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Sunday 3 September 2017

The Mousarach

Note to the reader:-  

Thank you for joining us again for a Fly on the wall insight into the daily lives of ordinary folk, and Princesses. September is the time for hiring new staff at the Palace, in what has come to be called the  Mousarach, (pronounced moo-sar-ach) a name I'm told literally translates from the little used tongue of Garlic, as 'serving of the food staff'. Of course these days the duties do also include light household cleaning and participating in halloween parties. So please pull up seat by your fire, pour a nip liquor and join me now as Erin takes to the stage, and the Mousarach begins..... 

Right, you 'orrible lot!

You are gathered here to start your on the job training to become part of the elite Palace staff.  Staff whose task it is to run in the background and keep the place free from some of the less desirable aspects of everyday life. Cleaning and pest control as it were, and also a bit of fun on the side.

I run a tight ship, well I would if the moat was a tad bigger, but till then it's a tight dingy!

And no sniggering in the back row!

Yes you with the brown coat, twitch and nose hair! I've got my eye on you, any more of that and you'll be out, tail between your legs!

There'll be no slacking on my watch. Everything has to be in its place, and no slack rope or knots either. The watchwords are, if it's not being used to hang off or climb up or down, I want it neatly spiralled up and out the way.

And don't give me any of that, "Well I thought it would be ok stuck in a corner till later" nonsense. Wherever and whatever it is, it will be neat and tidy I don't want things gathering dust unless they have permission to!

This Palace prides itself in being authentic and that means the staff too. Even the woodworm is genuine so don't go getting any ideas about exterminating those little guys, as I was lucky to get them and they don't come cheap.

Interestingly enough, Scottish worms are the best to have for the authentically chewed furniture look without the crunch. Yup, the worm salesman said they're so miserly they don't eat a lot.

Anyways, no expense has been spared for those guys, I've even had to have a special diet flown in from Scotland, seasoned highland tossing caber. Great stuff and one lasts for years and stops them from eating the proper stuff. Nothing worse than having pals round for a game of Cats Cradle and finding the cat tree collapses on you.

Now where was I?

Oh yes, do I make myself clear?



You in the front row, stop shuffling those feat, and look at me when I'm talking to you!

You are?

Oh sorry, difficult to tell with you guys... you are a guy, aren't you? You all look the same to me.

Anyways, you recruits have been split into two sections. Section M, as I call you, will be doing the undercover work as it were, tunnels attics and secret passages. You other lot will be Section S, the high level duties, and abseiling team.

You will all be assigned a position requisite to your size and ability and I expect you to be there day and night. The peep does spot checks nightly, and you'll be you overboard, washed up or ejected from the nearest portal if you are found wanting or somewhere you shouldn't be, especially if you use the private bathrooms and kitchens!

Nothing worse for the peep's blood pressure than finding you in the bath on a dark winters evening. You only get to use them when we have guests, and then only when under orders to frighten them, such as Halloween and thundery nights. Any other times you stick to your posts and only speak when spoken to.

Oh, and no fighting in the corridors during working hours. Nothing worse than finding bodies everywhere especially if I haven't made them. If you have to do that sort of thing, or... ahem.... family planning issues, then the potting shed is the place.

As to time off, well there is none, but there will be plenty of moments when you can rest easy and soak in the sun, or the dark dependant on whether you like that sort of thing.

Right, now is the time to speak up if you can't cut it. There is no prize for getting through this, but let me assure you I'll tear you off a strip and feed you to the vultures if you fail!

OK slight exaggeration as we haven't got any of those, but we do have some hens and they can get really temperamental around tea time!

Succeed today and you will get to live a life of adventure and dine off the finest food. There will be highs and lows for sure, but then this is a cruel world and the Palace is no playground, except for peeps ball pit in the West wing tower.

So as they say, if you can't stand the heat damp and stinky mouldy green cheese that somehow got lost under the work surface last Christmas, then get out of my kitchen!

Seconds later and much running of feet........

Hmm.... OK, so maybe that introduction was a bit harsh but nice to see some of you have hung around.

Right, Section M staff, when we've finished up here you two can break for a meal. The cheese and biscuits are over there by the chair on the floor, oh and if you can tidy up any crumbs too that would be great start. And once you are done you can head off on your first task, which is to basically get lost around the Palace. And mind the booby traps, I don't want to lose any staff on the first shift! I will come around and try to find you once I have finished with Section S.

OK. Section S staff, your task is to scale the steep, and sometimes slippery surfaces to reach the farthest corners of the Palace and make sure all undesirables get caught. Summer is definitely the worst time for the unwanted getting in through open windows and doors, so I will be expecting good figures from you each week. BUT there will be no getting fat off the land and stopping working, no ma'am.  What you catch needs to be inventoried for digestion later when things are slack, like the winter months.

Those of you assigned to bathroom duties will be dropped off, one per bathroom, and will be expected to familiarise yours with your surroundings before taking up residence in your designated cubby hole. Also at some point you will need to complete your on site practical assessment in abseiling steep slippery surfaces. So I suggest you start on the small beginner heights and slopes and then work up to the higher one after in the afternoon when the guests are out.

