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Sunday 1 October 2017

And one and two,

And one and two, and one and two.....

Gotta keep up the reps, strengthen them muscles and burn that fat!

And stretch up and down, up and down...

Roll over and push and push and jump!

Yeah baby, looking Goooood! Lets burn that fat and fight that flab!

Not that I have much fat to burn, and I totally refute any claim that I have cream lovers handles!

Whats that peep? They're more cream labels you say! Well I don't think you can talk given the state of your wobbly bits!

Hmm you have lost a bit though I see, must be all that gardening, shopping, cleaning, decorating and building I had you do yesterday.

Anyways, I'm doing this because its important to keep fit in this cut and thrust world of modern mousing, a world when you are judged by results and it seems by the size of your.....

Whats that peep? I'm doing it for Valentine you say?


Oh that Valentine, oh my yes he is gorgeously floofi and quite the gentlecat and man about town. And I do want to look my best for our dinner date, whenever that may be. Tone up the old abs and stretch the muscles, just in case... well you know in case he asks me to.... you know!

You don't, I can tell from the glazed look on your face, and I don't mean from those funny reading glasses with springs on I got from the bargain shop last year.

You know just in case he asks me to..... do IT!

IT. What happy couples do when they get together. The apres meal as it were. Once the fine wine flows and we get the urge.

Look peep, come here and I'll whisper in your ear, I mean I know this is a family blog so we have to keep these sort of things away from the more sensitive reader....

****** Whispering sounds ******

........ and then every one gets to feeling hungry and some even have a smoke of the nip weed.

So now you know what adult cats do you can  not look so surprised next time someone invites you to a meal. Of course you being a peep I hardly would expect you to partake of the post meal mouse hunt, I mean IT is best left to us cats after all we do have the skills.

Anyways, I think we owe it to ourselves to be as well as we can be. To live the lives we have and not to abuse the gift of life.

Hence why I opted for the SNIP after the first lot of kittens came. Believe me I don't want to go through that again.

My own Rescue, the Woodside Animal Centre helped me out big time. They took me in, fed me and tended to my needs, and those of my kittens. What more can a mother ask for her children than that?

And this kindness goes on around the globe every day.  From individuals and small rescues to big charities. They're all there, making an effort for those they do not know, giving a chance of life, to help others in dire situations much worse than mine.

But there's peeps out there that can't be bothered to keep fit or to keep their pets fit too, and won't spay or neuter.

I just hope when folks see the net result, of what I think are selfish actions, and realise the cost in time and resource to deal with all the unwanted kittens and then unwanted adults that could have better spent on other pets in need.

But there's a much BIGGER cost to these actions, and there's no escaping the fact that peoples neglect and actions cause so many of the pets that end up in shelters are killed, needlessly.

Hey peep, did you know last Thursday was Remember Me Thursday?

Well seems like we missed the actual day, again. But the good thing about this is that saving lives, caring, and adopting pets isn't just a one day in a year, or life time kinda thing, it's a 24/7/365 days of the year kinda thing. As they say pets aren't just for Christmas, and neither is caring and humanity too, something that in this fast paced life and oft' me me me style culture, many folks have forgotten.

In an age of uncertainty, of credit crunch, and disaster, it's hard not to understand why the smaller things get put aside, but it shouldn't be us.

Of course our fellow bloggers know all this already, but there's a lot of pet owners and non pet owners that don't, so I reckon we all need to spread the word far and wide and educate where we can.

Seeing all the efforts undertaken by so many to help those pets in need as a result of the hurricanes and flooding across parts of America, showed not only the sympathy and humanity of so many brave people, but also how things are changing and the laws have changed to help pets at time of disaster.

Here in the UK, where most cats live an indoor outdoor life, like me, we have always been considered second rate citizens in the eyes of the law. If a dog was run over it had to be reported to the police.

Not so with cats, and so drivers generally drove with impunity to killing us, unless a private prosecution was brought by a charity for allowing suffering of an animal by not stopping to attend to it.

We became and often still are just considered just another piece of roadkill, and owners of domestic cats that die this way, are blamed for the death rather than a motorist speeding through what is often a residential area. What if that was a child?

Alas, in part this is also true, and many pets die by going out near busy roads where the risks are high, along with the speeds allowed.

