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Sunday 21 July 2019

Whiskery Delight.

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

     As you may recall, last week was all about missing seasons. This week happens to be more about a delayed season—spring. Mrs H and I nipped over to the old gamekeepers lodge to do a bit of delayed spring cleaning and pest control. Needless to say ol' Ned isn't into dusting on account of his bad eyesight, and is more of a hazard to himself and the ornaments.

     So, in this week's selfie you can see yours truly directing Mrs H as to where to swish and swoop with her feather duster on a pole. Any stray spiders were my responsibility to round and chase to the door. . . . . .via the hearth, sofa, bookcase, piano, bureau, back to the book case, and then under a pile of old newspapers.

     Let me tell you, it is a lot harder work than it looks, chasing a creature with eight legs and dozens of eyes and the ability to run upside down and up walls. Factor in they have lots of legs and loads more eyes, they make a formidible opponent. Anyways, come the end of the session, Mrs H says I fully deserved my nap and extra treats. And whilst she isn't entirely certain how many of the spiders actual did make it out the door, she says I did lose some weight, which in her book counts just as much.

Chasing Spiders ©® Erin the Cat Princess
Here's looking at you, spider......

     I hope you like my black and white whiskery delight selfie. Please do tell what pursuits you all like to supervise your staff do?

     To see what seasonal fun, games, and rural pursuits our pals have been up to this week, please click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!


  1. I love your portrait. It's a beauty.


    I was looking. I really like the lovely things in your sidebar. It looks smashing.

  2. WE like to snoopervise our Human when she's cooking or cleaning - but She prefurrs to shut Us in the spare room while she's engaged in those activities.
    Your selfie is beautiful.

  3. That is a totally adorable selfie sweet Princess!

  4. That is a lovely selfie. You were looking very intently at those spiders. They should be very afraid.

  5. Beautiful selfie. That sounds like a tough job spider hunting. XO

  6. Wow, Erin. We love this beautiful selfie of beautiful you! We like to snoopervise our mom and dad when they iron, fold laundry and make the bed. :)

  7. Eek, spiders! Yucky! It's extra good that you took the time to defend the premises from those bugs, Erin!

  8. Spider hunting is not for the weak. That is a gorgeous selfie, Erin. Looks like a work of art!

  9. ERin ewe bee gorgeouz in black white full color with spiderz with out; we just hope noe ta ran choolaz waz in de mix !!!!!! WHOA !!!!! :) ♥♥♥

  10. Hahahaha. A discriminating cat's job is never done, right??

    1. Too true. But I try my best with what I have ;)

  11. Beautiful selfie, Erin!

    I'm always catching spiders for my mum.

    1. I try, but am lacking the staff to practice on—not enough legs, MOL
