuddle to ensure even heat distribution throughout the whole process. This, I am relieved to say, is not something the peep undertakes!

To see what all our pals have been up to this week, please click the links/images below, and enjoy the HOP!


  1. Erin our dear princess we really enjoy telling the kits about that cat carrying that creaky old mouse across the cream river to keep them from... oh... I am getting off track here. Being a bit older I don't do my Le-Cat 30 training as often but I do. It will be needed this week as the booms have been out nightly and Dad says will continue all week. Now you would think I run UTC but no we all run into where Dad is as he is the ultimate protector. Second to my mighty claws that is... Meow...
    Purrs my friends
    Happy Canada Day
    Timmy, Dad and Family

    1. You can't keep a good cat down, as they say. Great that your peep is there come the 4th. I reckon my peep would be under the bed with me. MOL
      Have a lovely quiet week.

  2. You really do look quite comfy Princess and we're not big fans of moving anything here!

    1. Hi Brian, yup that ledge was just the perfect place to conduct my polishing exercises. Now all I need is to get it padded and extra sun puddles to come by and I'll be set. Better still if the peep will put MY bed back where it was that would be brilliant!

  3. You are blissfull purrfeckshun ERin Purrincess kat!! An yur Selfiess are beeuteefull...LadyMum sayss shee wantss to *kiss* yur cute nose! Mee told her shee must ask Purrmisshun ;)
    Have a wunderfull week an mee hopess you find that sun puddle!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

    1. Ooh, well as your peep asked, Permission Granted. Kiss away! But you'll need to do it when nobody's looking else everyone will want to, and I don't want my nose chapping. MOL
      Purrs and head bumps. ERin

  4. Oh yes, I can see you are working your paws to the bone cleaning that window! You have managed to take a lovely selfie whilst doing it.

    1. Hi. Thank you, the joys of the Palace indoor security camera means I can get to take a selfie whilst on the job. Of course I do have to sensor some of the none family friendly scenes ;)
      Purrs, ERin

  5. Wow- a multi-tasking selfie!!! Cleaning AND doing a're amazing.
    The Florida Furkids

    1. Now I wouldn't go as far as that.... OK I would, but it is part of my job description and I do try to be on top of all my tasks.. especially the mouse management side of things. MOL

  6. Erin, you are so skinny and svelte. How does your mama keep you in such good form? Lovely figgah.

    Tell me the secrets so mama can help me lose a

    1. Oooh, thank you for the compliment. Tell your peep to feed you mice and sparrows and a special vitamin supplement (derived from cream and nip treats) and you too can be like me ;)
      Purrs, ERin

  7. Moving your bed??? Humans just don't think these things through, do they?

    1. I know, they move big things they shouldn't just like that, but ask them to move something for a small defenceless helpless kitty, like cream and treats and it's way too much of a problem!

  8. What the mouses does your peep think he's doin', movin' your bed? DOES HE HAVE NO RESPECT? MOUSES!

    1. No respect what so ever! Either that or they didn't cover bed moving in the Retirement for Dummies book I got the peep?!

  9. Great selfie Erin. I am sure you could teach the peep some yoga moves, cats are yoga experts. Have a nice week!

    1. Oh I dare say. Trouble is the peep is liable to seize up trying some of mine, except the snoozing move which being retired has meant peep is getting way too much practice at. MOL

  10. Is he allowed to move stuff without your purmission, Princess ERin?

    1. Well, I had thought not, but I'm guessing that part of the retirement training course has happened yet. MOL
      Purrs, ERin

  11. We like how you are cleaning that ledge, Erin. You clean it without moving a muscle. ;) Nice selfie!

    1. MOL, Its like a Swan moving, calm above the surface and a flurry of furry cleaning activity under. ;)

  12. Oooh, thank you. If you ever need to come and practice polishing skills, I have loads more that need doing, just saying. MOL

  13. That's my kind of housework!

    Purrs xx

    1. Hehehe, definitely the only sort of housework I'm prepared to do, bar cleaning the cream bowl. MOL
      Purrs. ERin

  14. Princess Erin you always take the most beautiful selfies!!!

    1. Thank you, I do try but sometimes I have to do them whilst I'm working, else things just wouldn't get done. MOL

  15. ERin.....look at ewe N yur gorgeouz selfee thiz week.....and yea, yur dad haz sum kinda nerve moovin de bed; spesh a lee sinz he did sew with out askin purrmizzion......he could be fined for that act oh grozz miss conduct.......we think purrhapz two avoid said fine; him owez ewe 19,022 bottlez oh cream....noe, make that 819,022 bottlez ~~~~ ♥♥ happee week a head ☺☺

    1. Hi guys. Thank you for your support, I shall be bringing peep up on charges later tonight, about supper time in fact. MOL
      Now as to this fine, I shall instruct peep to pay up forthwith, but not all at once in case it goes off. I sure as heck don't want to get rid of that much cream and the Kraken won't want me pouring it into the moat either as it'll put her supper right off delivering the mail. MOL
      Purrs for a great week.

