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Sunday 25 February 2018

Short Sunday Selfie & Party Time!

It's Sunday Selfie time.... 

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

Download the linky link from their site, and join the fun!

This is my selfie for the week:-

This week I have mainly been inspecting the bedrooms, and the high level walkways I had thoughtfully installed along the bed heads, so that human guests could be checked on overnight.

Here I can be seen casting a shocked eye over the state of the maids handiwork...... Call those Hospital Corners, I said, a kitten could do better!

I can see I shall have to take this maid in paw!

Do you have problems with your staff? Mail your issues to me, here at the Palace, and I shall enter them into my new book, called :- Hospital Corners, the feline guide to making beds and biscuits.

To see what all our pals have been up to, click the links below.

............... and now it's Sunday Story Blogoversary Time!

Well it has been three years and this blog has gone from strength to strength and all thanks to you, the readers, you who take the time out of each week to spend a couple of minutes to read my journal.

February also happens to be the Blogoversary of our great pals, the delightful Dezi and Reana Belle, of Deziz World, and also my beloved and floofi prince and adventure companion, Valentine, of Noir Kitty Mews.

© Dezizworld.comTo celebrate, we have all chipped in and throwing a Party. Valentine has arranged the music, and Dezi and Raena Belle are hosting the games. It was just left for yours truly to hire the caterers. I was however under strict instructions NOT to just furnish mice and cream and pizza! MOL

Fear not if you have left your invites at home, there is one here for you to use. Being family blogs, everyone is welcome, kittens too. 

So welcome one, and all please nip by to Valentine and Dezi and Raena Belle's place and say hello.

So it just remains for me to say a BIG Thank You to everyone that comes by to share the (long) adventures on our blogs, and leave such wonderful comments....

Enjoy the PARTY!!!

Copyright: <a href=''>sylv1rob1 / 123RF Stock Photo</a>Once you've checked in your cloaks and party hats, please make your ways to the banqueting area in the great hall.

Copyright: <a href=''>asayenka / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Please grab a plate (and cutlery for the polydactyls amongst us) and help yourself!

Copyright: <a href=''>keiphotostudio / 123RF Stock Photo</a>Copyright: <a href=''>margouillat / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

There is a lovely selection of seafood, starters and main courses.....

Copyright: <a href=''>dotshock / 123RF Stock Photo</a>Copyright: <a href=''>fedorkondratenko / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

And for the red meat obligate carnivore, why not have a slice or two of our cooked and sliced meats, hams, and roast beef.....

Copyright: <a href=''>8vfanrf / 123RF Stock Photo</a>Copyright: <a href=''>milkos / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

If you not too worried about your carbs, I can totally recommend the sushi, and the international cheese selection is fantastic!

Copyright: <a href=''>olegparylyak / 123RF Stock Photo</a>Copyright: <a href=''>kadmy / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Want something light and refreshing? Well, we have loads of healthy fruit, and lashings of low fat (not) and low calorie (ish) cream.

Copyright: <a href=''>belchonock / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

If you're left your pet stroller at home, or given the staff the night off, why not try a nip wine or two from the Palace cellars. All are vintage (bought last week), and come in not one, but TWO colours! I did try to get a Tuxedo wine but apparently they haven't mastered that one.... yet!

Copyright: <a href=''>evgenyb / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Of course, for the youngsters, and those that have to do the driving, we have a range of soft drinks (I guess that means not in glass bottles) and fruit juices. The latter will be great for athletes amongst us too, though I would go easy on the prune and Brussels juice! MOL

Copyright: <a href=''>apolonia / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

To round the evening off, after all the fun and games and dancing, please
feel free to pop back and have a cup of herbal coffee, or tea, which will be served with some special cream and nip topped cookies!

Copyright: <a href=''>elisaperusin / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
We hope that there will be something in the buffet for everyone. The caterers have asked us to advise that all food has been prepared to the highest of standards, using only the best of ingredients that have been responsibly sourced via Mrs Hudsons credit card.

However, whilst every effort is made to ensure your food is organic and thus will be free from additives, they accept no responsibility for any floof, whiskers, or claws, you might find in your tea!

The End...........

© ALL images are © Copyright, and used under licence from owner, and 123RF. Attributions are shown with each image.


  1. Happy blogoversary to you dear Erin and dad Mark. I am so proud to know you as blogging buddies and the you for being our friends and colleagues.

    The food is absolutely delicious and will keep us full for a week!

    Have a wonderful Sunday

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

    1. Thank you. Theres plenty to go around and we will be supplying kitty bags for anything you want to take home, excluding kittens of course they have to be your own. MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, please do tuck in, and come for more when you need.... The red nip is ever so fruity MOL
      Purrs ERin

  3. Happy blogoversary! I cannot wait to pile a plate with delicacies from your buffet :)

    1. Please feel free, the staff will top up the service area as we munch so there should be plenty for all.
      Do be careful not to over do the food if you're dancing, MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  4. Happy Blogoversary dear Princess, we're so happy you are such an important part of Blogville! The Dad was so happy to meet your Dad at BlogPaws last year too!

