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Sunday 14 April 2019

Come and Go.....

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

And now here is my selfie for the week:-

     This week at the Palace has been all go— then all come!

     First the old washer gave up (not Mrs H, I hasten to add) and so all the 'things' were done by hand in the bathtub. Thankfully, the sherry fund stretched out to a new one, which when it arrived wouldn't quite fit—but will do. Someone really ought to get their inches sorted from their centimetres, MOL

     Then the royal car went for a service and a few days later came back nice and clean and officially safe to be on the road—which is more than I can say for Mrs H, who really needs new glasses as it took three attempts to get the right car on the garage forecourt!

     Then my favourite armchair went, and almost immediately a new sofa appeared—in blue! "I asked for pink,"I protested to the delivery man who had just hauled it across three counties and up nine and three quarter flights of stairs. "Alas being a family blog I can not repeat the rustic native tongue response, but needless to say he left pretty sharpish and with a flea in his ear— and maybe one on his cardigan too for good measure. Not that I have fleas, but I do have a stash of tame fleas for just such unruly guests, MOL

     And last but not least—oh no, definitely not least, was my royal personage who got yanked from a perfectly good stretch and yawn and dumped as I call it, or briskly placed as Mrs H calls it, and whisked off for my yearly check-up which we had forgotten about. Thankfully the extra pound (or two) I had put on in the festive—cream with everything—season has started to subside only two months after restarting my Orijen Fit and Trim kibble. 

     On the down side this princess needs to see the dental consultant in three weeks to have two of her teeth removed! And there was me thinking flossing with mouse hair was the way to go! You live and learn I guess. So in a few weeks time I will be doing a review of the new east wing to my consultants practice, and rating the food and cuddle service and awarding Golden Mice awards accordingly :)

     Have you guys been having a come and go sort of a week? If so, do tell us about the adventures, what went and what came. I'm guessing the weather will figure heavily in those too ;)

     To see what our pals are up to this week: hugs, rubs and scritches, please go to the Kitties Blue site, or if available, click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

                                                     And Finally, but not least................

To see what Katie Kat has been up to this week, do hop over to Savannah's blog and see latest pictures and fun Memes that they have done.

Katie Kat is still looking for a new home and loving family.  If you know anyone that would like to give delightful Katie Kat (seen here in the picture below) a new home, then please DO contact Contra Costa Humane Society in Pleasant Hill, CA, USA at 925-279-2247. .  Katie is currently lodging with Ms Savvy till some kind soul can offer the safe and mature sensible and calm home home she needs.....

The links below will take you to more info about Katie. If you know of anyone who can care for dear Katie, and give her a home for life that she so dearly needs, please pass on her details and get them to contact the folks below, or contact Ms Savvy through her page.......
Community Concern For Cats
Contra Costa Humane Society
Savannah's Paw Tracks Blog


  1. You HAVE had a time of it, good grief Erin. I think you need a nap and a Good Lie Down!

    Happy Sunday Selfie

    The Dash Kitten Crew

    1. Thank you, Dr Marjorie, I shall head on over to my new sofa, cushion 2, and follow your instructions ;)

  2. Well, OUR VET visit last month was not so troublesome. We feel for you... And there haven't been any furniture changes HERE, so that is good.

    Sorry to hear about the teef though...

    1. Thanks, and glad you got the AOK from the consultant.

  3. What a gorgeous selfie, Erin. We never realized you have such a cute nose! We know all about furniture moving and coming and going. You just gotta make the best of it.

    1. Yes you guys had a big move recently, way bigger than mine. Thanks, the nose does like to show off, centre-stage, MOL

  4. That is a most beautiful and Royal selfie sweet Princess. We all send purrs for a nice and easy dental too.

    1. Thanks, and thanks for the purrs, as much for the teeth as for having to eat mushy food for a few days ;)

  5. Wow, Erin. You and Mrs. H sure have had a lot to deal with. We're most sorry that you have to have some teeth removed. That's never fun, but we purr that it will go smoothly and without incident.

    1. Thank you, I do hope so too. I just hope the tooth catfairy has some leaves some soft treats and or mice under my pillow, MOL

  6. Princess it has been a taxing week in the castle. We send purrs of support for that Dental that is coming up. Hope Dad does not get reminded that some of us need them too
    Timmy and Family

    1. I won't tell your staff if you wont tell mine;)
      Taxes are one thing we don't have to deal with now the staff are retired. Just keeping tabs on the pension spending is our main issue.
      Purrs and hopefully you guys won't need any dental work when you go to the appointment we are not talking about ;)

  7. Princess, I think you need a vacation to O-R-E Gon after all that! I hear things happen in threes, so that means nothing else should need fixin' or replaced for the rest of the year at your palace. Mom and Dad thought they would have to replace the wash machine last year when it started squealing like a mousie. But with my supervision, Dad did some needed maintenance and low and behold the machine is still working. If it starts squealing again, I think that will be the time to switch to purrchase a new model. Tee hee hee.

    You stand so proud and bea-u-ti-ful there for your selfie. Kiss Kiss Kiss to you, my damask rose. -Your Prince, V (& Kerry) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. A holiday sounds lovely—even better if it was with you, my sweet ;) Maybe we could check out that squeak, just in case there was a stray mousie caught in that there machine?
      Purrs and pawkisses and clean smooches from me and our new washer.

  8. That is a lovely selfie. You look so beautiful that I will even forgive you for the Karma Chameleon ear worm!

    1. Thank you :) . Not heard of the song to which you refer, but thank goodness the worms don't need vet tech assistance! MOL

  9. Replies
    1. We sure have, I really am pleased the week is only 7 days long as it might have been way worse.

  10. Purrincess, you're awake for your Selfie, I'm deeply impurressed of your gorgeous😸
    That must have been some week, huh...why things always come in three...or more...sigh... I think the only thing that's good about a visit to the dentist is the dentist-after🐭 Flossing with mouse hair...pawsome😹🐭Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞

    1. Hi, Binky! Yes the post dental work out is so much fun. Humans are really missing out by not having to play and catch their floss ;)

  11. Life is so stressful, isn't it? Best to take a nap!

    Love your selfie :)

    1. Yes, sure is. But naps solve a lot of problems, especially if you can sleep through the problems; which I do as often as possible ;)

  12. ERin; in spite oh all thatz goin on ya still look gorgeouz ~~~ we hope thiz weekz way better for ewe N yur staff { & de movin crew two ;) ♥♥ sorree bout yur teeth; if ya wanna hide out heer for de next month ya can ~~~~~~ ♥♥

    1. Thanks, I may need to. And thank you, it was a nice pose and Mrs H was able to trim down bits of the sofa to make it work—thankfully I stopped her in time from taking the scissors to the real sofa. Really does need her hearing checking, MOL

  13. Replies
    1. Oh it sure does! But then when it gets sunny it is just sunny. Now why is there not another level of sun?

  14. Very distinguished selfie, ERin. Your week sounds like ours! I think we'll post about it on Friday.

    1. Oooh I do look forwards to comparing sofa notes, designs and comfort levels. Maybe Ellie can get involved with the colour swatches?