But the laws here are hopefully to change too, and a law is proposed to mean any such accidents need to be reported so the cats owner is informed and some help given, if not medically, then being allowed to grieve for a lost pet that might otherwise be left in a gutter far from home.

Education can be as much for the educated as those that don't. And it's about understanding, caring and being cared for, and whilst maybe not now, we all need that at some point.

One of the easy ways will be to encourage peeps to foster and adopt rather than buy. To visit local rescues and shelters if you want a pet rather than buy, and not to look at just kittens and puppies when you do. After all a more mature pet, is a blessing and whilst the little ones are cute and fluffy I'd rather not have to look after one, as I said I've been there and got the T shirt.

And of course you only have to see how us adopted blogging cats and dogs turn out, take me. I'm low maintenance and only need a few ponds of fresh cheese and gallons o' cream and a laptop and a castle to keep me happy!

There are other ways too, and just lending a paw to those in need or contacting a rescue to come and help a sick or distressed animal. Or to report abuse and neglect is as much part of caring as having a pet itself.

I wonder how many folks have thought of volunteer dog walking for a Dog Rescue? Great exercise lots of fun, and great if you can't have a dog of your own at home!

And of course you only have to see how us adopted blogging cats and dogs turn out, take me. I'm low maintenance and only need a few dozen mice, some pounds of fresh cheese and gallons o' cream and a laptop and a castle to keep me in the International lifestyle to which I deserve.

So peep of mine, I've imparted my little gem for the week and it's now up to you to tell everyone you meet.

OK not EVERYONE after all I'm sure whilst I like my ears bending and massaging, not everyone does. Which is OK as I'm fairly certain going up to a police office and giving her or him an ear massage is a fast way to get arrested!

Maybe you could take the Kraken down to the village on Saturday night and hand and tentacle out leaflets, a bit like the Salvation Army do, but with added slime and a degree more arm bending!

And on Sunday you can scale the west wing tower and put up a new flag advising Every Day is Caring Day for a stray in need.

To paraphrase the great Gentlecat himself, Brian from Brian's Home blog, who's a bit of a hero to us, 'Adopt pets, we deserve it!' 

On that note, we are sending lots of purrs and prayers and POTP for Sister Sascha who is quite seriously ill, and also to Brian and his family who are busy dealing with that and some other health things going on at the moment. Get well soon you guys!

Thats it till next week, when I'll be showing you how to claim for damages to tower roofs, and also how to set broken limbs using rulers, plastic wrap film and chewing gum!

Toodle pip and purrs


                                                   ~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~

And now for a Sunday Selfie......

I am joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the fantastic Kitties Blue: XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, and Cooper Murphy, from The Cat on My Head blog 

The Sunday Selfies is a wonderful weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and shares stories and pictures for others to enjoy. 

Why not join the fun by adding the code from our hosts, (a link is on their page) and posting your own selfie. It really is that easy....

Every week at the Palace we have a different theme, to expand the mind, and this was modern art week. 

Here my candid camera selfie caught me appreciating the nuances of some modern art, which really did look better upside down..... or had the peep just hung it that way by mistake? 

Thank goodness I had the forethought to keep my ears clean! MOL

To see what all our pals have been up to this week, please click the links/images below, and enjoy the HOP!


  1. OOOh Valentine might be a dinner date?!?!? He is such a handsome cat and able to meet your very particular and very high standards! I look forwards to a report on your pet a tete in our course.

    As for RememberMeThursday, Twitter ran hot with the #RememberMeThursday hashtag and there have been some stunning blog posts. Well with a browse.

    1. I do think you're right, on both counts! I may need a chaperone for our first date, if so are you free?
      Toodle pip and purrs

  2. Thanks for the purrs and prayers for Sister Sascha, we love you Princess. Hey, everyone needs a special Valentine...and a forever home of course.

    1. So very well said, Brian, life sure wouldn't be complete without either of those two.... and maybe a mouse or two MOL
      Gentle purrs

  3. Erin, you don't need to work out- you are perfect and any kitty would be so lucky to take you on a date. I am glad the law is going to change so anyone that runs over a kitty needs to stop. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for the loss of Phoebe. XO

    1. Thank you Aunty Ellen, you are so very kind. I hope Valentine and I can see more of each other, if only in the dream... I do feel we have some ancient connection and only distance keeps us apart.
      Gentle purrs to you all

  4. Erin we joined in #remembermethursday and we thank you fur your work in educating those who have not heard the word. Love that abstract selfie.

