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Sunday 19 May 2019

The Quantity Surveyor!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

     It has been rather warm this week, well it was to start with, and so I headed over to the gardeners cottage to check up on things. Sadly the nip plants have all died and so I was left with sunbathing instead. That said the little garden is rather nice and promises to be quite good once the beds are finished and the new patio installed.

     As Mrs H was with me, I thought it would be nice to share some of the early blooms........

      The top image is of a Welsh Poppy, (though may go by other names) and is naturalising itself rather well, in fact given its own way, it would cover the place.

     The second picture is of a particular favourite of mine, and is a yellow primrose that was one of Nerissa's favourites. In fact these came from Canada direct from peep #1, and have pride of place in the gardens. As to the actual variety you will need to ask Seville that as I do not recall.

   And now here is this weeks selfie. . . .                 



     Being a multi talented cat, I thought this week I would combine my selfie with doing some Quantity Surveying. Yup I am pleased to announce that after a fairly length correspondence course I passed my QS exam with flying colours, and am now entitled to QS any and all things. 

     So, after much consideration and calculation— and after a reasonable nap, I was able to advise my clients that I had in deed been surveying stones, and yes, there was a sizeable quantity of them. 

     Sadly the stones were too hot to lay on for too long, so I decided to take my new found skills indoors to QS some sun puddles. Thing is, who do I charge for doing them?

     Have you guys been having some good weather? I do hope so and that you get to do some QS work of your own.....

     To see what our pals got up to this week: hugs, rubs and scritches and treats in pursuit of the perfect selfie, please click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

                                                     And Finally, but not least................

Katie Kat is still looking for her forever home. To see what she has been up to this week, do hop over to Savannah's blog and see latest pictures and fun Memes that they have done.

Katie Kat is still looking for a new home and loving family.  If you know anyone that would like to give delightful Katie Kat (seen here in the picture below) a new home, then please DO contact Contra Costa Humane Society in Pleasant Hill, CA, USA at 925-279-2247. .  Katie is currently lodging with Ms Savvy till some kind soul can offer the safe and mature sensible and calm home home she needs.....

The links below will take you to more info about Katie. If you know of anyone who can care for dear Katie, and give her a home for life that she so dearly needs, please pass on her details and get them to contact the folks below, or contact Ms Savvy through her page.......
Community Concern For Cats
Contra Costa Humane Society
Savannah's Paw Tracks Blog


  1. Your selfie looks very nice ! You know hot stones are good for the bones but of course not too hot !
    Kim has her little carpet in both places, Bathroom and Mr. G's room, they are bathmats so no danger for Mr. G !

    1. Thank you. Yes these stones were way too hot plus we had some ants, too. Thats great that Kims wont slip, so she can still share space with Mr G.

  2. Ooohh, very pretty flowers and selfie!

  3. Those flowers sure are pretty and your selfie is so pretty sweet Princess!

    1. Thanks, Brian, if only I could have some tuxedo coloured flowers to go along side,— but not too many as I dont want to be out done, MOL ;)

  4. Nice flowers! They're ALMOST as pretty as you, Princess Erin. Your selfie is purrfect. :)

    We had some nice sunpuddles yesterday, but today it's supposed to turn cloudy. So we'll do our QS-ing in the morning.


    1. Thanks and bless you—please do come again. Hmmm sounds like a wise choice re. QS-ing—sort of part time work, MOL

  5. Maybe you could get Mrs.H. to give you a hot stone massage. It is very relaxing, and if she is good at it you could set up a business with her giving the massages and you collecting the money.

    1. Hmm, I like the sound of massages, even more if I get to keep te cash ;) MOL
      Toodle pips

  6. Pretty flowers ! Your selfie on the stones is fabulous ! Purrs

    1. Thank you, we do not have many flowers but when they come they are a small delight to treasure.

  7. Hot stones. Sounds like a beauty treatment, go for it Erin!!!

    1. Thanks, I will— minus the small crawly wildlife aka ants! MOL

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, though maybe the flowers have the edge on the yellow and brightness front.

  9. ERin; de flowerz bee gorgeouz but knot az gorgeouz az ewe....conga ratz on yur graduashunz from QS skewl; we noe ya ree ceeved top honorz....we thinkz yur next job shuld inn volve nip N grazz :) ♥♥

    1. Now theres a thought, I can extend my services to nip! Don't suppose you know of some nip fields tin need of surveying? I could even offer my services for free.... well for the first week ;) MOL

  10. Oh, those poppies and primroses are most BEAUTIFULS!!! And, I thinks that your selfie is even MORE beautifuls than the blooms! I thinks peeps pay a LOT of green papers to have hot stones put on their backs, and you are gettin' it for free! score!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Hi, Ruby. Yup seems like I could be onto a real winner.... though I may have to get rid of the ants that we have to make a real go of it for human use, MOL
      Toodlepips and purrs

  11. Katie, I just want to lay down next to you and snooze in the sunpuddle too!

  12. Thanks for sharing the lovely blooming photos and selfies. Our little garden is just starting to bloom now. Hopefully it will be just as colorful as yours. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day and good luck Katie Kat with finding a wonderful furever home.
    World of Animals

  13. Those flowers are very nice. The hot stone treatment sounds like a winner and if I could help count me in. Beautiful selfie and Thanks fur coming to my birthday pawty. It is so nice when the strong Lady Cats come and put their paws and meows forward.
    Miss Fitz

  14. That QR adds to your already most impurressive resume, Princess! CONCATS. Mom may be calling on you to survey the number of snails that are still roaming (foraging) on her irises. She's thinned down their population, but they seem to multiply in great supply. Tee hee hee. Maybe Mrs. H. can adjust the stones so they are temperature appropriate allowing for you to have more spa days. Kiss kiss kiss. Your Prince, V (Noir Kitty Mews)

  15. Great blog, thanks for sharing such a nice post about Quantity Surveyors