Big pointer for you, on these practice runs a chain will be left down should you get stuck, but it does stop short of the top so you will have to make the last bit yourselves. It's not far and usually is quite dry going.

And one more thing, it's cleaning day on Tuesdays, so make yourselves and your stuff scarce else you'll get sucked into the whole dusting game.

Right off you go, and remember, be safe out there!

****** Erin sighs, and looks at the new staff running from the Great Hall******

I do love a good Mousarach hiring. Warms the cockles of the heart it does, and so nice to hear the patter of little feet once more. I just can't wait till Christmas!

Now if I give the Mouse Section and the Spider Section a few weeks to get settled in and get the families going, I should have enough staff by December to do all the cleaning of crumbs, and decorations for the Christmas Celebrations. If I'm lucky there may even be some left come Easter!

Right, I best head off and see whether I can get someone silly enough to shift that festering cheese out the kitchens...... I wonder who?

What ho peep, fancy some cheese with those crackers? You do? Oooh well have I got a surprise for you. Here take this clothes peg and this mask and it's all yours.....

                                                      ~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~


  1. Erin dear Princess that is some Moose-Reach if there ever was. Not sure they will make it very far into the year there may be a very steep drop off during and after Halloween and Thank-the-Giving.
    Timmy Tips his paw to the Princess
    Timmy and Family

    1. Hi Timmy, yes those are difficult times for the staff but I am confident that with a bit of family planning in the shed will keep numbers up till spring....
      Toodle pip and purrs

  2. Your selfie is most wonderful dear Princess! I think you need to crack down on the staff, they don't seem to have enough to keep them occupied MOL!

    1. Yes, you noticed that too. I will give them a weeks grace then come down hard on them if they are not up to snuff.
      Toodle pip and purrs

  3. Supervising such diverse staff is hard work, Erin. We sure hope that works out. And, um, did your peep help out with that festering cheese???

    We love your handy selfie!

    1. No such luck on the cheese front, the wimp said something about breathing apparatus and health and safety! Yes a Princess has to be able to deal with many sorts in day to day life, some more appetising than others MOL
      Toodle pip and purrs

  4. Yur definitelee thee Captainess of yur Cassel umm Ship there ERin!!!
    Yur amazin!
    An yur selfie iss so sweet an purrty...
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

    1. Thank you, the good Ship Palace has a firm paw at the rudder, even if we do just go around in circles MOL
      Gentle purrs and head rubs

  5. The spider and mouse just freaked my mum out!

    Nice selfie of you though Erin :)

    Purrs xx

    1. Oh heck, sorry I didn't mean to upset. Rest assured these are fully trained non scary staff members (hence the hat) and there to assist should you need.
      Gentle purrs

  6. I'm surprised that a princess has to work so hard to supervise staff. Would've thought you'd have some kind of butler or some such to take care of that. But at least you still had time for a nice selfie. Please ship the hand to Real Cat Paisley when convenient. :)

    1. Well, the butler does the day to day staff management but I like to Lead by example, give a firm but rousing intro, then have a nap. MOL Yup I will have the hand passed on ASAP as currently standing in for one from the clock the has been called away.
      Toodle pip and purrs

  7. Ummmm, Erin? Your Highness? Woshipfulness? Butlerness? You seem to have a little confusion going on there, between joining the army and running a household. Just sayin.....

    The Chans

    1. Hmm, do you think maybe I was too polite? Oh well I did end up with some good recruits who are settling in quite well to their new tasks. In fact just yesterday I had a great chase with a spider across the great hall. Very invigorating for us both.
      Toodle pip and purrs

  8. We love your selfie!
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

    1. Thank you, yours too, you always have the best pictures any chance if I send the 'hand' round you could show it what to do?
      Toodle pip and purrs

  9. WOW! We didn't realize how hard it is to be a marvelous princess--it must be exhausting bossing everyone around! And why must you deal with such ineptitude!? We feel for you--Amarula has offered to send Frodo and Zulu if you need more staff!

    1. Gosh you don't know the half of what happens, it is such a strain. Well they will be most welcome to come and then I can get rid of the peep for a bit when they arrive... will be lovely to have some decent conversation.

  10. Your selfie is adorable. I had no idea woodworms were so hard to come by, but then again, I have never seen one :)

    1. Reclusive critters and took a lot of persuading I can tell you, and very very fussy eaters too. Which is why only stately homes tend to have them....
      Toodle pip and purrs

  11. With everything you've got going on you've surely earned yourself a well-deserved sun puddle catnap :)

    1. Thank you, it is nice to be appreciated and I shall have another nap to show my thanks.
      Toodle-oo and purrs

  12. Oh my mouses! Peep #1 was was all excited 'bout these secret passages of yours until....




    1. Ah well there's adventures to be had around this palace, and not all them spiders are friendly. The ones to ask are those with the Palace uniform on, any others are intruders who will likely over charge you for admission and general frightening MOL
      Toodle pip