    1. Thank you Brian, that is lovely of you to say. It's so nice to have folk to say hello to, and then for the staff to get to meet each other and swap stories. Mine don't get let out much as they tend to wander off course if they have too long a lead. MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  5. Happy Blogoversary ! What a pawsome pawty ! We're glad to be your friends ! Purrs

    1. Bless you, and thank you, we are so pleased that you are too, and all who come by for a chat. Enjoy the party, and the fine company...
      Toodle pips and Purrs

  6. Oh dearest, you truly have outdone yourself! The banquet hall is so lovely! Oh me oh my what a wonderful food and drink selection you have put together! You really know how to call out all the bells and whistles! I just had some of the seafood starters (don't tell Mom, but I even at a salmon one!) and they tasted fresh out of the sea! Ooh, I just knew you'd have a platter of the best cheeses! I've sampled them all! My tummy is getting very happy! Ooh... I just have to have some of that ham... and some roast beast... and... another sushi roll... and.... Tee hee hee! Paw Kisses & Happy Blogoversary my dove! Paw Kisses! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Oh my sweet and fluffy wooly bear, thank you, I think we have the best of friends around us and all is going well. We have great games and awesome nip mats to roll on. In fact I think I will be heading on back there now for another roll, if you care to join me at Dezi and Raena's place?
      Pawkisses Erin

      Ps if you gave a full tummy, like me, maybe best hold fire on the dance music, just for a bit! MOL

  7. Happy Blogoversary to you and your Dad! XO

    1. Thank you, you are very kind and it is great to have you as one of our friends.
      Purrs and hugs and headbumps to you all.

  8. Happy Blogoversary!

    Looks like it'll be an amazing party :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Lots of games, and nip, lots of food, and more nip, and lots of dancing and I guess even more nip after that mol Should be so cool! I best start ordering taxis MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  9. Nice selfie, Princess Erin!

    And wow, what a super spectacular celebration! Happy blogoversary to you, Valentine and Dezi and Raena! We love you all, and are glad to be here celebrating with you!

    1. Thank you all! It is such fun to have every one round for a party. Heavens only knows what time it will all end, still if you need to stop over there are THREE places to chose from, which is a massive selection of beds MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs


    Great pawty your majesty, oh we brought some of Smoochie's supurr special 'Mind-Bender' nip cocktail too, if any of the guests want a risk little tipple... though they may start seeing random things like: Flying purple hedgelings, unicorn pigs covered in glitter and maybe even a kraken or two or three!!! MOL

    It's great fun, but the hangoffur is shocking, so I'll be drinking the cream especially since I'm driving, oh and I take no responsibility fur anything the B Team get up to while under the influence! MOL

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. Oh dear! Thanks for the warning, Basil, I best start tethering the team down then, shall I? Feel free to grab a room for the night, either here or with Dezi and Raena or with Valentine. I just realised we're all in for some great continental breakfasts!
      Toodle pips and purrs

    2. Sorry about your ornamental rose garden Erin, I did try to stop them but.... oh heck they're headed towards the moat to give the kraken a drink!!!!!!!!!!

      DUCK AND COVER!!!!!!

  11. Lovely selfie and HAPPY HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO YOU!!! What a FAB pawty!! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Thank you, great to have you here with us all. We seem to have everything we could ever want or need, dance music, games and nip and plenty of food.... though I think maybe we could run short of hair of the dog come morning. Any volunteers to get some?
      Toodle pips and purrs

  12. A very happy blogoversary dear Princess and we send best regards to your staff!

    1. Thank you all for coming, and I hope you'll enjoy all the entertainment we have. Here's to more fun and adventure this year, and lots of lovely selfies too...
      Toodle pips and purrs

  13. MeOW Erin, what a spread. You sure know how to cater a pawrty. We're so honored to be sharin' a Blogoversary month with such an oustandin' kitty and writer. Happy Blogoversary and here's to many more. We're so happy and blest to be your furiends. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Great toes you ladies have made it from the games to get some food. That track and ball event is sooo tiring, but great fun. I'm going to head back with Val to try my paw at the nip blanket games, as Aunty Ellen's are the best!
      Happy Blogoversary to you both too, and likewise we are so happy to have you travelling along the journey of life and blogging with us. Heres to a great and blessed year ahead.
      Toodle pips and head bumps

  14. MeOW Erin, what a spread. You sure know how to cater a pawrty. We're so honored to be sharin' a Blogoversary month with such an oustandin' kitty and writer. Happy Blogoversary and here's to many more. We're so happy and blest to be your furiends. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  15. Happy Blogoversary, Erin! This sure is a fun pawty! We're stuffed from all the food we ate.

    1. Hi, thanks for coming. Best you have a sit down for a bit if you a bit full. Dezi and Raena Belle have some great nip mats for just such a relaxing purpose, also makes for a great wriggling game too, like twister. Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  16. Happy blogoversary to you! What a great party with all of that lovely food.