    1. Thanks Timmy. Such a strong message needs a powerful force behind it, and you all did great work on Thursday.
      I hope the future is brighter now for more pets in need....
      Toodle pip and purrs

  5. Great post for Remember Me Thursday ! Well said, Erin, and paws up for spreading the word and educating people ! You took a lovely selfie today. Purrs

    1. Thank you, I was very late but wanted to contribute something as I am a rescue cat myself, though it was more me reaching the peep MOL
      Have a lovely week,
      Toodle-pip and purrs

  6. Erin you are so beautiful (just like a Princess should be) no need to work out. WE hope you have a lovely weekend!! Many kitty kisses.

    1. Aww thank you that is so nice of you to say so. I do like to keep in shape though, for the mouses sake MOL
      Have a great week too.
      Toodle-oo and purrs

  7. So upsetting to know cats are second or even third class citizens in the U.K. Actually I'm pretty sure it's that way here too. *takes a knee in protest*

    1. In deed, I hope times are a changing but fear that this will not come to pass and if it does some drivers will ignore the accident and drive away if they can. I am ashamed at what folks will do, though I am always proud when I hear what they do do and when they do it.
      Gentle purrs

  8. Dear Ms Princess Erin,
    What a most wonderful post this week! I LOVE how eloquently you talked about helping less fortunate cats and spay and neutering (though I do not understand about the post dinner stuff, Mommy says I might when I am older...)
    Mommy LOVES your selfie! She would LOVE to kiss your jellybean toes!

    1. Thank you Marv it is a subject close to all our hearts and whilst I missed Thursday I wanted to make sure I tried to spread the word. Don't worry about the after dinner bit, your mom will put you right, and I will come and lend a paw if need be. MOL
      Jelly beans are ready and waiting should your mom ever come this way, failing that when I come to Canada I'll drop in and say hello and we can discus Canadian cheese prices MOL
      Toodle pip and purrs

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, maybe modern art brings out a good side in me :)
      Toodle pip and purrs

  10. Your selfie made us sleepy, Erin. We're off to take a nap now. :)

    1. MOL, enjoy the nap, we deserve it!
      Toodle pip and purrs

  11. Oh yes, peeps need MAJOR educating 'bout this. Adopt, don't shop, and PLEASE... Get your kitties fixed. Not that we're broken, but we do, SERIOUSLY, need to be fixed. Neutered or spayed, you see. purrs

    1. Nope us cats aren’t the broken ones, for sure but many a peep is and it’s them we need to help too if they’re prepared to listen....
      Toodle pip and purrs

  12. Thank you for this wonderful post, ERin. We think you are beautiful and so happy that you are safe and loved. xo

    1. I always hope the posts make people smile and or have a point folks like, and so I'm pleased if I have.
      Toodle pip and purrs

  13. Erin, how did you manage to curl up like that and take your selfie? Did you get the staff to help you? I'm not sure about walking dogs... but I wouldn't mind walking cats, but the Kraken is on his own. He can walk himself. MOL. Thanks fur all the pearls of wisdom today to remember those who may never see a furever home. -Katie Kitty Too, Tuxie in Residence.

    1. The joys of setting a long timer on the phone, though you have to be careful incase you get one of those embarrassing shots, say of someone napping.... Not that I would ever do that MOL
      Toodle-oo and purrs

  14. That's a lovely selfie, Erin. Thank you so much for sharing the important message about advocating for shelter pets. And thank you for BEING an avocate, too. We can all do something, and even the smallest thing is huge!

    1. Glad to have helped in our own small way. But there is much more to do so maybe we can do more in the coming year.....
      Toodle pip and purrs

  15. ERin; valentine is gonna lovez thiz weekz selfeez oh yur gorgeouz self ;)

    N 984 paws up two woodside ~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Oh that would be so nice, I tried to show a bit of floof to compliment his floofiness, I hope it was enough
      Toodle pip and purrs

