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Sunday 6 October 2019

Great things. . . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

  A link to last week's story can be found HERE.

    Alas, after last week's story no pot roasts were forthcoming, though we had lots and lots of suggestions as to who, or even what could have created the hole in one of our bedrooms.

     In true British spirit we have not left the matter there, and will be trying to get to the bottom of, if not the hole, then the affair of the hole in the wall. If there is more than one miscreant then I guess I best hope that Butch and Sundance the robber mice haven't moved in. Just to be on the safe side, Mrs H has stowed her sherry fund somewhere even safer, and reinforced the cheese locker.

     Anyways, this week has been one of deliverance: deliverance from floods, deliverance by Amazon Lady who dropped off not only some more cheese, but a new pot (sans roast), and an early Christmas presi for val.  The kindly post lady also delivered some more of my kibble of choice for the fitness conscious feline aka 'Orijen Fit and Trim' in handy one meal 1.8kilo size pouch. OK I jest about that being one meal size, and this size lasts me 1 month. We ordered through VioVet here in the UK, and have set up a regular monthly delivery so I never have to send Mrs H out in the snow, floods, and lightning again.... well not unless I run out of nip and cream!

     This week's selfie is me showing what everyone really wants to find in there Amazon box, and I don't mean cat fluff either . . . . .

Surprise! Who said great things don't come in small packages?

     Thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoyed my Amazon Prime Surprise.

     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, be it unboxing pots pans cardigans or spurious things they just can't recall ordering on Amazon, please click the links below, and enjoy the Hop!


  1. You are the best thing in a small package Princess Erin!!!

  2. Oh, yes, you can deliver the whole package with so much cuteness on my address, Erin and we can eat the Fit&Trim together😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  3. We love when boxes show up at our door. You're looking adorable, Erin.

  4. That is a darn cute selfie sweet Princess!

  5. Big paws up for all that stuff that came in the post, Erin! And we love, love, love your Prime selfie! XO

  6. That is a box that I would like to have delivered to me! I would make sure I ordered your nip and cream too.

  7. Wowsa! I would loves to gets my paws on a kibble bag like meal??! Yes please!!! BOL!
    Wells, if Amazon was shippin' kittehs as gawgeous as you in the post, I would order 87! what? oh. Ma said no to the 87 kittehs. killjoy.
    Anyhu, FABulous selfie my furiend!
    Ruby ♥

  8. Foodz are da best things to find in packages!

  9. Gotta love those Amazon boxes!

    Great selfie :)

  10. ERin ya bee most gorgeouz two day which waz yesterday but ya still iz everee day....hope de rainz kleer up; we think that lorenzo doodz ree sponsabull... we DUE hope tw lurn mor bout de hole in de wall....yur storeez all wayz rox ~~~ happee week a head :) ♥♥

  11. We love those packages when they have stuff for us. We have no use for them otherwise.

  12. Boxes are awesome! You are such a cutie today Princess!

  13. If the white truck lady or the brown truck man or "Amazon" delivered a box to me with you in it, then that would be the best purresent this floofy chat noir could ever receive. It would be even better than the box itself. Oh, I shall write to the Great Pumpkin, to Tom the Turkey and to Santa - surely one of them would make my wish come true and deliver you. Kiss kiss kiss my lil' OREO package.

  14. We love all kinds of boxes. Big ones, small ones, in between ones. The best kind are the ones that we have to squish ourselves into, like shoes boxes. You always take a beautiful selfie, ERin!

  15. There's nothing Lexy loves better than Prime boxes!