    1. Thank you, time goes so quick. The caterers have done us proud, though I am trying to pace myself so I can enjoy a dance or two and the track an ball events over at Dezi and Raena Belle’s....
      Ooh and don’t forget coffee or tea available as a nightcap if you want, after the last dance.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  17. Happy Blogoversary! What a pawsome party this is!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Thank you so much for coming to our three way party. Do help yourselves as there’s plenty of everything and more on the way. But do leav3 room for the games and a bit of a dance with your plus one, or two! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  18. Do I have problems with my staff...

    DO I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH MY STAFF? You bet I do. You have met Peep #1, right? MOUSES!

    But I can see your caterin' staff really went all out. Boy-oh-boy are they ever good. Just look at the spread! HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! purrs

    1. Hmm maybe you need to just have everything catered. Leave more time for the peep to grow the nip! Glad you liked the food, tuck in and take some home for the gang, too.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  19. Oh Erin!
    Thanks o much for stopping by Mousebreath and commenting on my interview. and I must say - 3 years blogging! THat is impressive! Now I shall sing YOU guys the song too!
    ♫♪♥♥♥♥♫♪Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversary to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversary Dear Erin!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversary to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

    1. Hi Marv, you are most welcome, it was a great interview. Ooh I say, what a voice, what a song. Thank you, it is so nice to be sung to, rather than gargled at which is what Mrs H sounds like she is doing... of course she may well be gargling! Mol. think
      Toodle pips and purrs

  20. Hey we're always up for shrimp and crawfish and selfish or whatever it is. And we want to wish you and yours a wonderful blogoversary. Thank you for visiting us too and for the thoughtful comments you always leave fur us! Now, to hit the shrimp table~

    1. Great that you all could come, and it’s always a pleasure to see you all on a Sunday Selfie. Get stuck in, ladies, the worlds your oyster, or shrimp, Mol.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  21. Happy Blogaversary!!! What a great party, I am stuffed!

    1. Thank you, we three are pleased you are enjoying the day. Best go for lay down, I find that helps when I’m full... I think bedroom 5 is free at the moment..
      Toodle pips and purrs

  22. ERin....a MOST happee blog o furasarry two ewe N heerz ta 300 mor....we haz N joyed yur postz, selfeez, storeez N friend ship.....we iz sorree we mizzed yur partee but sendz best mice creem dizhez fora yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez !!! ~~~~ ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you all, for coming, and the party is still going n, so help yourselves to whatever you fancy. I got extra fish just for you, so don’t be shy and enjoy the fun. Here’s to the year ahead and the next do... I should have finished washing up by then, Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  23. Man do you guys know how to party!! Happy belated blogoversary!

    1. Thank you, heres to the next three and then many more MOL Please do still come on over, as there is plenty of food left and I think I may still have some guests hanging around for the games and the dancing!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  24. Happy Blogoversary! I love that we started our blogs around the same time. Looks like Mrs. Hudson had her work cut out for her with that spread!

    1. Really, well that would be four of us to celebrate next year. You must remind us and we will throw a big do at your tasty chicken ranch, as I'm sure you will have that come then.
      Hmm well Mrs H really didn't do too much, bar the setting up., though she had her hands full keeping some of the unruly or nipped up cats from falling into the moat and upsetting the Kraken. Great party and still plenty of fresh food should you wish. There is even some diet food for those in need, like me.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  25. Happy belated blogoversary Erin! What an absolutely fabulous party you threw! We love to visit and to read your stories. We might also add that you are a cutie to behold each time we drop by. ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Hi all, and thank you, so glad you could make it, as we still have plenty of food for you all, feline and canine alike! In fact Mrs Hudson is just putting out some fresh tasty bones as we speak. Thank you, I try to look my best for the selfies but sometimes a week just doesn’t seem long enough Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  26. Mee-you ERin Purrincess mee apawlogizess fur missin yur pawty! Mee been 'on-duty' nursin a hertin LadyMum since last Furiday.....
    Happy Boggieversary to Reana Belle an Dezi an Valentine an you!!!!
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

    1. Oh MY, sweet Prince Siddhartha Henry, I do hope things are better now for you both. The party is still on and folks keep dropping by, so you are definitely not late and most welcome to stay and enjoy the fun games music and food and wine for as long as you like. The cheeses are particularly lovely, and if you fancy pizza I will have it delivered in a trice!
      Toodle pips and healing purrs for your mom.

  27. Happy Blogiversary sweet Erin :) What a great Pawty you set up, I can't hardly wait to put my paws into the nip-cookies and drinks...*drools* Happy to know you my furriends :) Extra three double flavoured Pawkisses for the Occasion :) <3

    1. Hi Binky, great to see you and do help yourself to as many cookies as you like. Mrs Hudson says as the party ends tomorrow, she'll do you a take home bag too... well it will be a take home crate as I think we have over ordered MOL
      Toodle pips and cookie crumbs