  16. What a gawjus selfie of a gawjus girly. And, what a pawsum posty. We too missed da actual Fursday post date, but like you, we agreem savin' lives happens every day. Y, mommy saced Raena on a Caturday and well, she can't really 'member da day of da week she saved me a few catnaps have occurred since then. But, we wish all peeps were more educated in general 'bout life savin'. As fur kitties bein' road kill, dat just breaks our hearts. We know you all tend to be indoor/outdoor kitties, but we purray so hard fur ya'll and so wish ya' never went out into da big bad world again. We would be just devastated ifin somethin' happened to you. (Dezi and Raena shudder) yep, ain't nuffin' happenin' to our bestie Erin. Big hugs and purrayers fur dat law.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hi Dezi and Raena. It is a big bad world out there for sure, and it needs to change before it gets worse for pets. I agree that any day is a Rescue day and we should celebrate everyday as though it is and enjoy life and our pets.
      You both have a wonderful day and week.
      Toodle pip and purrs and hugs

  17. What a gawjus selfie of a gawjus girly. And, what a pawsum posty. We too missed da actual Fursday post date, but like you, we agreem savin' lives happens every day. Y, mommy saced Raena on a Caturday and well, she can't really 'member da day of da week she saved me a few catnaps have occurred since then. But, we wish all peeps were more educated in general 'bout life savin'. As fur kitties bein' road kill, dat just breaks our hearts. We know you all tend to be indoor/outdoor kitties, but we purray so hard fur ya'll and so wish ya' never went out into da big bad world again. We would be just devastated ifin somethin' happened to you. (Dezi and Raena shudder) yep, ain't nuffin' happenin' to our bestie Erin. Big hugs and purrayers fur dat law.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Ah the joys of having a bad PA in my case, I really must buy the peep a diary or something to get these dates sorted and remind me to do a post. I mean I can't do everything for the peep, after all thats why they get paid, surely?!
      Toodle pip and purrs and headbumps

  18. You look so pretty, Erin! Valentine will think so, too.

    1. Thank you, I do hope he will, but I am just a lowly princess and he a supreme fluffiness.

  19. Lovely selfie and great post!

    Rescue kitties rock :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Thank you, and yes Rescue Rocks!
      Toodle pip and purrs

  20. Oh, Erin, what a wonderful post and so well said about... everything. You are too cute, purrincess💕 Your Valentine is one lucky guy😎Pawkisses for a Happy day😽❤😻

    1. Thank you, even being late for the ball can have its merits, as long as you use them right MOL
      Toodle pip and purrs

  21. "Low maintenance." I'm not laughing! I'm not laughing!
    We totally forgot that you're a mother, ER. Maybe that's why you scour the palace high and low for orphaned mice?!? You just want to 'take care' of them ;)
    Valentine's a lucky mancat ... that's for sure!

    1. No really, I'm not. High maintenance would me having a bevy of servants and another Bentley and an extra few wings and turrets on the Palace! Oh and having a private jet to blog paws.
      Of course any waives and strays in the mouse world are more than welcome at my supper table! MOL
      Toodle pip and purrs

  22. Dear Princess, lady of black velvet and the purest white snow. I am so glad that you would consider dining with me again, after the mousie fiasco (or maybe that was a dream?!). I like a girl kitty that takes care of herself & you certainly look fabulous. Your peep must be pleased that you are helping him become more fit & healthy like you. Maybe you could come up with a regime for my mom. She says she uses the stairs at work a lot, but I'm not there so I don't see it. Thanks fur sharing your story & message about pet adoption. I wish all peeps were like sensitive to the needs of kitties so the world wasn't full of so many homeless kitties. (bowing & kissing your paw) Love, your gentle Prince -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. But of course my Valentine, a meal with yourself would be the sweetest dessert a lady could wish for....
      We shall resolve that mouse issue, fear not and together we shall rule the world of our hearts.
      Well as to your peep I suggest you fit one of those fitness tracking collars. That way you can make sure the exercise is being done. Then of course there is a special diet of less carbs, no gluten , and loads of paleo stuff, all natural meats etc. Of course I do recommend that you sample the various dishes so they meet your exacting standards. Premium tuna, best Poultry and marvellous morsels of mouse.
      Till we next meet, if not in the flesh and fur then in our dreams.
      Look for the sign at the coming of the sunrise!
      Gentle purrs and pawkisses to my sweet Prince of floofiness....

  23. Such a cute cat! Thanks for the share, keep up the posts. Looks like my kitty.

  24. Loving these photos! Your cat look like my King, thanks for the share.
