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Thursday 28 December 2017

Thankful Thursday. Present from America.

A Thankful Thursday tail & Video!

So there is was the other day, minding my own business and taking a well earned nap in front of the open fire, when our new house keeper, Mrs Hudson, comes into the parlour....

"Good afternoon, Princess, you have a guest." she said and gestured towards the ceiling. "I've put her in the guest bedroom No. 9. Matter of some import, and a case for you she says. Handed me this note for you, a letter of introduction from a young lady in America that you are acquainted of.'

"Oh," says I "how strange I wasn't expecting guests. Have we got anything we can offer by way of refreshments? As I seem to have run out of the best cream and just the UHT stuff left. Fine for emergencies but does seem to be too thin. I suppose as the suns over the cat tree I could offer a Niptini™.

Mrs Hudson nodded, and having handed me the note, left the room to fetch our guest a drink.

I headed off up the stone staircase to the bedrooms, but pulled into one of the bathroom to freshen up for my guest. It does after all, as Consulting Mouser, pay to be presentable at all times, especially with Royal Weddings coming up and invitations to Windsor Palace Chapel no doubt in the post as we speak. Well it's a hard job but someone has to get rid of them mice for the happy couple.

Suitably licked to perfection, I exited the bathroom and was about to knock on the door of Guest room No. 9, when I head the front door close. Mrs Hudson called up to me moments later. "Erin, the lady in grey has gone, couldn't wait she said. Said something about more invitations to get out. Says she's left the case on the chaise and you're to get stuck in straight away. Do you still want that Niptini, dear?"

"Yes, thank you Mrs Hudson, I think I will. Always good to have a drink when working out the details of a new case." With that I strode into the bedroom and closed the door behind me.

I turned and was stunned to see I had a guest in the room. There on the chaise, sat the most slender and elfin like cat I had ever seen. "Oh my dear, I do apologise, Mrs Hudson said you had left. I shall send for drinks. Will VSOG Nip be OK?" I waited for a response and was surprised that none was forthcoming. "Hmmm I do have Earl Green Nip Tea if you'd rather?"

Just then Mrs Hudson brought in my Niptini. There you go Princess, shaken but not stirred. But I do think we'll have to have the engineer back out to check the stairlift as it is still as rickety as ever. Who you been talking to anyway? You've not been talking to that doll have you my dear, as if you have, best get to the optician in the village to check for CAT-aracts.

"Erm.... Absolutely not." I blustered, and turned slightly red around the whiskers. "I'll have you know my eyesight is 9 by 9 and no hint of red eye! I was just trying out some lines in case I have a visitor come to discuss my new case." Mrs Hudson looked somewhat confused." You know, the one I received by the mornings post, a missive from Windsor Castle no less."

"Ah yes my dear, I do recall. Would that be the Windsor Castle Inn down in the village?" Mrs Hudson enquired in a matronly fashion. "I mean a nice lady like you shouldn't be seen in such a place with those ruffians. I mean they even SELL alcohol there. Whatever is the place coming too. I don't know......."

I gave Mrs Hudson my best raised eyebrow, something I had taken to having seen how effective it was when in the paws of my beloved and distant love, Prince Valentine of Oregon in the USA. "I dare say they do, though not the sort a lady cat, or indeed her housekeeper should want to try. No I meant THE Windsor Castle, outside London, where her Majesty ER II lives. THAT Windsor Castle. And before you say anything it is all hush hush. I haven't replied to the invite yet......" I proffered her the envelope and she withdrew and read the embossed card within.

"Oooh well I say, dear, that is quite something. Have they said whether they will pay upfront? A little advance on your fee will help keep us stocked up with mice, and cover expenses to and from. I mean 2nd class tickets on the train are awfully expensive these days. When I was a lass it was one shilling and sixpence return, and you got a slap up meal too!"

"No," I said in my best friendly but reproving tone, "There will be NO slapping up on this trip, and what you got up to as a child, well I don't want to know. No, we'll get out the Bentley and travel in style! Do you have a full driving licence, Mrs Hudson?"

Mrs Hudson thought for a moment. "Well I don't know? I've not ever needed one before. Does the Bentley have a basket in the front and one of those little finger push bells? If it does I'm sure once I get peddling I'll be OK. I mean it's all downhill to London, isn't it?"

I sighed and ushered Mrs Hudson out the room after requesting she hire me a chauffeur for the day. Turning to the guest on the chaise, I remembered the missive and pulled it from it's envelope.