  16. Your Window cleaning Selfies are so shiny, Erin and all of that without moving a paw😹 My favourite yoga pose is the final relaxation, can work on that for hours😹😹. Pawkisses for a happy day and make sure you get back your bed🌞❤

    1. A polished performance you might say! MOL I shall have to do more practice at the relaxation yoga position, after I've finished my house work of course. MOL
      Purrs and paw kisses. Erin

  17. I bet you would be a top competitor in The Le Cats 30 & I bet you would be named princess of the ceremonies! So if the peep is moving your bed, maybe that means he's having delivered a new princess throne for you?! -Valentine (& Mom)

    1. Ooh, now that would be an honour in deed. Maybe if you were one of the competitors, I could give you my favour to carry around? Now a new throne would be a delight, but I best not say too much just in case the peep is getting it for my Christmas present. I know how pleased they get when they manage to keep a surprise, though frankly I think a chair shaped gift wrapped object would be a bit of a giveaway. MOL
      Purrs and head bumps. ERin TCP

  18. We luv all your fotos Erin. You look so purretty. As fur dat movin' stuffs, our mommy seems to always have to rearrange somethin'. We swear, she's never happy. Y, Just da other day she moved a whole table and shelf full of stuffs. She says it keeps us on our toes and helps to make what's old, new again. Good luck. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Thank you all, you seem to have it way worse than I. My peep usually only does this sort of thing rarely, and then only when I need more room for my stuff. This time was completely random and in fact apparently once things have been cleared out it will revert back to how it was! Peeps, huh, I swear they just don't know what they want and make work for works sake.
      Purrs and head bumps. ERin

  19. Hmmmmmmm Our comment disappeared without sayin' it would post later. We think this happened last time too.? Anyways, we'll just say, we think you look just gaejus. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Thank you all. I tries my best to keep up with my fellow fine felines, like yourselves. All messages received AOK.
      Gentle purrs. Erin

  20. Erin Darling! You are a true Royal! Nellie did NOT mind the moving - hither and yon, but once she settled she HATED it when any furniture was moved! She would yell at me for days and often I would end up moving it back just to stop the very loud Siamese yelling!
    You look great on your your window seat!
    Love Barb

    1. Hi Barb. I think I have been most put out by this move because of the lack of sun puddles and views to see my public coming to greet me. And I do think the wool duvet isn't as comfy now either. MOL Yes the window seat is well polished now, but there is always room to improve, so I carry on practicing!
      Purrs, ERin

  21. At my house we love seeing stuff moved around. I know, that might be unusual for most cats, but not us. Change means adventure. As always you are a photogenic Princess!
    Purrs! Herman!!!

    1. HI Herman *Waves* I like adventures, but seems like any change here is just chaos and means yet more of peeps clutter comes to the fore. Now for once it would be nice if we discovered something grand rather than just dirty stockings. MOL

  22. Hello! We discovered your blog through Summer and wanted to stop and say hello. We are four Abyssinian cats, one English Springer Spaniel dog ad two very large Percheron horses who live in France! We look forward to getting to know you!

    1. Hello, how lovely to meet you, too. It is always fun to greet visitors to our little Palace. Please feel free to come by whenever you fancy, my drawbridge is always down and there is food, and mice when in season, for all.
      Purrs, ERin

  23. What the heck?!?! Staff is only supposed to move your furniture at your behest! I mean, you don't see the mailmen stopping twenty feet short of the moat due to the Kraken do you? Nothing can change without your say so! Perhaps you'd receive the proper deference if you had a crown and scepter? Yeah. Didn't work for me either :) ~Bear Cat

    1. Hmm the sceptre idea sounds great, I could use that to wallop the peep on the head when gets out of line. MOL
      I do need to get the staff better trained, don't I, I mean after all who is that pays the bills?! OK so maybe that isn't the best example, but if the peep paid me what I ought to be paid then I would pay the bill. MOL
      Purrs, ERin

  24. Yoga? It is meant to be good for you, makes you flexible, they say!

    1. Apparently it is, well for us cats at least. I fear the peep doing yoga will just result in a trip to hospital. MOL
      Purrs, ERin
