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Sunday 21 October 2018

Diet Selfie for one, easy on the salad!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

To join in, get the Linky link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

And now here is my selfie for the week:-

Mrs H has had me on a strict diet these last three months, as well as a feline appropriate exercise routine. Things are looking up and I can now slide gracefully through a size 10 cat flap (that's size 6 in the US) as I have now lost a whole 400gm! Yup seems like the new diet of Orijen Fit and Trim cat food (and the odd mouse) works a treat!  (PS this is NOT a sponsored post, though if any of you want to sponsor me, please do send any spare mice straight to the palace, C/O Erin's inbox!)

And if proof is needed, here you can see me doing the touch your toes exercise. I thought I did rather well, but Mrs H says I shouldn't have raised my foot up! Me, I say it was the other foot that lowered, MOL

To see what our pals are up to this week, click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

PS    Chapter 32 of our 36 part International Best Seller hit sensation family friendly adventure is out Monday. Thankfully there is no requirement to undertake any exercises, in fact it's better served with pizza and mouse chardonnay.... or was that a chardonnay served by mice?

Till tomorrow, this is a Fit and Trim Erin, signing off.


  1. Good going with the weight loss, Erin! And that's a great sleepy selfie, too.

    1. Thank you, the new diet has worked wonders. Cutting high carb foods is a real must for us cats. Thank you, the selfie was a masterpiece of athleticism on my part. Impossible some might say, Mrs H says it's who you know, MOL
      Toodle pips

  2. That is a wonderfully cozy selfie sweet Princess!

    1. Thank you, stretching is sooo relaxing especially before during and after a nap... er ... exercise, MOL

  3. You look like you are napping hard - must be all that healthy food an exercise - MOL!

    1. Yes, exercise done well invigorates and tones and gives a restful nap. Of course they dont always happen in that order MOL
      Toodle pips

  4. Ooh pretty luv, you are so limber. Maybe you could do a serious of exercise videos from the palace or offer a class for the village cats. The mousies could collect the bath towels. Tee hee hee. I don't see why Mrs. H. has you on a diet, but I am glad that you are liking the noms. There's nothing worse than being put on a diet or meal plan when the food is icky tasting.

    You are like a fine nip Chardonnay any day. Kisses. -Your Prince, V (Valentine & Mom of Noir Kitty Mews)

    1. Hi Val, my sweet and floofi one. You can see I am just making sure I am my best for you when you get come over, or when we do Facetime later. Now I had never thought of getting mousies to do the towels for me– should I tip them or would it be enough to just not eat them???
      I would have you as my black velvet drink any day, my sweet ;)
      Purrs and nose rubs from afar for you both.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, I feel like celebrating but Mrs H says I have to not put it back on again! :(
      Toodle pips

  6. You are looking very trim. You are beautiful any size though. XO

    1. Aww, thank you Auntie Ellen. I said this to my consultant but she said otherwise. I shall send extra special purrs to you tonight.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you. I am pleased to be trimmer as I can also get the mice through the flap easier now too! MOL
      Toodle pips

  8. Erin Darling, you are absolutely GORGEOUS! You exercise regime is really working! Mine is wrestling with Ninja and it is helping me from turning into to a tubby chubby (Ninja has list weight since he moved here, his belly no longer wabbles when he runs)
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Hi Marv. Sounds like you have the ideal work out for a young lad, and sounds like it is working too.
      Have a great holiday whilst the staff are away, and keep fit and fun.
      Toodle pips and purrs
      Ps, whens the invites to the party going out?

  9. That looks like a strenuous exercise routine to me. Mr. H must be a drill sergeant or something.

    1. Tell me about it. Sometimes she even makes me wake up to do the sit ups! OK so I do cheat a bit and count the ones when I get up, but that seems fair, doesn't it?
      Toodle pips

  10. Oh your picture looks so fit and healthy. You HAVE lost weight so well done you. Keep it up and you will be as thin as a stick... if you want to be... It's been a public holiday here so we are late commenting! Sorry but we hope it you had a great Sunday Selfie,!

    1. Thank you, I shall try my best, but it is hard with so many tempting things around the shops for christmas... like the mice you get as stocking fillers... well they always end up in mrs H's sockings, MOL
      Toodle pips

  11. We love your toe-touching selfie, Erin! And awesome job on the weight loss!

    1. Thank you. Keep fit is so important, and well worth doing on the bed as it takes away the strain on the muscles and joints you'd get if you went to the gym! ;)
      Toodle pips

  12. Concatulations on your weight loss, Erin ! Lovely selfie ! Purrs

    1. Thank you. Life should be easier from now on, so long as Mrs H doesn't force feed me pizza and treats, MOL
      Toodle pips

  13. You look great! Glad your diet is going well.
    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Thank you, a fit cat is a happy cat who can eat more mice between meals and not ruin her appetite for treats ;) Mol
      Toodle pips

  14. I wondered ... I thought maybe the Kraken got hold of your mouse collection :)

    1. Heaven forbid she gets a liking for mice! Can you imagine the damage she'd cause to the woodwork trying to get them out! She used to use rats as a kind of flossing agent, though we have thankfully now got her to use a clean loo brush instead!
      Toodle pips

  15. I wondered ... I thought maybe the Kraken got hold of your mouse collection :)

    1. Nope, I have to say sharing mice with the Kraken just wouldnt happen. For starters, no pun meant, they wouldnt even make a starter for her. She prefers postmen, or as a snack, mail boys. MOL
      Toodle pips