I had already noted the Los Angeles address and postage stamp on the parcel that lay beside the doll, and also on the missive itself, as I read it.

"Dear Erin

I am so very pleased to announce that you are the winner of our recent competition, one that the staff had entered on your behalf. I do therefore take great pleasure to enclose your prize, and hope you and your staff will have great pleasure from, and using same.

Kind Regards

Summer Samba of"

Having read the note, I placed it on the bureau, and opened the box and was delighted to find it was full of goodies and treats for me, and for the house keeper.

"Well I never," I said to the room. "How wonderful a prize is that. I dare say the peep will be so happy to see we have won! I wonder how long the expedition will take to Mars? I had initially thought it was just to the candy shop in the village but seems like it was further! Oh well these humans have to get it out of their systems." I purred at the small joke I'd made and then realised that Mars was still in our solar system. Oh well it sounded good I mused to myself.

I gently unwrapped all my prizes and spread them across the chaise. There were some AWESOME cat nip toys that make our UK ones pale by comparison, and the Nip kick stick is totally amazing!

The peep has got some lovely woolly socks and a charming tin of Shortbread, which as it happens is one of my favourite brands too. Mrs Hudson has promised to help ensure that these all get good use. MOL

Now I can not leave without also commenting on the very attractive and delightful cat that was part of the prize. She is a Glamkats™and named Esperanza. Apparently her tag says she is "Sassy, Charismatic, Outspoken, and Smart." I wonder, that sounds quite familiar. I do think Summer may have picked just right.

I also wish to apologise to them for the time it's taken to put this together, but with peep away and not able to hinder, the new housekeeper and I have got far more work done.

All that remains is for me to thank Summer Samba, and her mum, for all the for the truly wonderful gift package. And we are TRULY Thankful for what we have received and the friends that we have.

We have put together a little video presentation of how we test stuff in the Palace. I hope you'll enjoy!

We are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Please click the link below to see what everyone else has been up to.....

To see the other Thankful Thursday hoppers, please click the link below.....


  1. Oh WOW I am green with envy at your fabulous toys AND your elegant visitor.

    What a treasure and I know peep and you will enjoy her company immensely!

    1. Sure will, and I'm rather hoping I can realign some of my office duties now there are two of us MOL
      Glad you liked the video, on Vimeo too.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  2. Oh my gooddness, such a wonderful bunch of goodies from the always wonderful and sweet Summer! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Yes it was awesome and so much for me and the housekeeper to play with. Summer sure is wonderful.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  3. Wow, that is so terrific that you won that wonderful prize. We love that doll. And the toys and treats look fantastic too. Well done.

    1. It was a level prize and so glad I could do it justice with a little video presentation.
      Toodle pips

  4. Pawsome Goodies fit for a princess.xx Speedy

  5. Replies
    1. You can say that again. Summer is marvellous at these selections, and I am very lucky and Thankful!
      Toodle pips

  6. Replies
    1. Summer sure knows how to set up a great prize selection!
      doodle pips

  7. Wow, Erin! What a wonderful prize!

    1. They are brilliant, and I am so very lucky, for sure!

  8. I thought I recognized that fancy kitty from Summer's blog :) Very nice story Erin. Congratulations on all those winnings. XO

    1. Hi Auntie Ellen. Yes no wonder I was confused, she is so life like. Glad you like the little diary entry too :)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  9. this was just adorable!!! That Summer sure knows how to give prezzies and aren't those Kitty Kick Stix the best? Erin you are adorable!!!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Thank you that is very kind. Yes Summer’s prize was wonderful, and the kick stick a delight, the video was a way to say thank you....
      Toodle pips

  10. Princess, could this be the beginnings of your new blog series?! I love it already! Concatulations for winning that prize package! What wonderful things Summer picked out! Mom will have to ask Summer where she found that cute kitty dolly, err your guest. MOL! And is that a mini kraken I see? Cool! I sure did like your video & I'm sure Summer will enjoy it too! Tummy tickles & paw kisses! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Well, you may just have hit on something there..... who knows where that invite could lead? Are you free in a few weeks to come down and check out the catch and eat function at Windsor?
      Ooh I am so glad you liked the video, you are my No.1 I do hope Summer saw it too as it was an awesome prize and we are very thankful.
      Tummy tickles and paw kisses too. -ERin

  11. Erin how fabulous mew won the give-away!!! Many congrats and that looks like a pawesome haul of goodies!

    Best purrs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. Thank you. It was as Epic as your own prize and I am most thankful to Summer, and very lucky too!
      Toodle pips and purrs