  13. Your selfie looks bunches like ours this week, Erin!
    Jakey & Arty

    1. HI guys, yes they do rather don't they. I think yours is nicer though and love it in black and white, very tux-esque!

  14. Thank you, that hand needed just a little more fur on it to be super snuggly.

  15. Lovely selfie, Erin, you look so relaxed. You must have been exhausted having to deal with staff issues. Whew!
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red

    1. These things do take their toll on a working girl, as I am not really that hard, a real pussy cat the peep says. MOL Toodle pip and purrs

  16. Wow, Erin. You really are tough with the staff! That's an adorable selfie, too.

    1. Now I didn't want them labouring under the wrong impression MOL Get them off on the right feet and I should be able to leave the rest to the peep to handle.... on second thoughts I think I'll handle the mice as that is my area of expertise!
      Toodle pip

  17. Well, you had me until the spiders showed up. Grizelda will eat them though. *wink*

    1. Almost got you! The spiders always give the game away, what with hanging around in dark corners up to no good MOL

  18. MeOW ERin, you do run a tight ship. We'd like to have a little staff too. But, mommy would panic and scream and lose all control ifin she ws to see a spider or a mouse. MOL As fur dat foto of you, well, as always you're lookin' just gawjus. enjoy your nap. big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Thank you both, Dezi and Raena, maybe a small one could sneak in and do part time work for you? It was a good nap but the hand needed to go off and do hand things so didn't last too long.
      Toodle pip and purrs

  19. ERin; yur selfeez total lee awesum lee gorgeouz; de section S iz freekin even uz out.....N we most lee like spiderz....N frank lee sectionz M'z werk sounds like FUN.....letz think bout de neet stuff inna attic ~~~~~~ oh kay, thinkinz done, snax time !!! ♥♥☺☺

    1. That is what Section M were thinking too which is why they gone AWOL at the moment... Just a glitch and I'll have them eating out of my paw in no time... Umm I meant to say I'll be eating them out of my paw! MOL

  20. I have plenty of possible new recruits for you here if you would like to round them up. I seem to be getting overrun since my Mighty Hunter now keeps them under control at the Bridge.
    That is a lovely comfy selfie.

    1. Oooh I say. It's great to know the Bridge is OK for mouse control. I'll send the daft one over to fetch them for my supper. I wonder if I sent an egg box, one of the dozen ones, we could get them to all sit nice and neat rather than running all over the car?
      Toodle pip and purrs

  21. ERIN!!!!!! That picture of you snuggling!!!! With your Peep's hand!!! I mean, it's a Princess's prerogative and all ... but it's super sweet too. We won't tell anyone.
    We'd love a job at your Palace ... even with your exacting standards :)

    1. Oh gosh no! I would never allow that in public!!! The truth is it was a stunt double mannequin hand, NOT real! I had to take it back the next day, but not before I my moneys worth as got it to point accusingly at the peep for not putting enough cream in my bowl. MOL

  22. Your Selfie with both...paws is super cute, Erin, don't ever ship that to anyone, as you might need it to worm...warm you up in Winter :D Extra Pawkisses for a mice week ahead :) <3

    1. I must confess this was a fake hand. Yup the peep was nowhere to be found so I had to hire in an artificial hand... can you believe it! Anyways the worm is staying here as premium tossing caber is way too expensive to post MOL

  23. Erin, your royalness, purrlease exercise extreme caution when hiring staff fur the palace, did mew get them to sign a 350 page confidentiality agreement should things not wurk out? And BTW don't furget to tell the kraken not to eat anypurrdy, mew know what she's like! MOL We just luffed all your pics today, totally epic fur sure!

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. Oh no! I forgot the bite, nibble and tell contract!!@!! Thanks for the paws up on that one. Eeek I DID forget. That could be why I've seen only ONE mouse this week.... Never mind, Flynn's mom is sending me a few in an egg box. Cheaper by the dozen they say
      Toodle pip and purrs

  24. I bet your castle is sparkly clean, princess just like you. I am impurr-essed at how you handle such a large staff with ease. Say, if you are still looking for someone to take care of the mold cheese, I can send the Basset Hound. She does guard duty for me in the yard & could do that for you, too. Mew Mew! Kisses!

    1. Ooh that is a wonderful idea, sounds like I won't need to pay her either! Well staff do need to handled firmly from from the start, else they'll just do their own thing. I will pass over responsibility for all the little bits and pieces to the pep once basic training is over.... the vacuum is easy to use and the bits ca be shaken out easily. MOL
      Hmm I think if you bring Bessie over for me, then she can act as personal body guard for us whilst we do a tour of the estate! Excellent. Valentine you are a floofy genius. Purrs and paw kisses
      PS If Bessie can open wine and order pizza there may well be an opening for her in the kitchens!

  25. That was from me, Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews.

    1. Twice in one night, you fine fellow but folks will start to talk and purr... but let them as a lady loves a Prince dressed in black floofiness.
      PS does Bessie do any dusting at all, as I have some banisters that her tail would be excellent for!

  26. Wow you are always working aren't you little one! What a perfect, hardworking princess!
