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Sunday 5 May 2019

Mouth Shut Selfie.

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

    This week has mainly been up and down here at the Palace. Mrs H has been tidying the place up after the devastation of the spring cleaning, and then stashing away the supplies of food tins in case the UK's exit from Europe means food shortages. Mrs H says it is reminiscent of the war years—but this time it's silly politicians at home, fighting amongst themselves and trying to save their own political skins, that have visited this near three years worth of chaos upon us.

© Erin the Cat Princess ®
Thinking about the dental. . . . 

     As for yours truly? Well I have been thinking about my dental appointment, which by the time you have read this, will have come, and gone—a bit like some of my teeth, MOL

     If I look a bit apprehensive, you should see Mrs H who is not a great one for letting me out of her sight, or for Doctors. But I have a great surgical team prep'd and ready to go. They even offered me fluids WHILST I was under! I mean what great service is that..... I am just hoping I get a choice of flavours. Nip would be great,  but I'll settle for cream at a push. ;)

     I hope you enjoyed this week's selfie. How do you guys prepare for trips out and about, or does it just get foisted upon you?

     To see what our pals got up to this week—be it trips to doctors dentists, groomers or maybe just hugs, rubs and scritches and treats in pursuit of the perfect selfie, please click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

                                                     And Finally, but not least................

     Katie Kat is still looking for her forever home. To see what she has been up to this week, do hop over to Savannah's blog and see latest pictures and fun Memes that they have done.

    If you know anyone that would like to give delightful Katie Kat (seen here in the picture below) a new home, then please DO contact Contra Costa Humane Society in Pleasant Hill, CA, USA at 925-279-2247. .  Katie is currently lodging with Ms Savvy till some kind soul can offer the safe and mature sensible and calm home home she needs.....

     The links below will take you to more info about Katie. If you know of anyone who can care for dear Katie, and give her a home for life that she so dearly needs, please pass on her details and get them to contact the folks below, or contact Ms Savvy through her page.......
Community Concern For Cats
Contra Costa Humane Society
Savannah's Paw Tracks Blog


  1. Your portrait looks lovely. You look so thoughtful gazing out of the window!

    1. Thanks, I was thinking of what to eat first after my dental app. MOL

  2. That is a beautiful selfie sweet Princess and I sure hope the dental went well, update us soon please.

    1. Thanks, I do thoughtful and pensive things very well, Mrs H says, but then I think all us felines do :)

  3. We hope your dental went well, Erin and they left you with a few teeth. :)

    1. Oh yes more than enough teeth left to frighten the mice with, MOL

  4. Princess Erin, that is a lovely photo today. Purrs and prayers for your dental work. Our furbabies get placed in a carrier and before they know it, off they go!

    1. That seems the best way, though I wish I had some time to prepare and put on my smart clothes MOL

  5. Such a beautiful selfie of beautiful you, Erin. We are glad your dental went smoothly ... yes, nip flavored fluids would be awesome, wouldn't they? Hugs!

    1. trouble with the fluids was was knocked out, so they may not have been the premium nip variety. I'm guessing they were as I was still wobbly the following day... Maybe I should ask for more water with mine next time?

  6. I hope your dental went well. How many teeth did they steal? The Tooth Fairy will send you a gift. XO

    1. Oooh, thank you, but I shall reveal more next week as to what went wrong, or right!

  7. You do look very deep in thought. I hope your dental went well.

    1. I have another appointment next week, so things are still in a state of flux....

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, but I have followup to attend which means I will be dragged to the Dr again, and probably just when I am settling into a nice nap, or the latest episode of a soap opera, MOL

  9. Wow a dental?I bet you’re glad that is over.Me I have a trip the the Vets on Thursday for a vaccination and check up,xx Speedy

    1. Good luck on your check up, I have another, a followup, on Thursday.
      Purrs till then

  10. I hope everything went good with your dental treatment and you got the very best liquids!

    1. Well I think the fluids were the best, and I sure had a top class hangover afterwards, MOL

  11. ERin; we bee buzzed happee yur dentalz a done deel N we hope ewe get 24,033 bowlz oh creem two night....we iz sorree yur countreez havin trubullz.....we best knot "start" on whatz wrong heer !!! :) :) :) ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you guys, and I'll tell Mrs H to start cranking up the ol' cream cow and pass the iced cream asap...
      Let's not go anywhere were politicians have a hand in anything as they sure do rile everyone up and make a mess of things.
      Happy selfie and politics free purrs

  12. Princess Erin, that is one FABulous selfie gurl! Very classy! I hopes your surgicals went well, and you got lots of delish soft foodables for your troubles. sendin' some POTP so you can heal fast and gets to normal soon! Sounds like your politicians are sounding a lot like ours! yikes! not a good thing! just look at the bugger in the WH! sigh.
    Ruby ♥

  13. I imagine you were pondering your Valentine in that selfie ... not a dental. We hope it went well!

  14. Dearest Erin,
    I do hope your dental went well. I Marvelous think you have a terrific smile. And we too have horrible politicians. It is such a good thing that we have an election this fall, we really think that guy gets gone!

  15. A lot to contemplate, sweet Purrincess, but we hope it's getting better soon in the world. We hope everything's fine with your toothies now and that you're feeling fine. Healing Pawkisses are on the way💗💗💗Pawkisses for a Healthy Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

  16. Oh Dearest, I know you stand brave and proud. I am thinking of you as you recoup from your abduction and I sure hope those aliens compensate you from the loss of your precious tooths. Maybe they will gift you with those cheeses I've only heard stories about that have holes in them that lead to otherworldly places and the Cat Planet.

    And Dearest, purr-lease furrgive my human for typing this for me ever so late. I'm afraid she hasn't been home much lately and I hear she'll be leaving again real soon - next week. Kisses to you my fair beauty with the eyes of the Kelly Sea. Luv, Your Prince V (& Kerry) of Noir Kitty Mews

  17. ERin, we are so glad you breezed through the dental cleaning. Opie and Peaches recently had their teeth cleaned and Mom was worried because they're both 11 and have respiratory issues. But they did just fine, although Opie has a double ear infection!
