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Friday 29 November 2019

ERin's November Photo Fails¿!!!

Welcome to the 'Pet Photo Fails' blog Hop!!!

     Welcome one and all to what Mrs H has informed me is NOT the Sunday Selfies, rather the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!

      The awesome Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows have kindly taken over this once a month hop from our dearly departed friend, Roby Sweet of the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles AKA The Old SoLT, as Miss C liked to call her.

     On the last Friday of the month, we get together to share Mrs H's not so talented photographic efforts. And whilst I do or should fall in the pictures, I frequently don't. Any failures are therefore NOT of my making, and I blame Mrs H fairly and squarely (with the occasional round and wobbly bit) for every mishap, shake and overexposure, MOL.

And now this months selection:

     I'm sorry to say that Mrs H has once more been caught taking pictures of random pieces of carpet. Now given we do not have that much carpet in the Palace, I do think maybe there is a much deeper thing going on here; maybe some cotton-acrylic twist pile fetish?  Only kidding, Mrs H may love housework, but NOT to that extent. MOL

     This is a rather rare shot of my midriff. Now I have to explain that I am not sleeping in this shot. In actuality, I was doing another of my DIY for Cats videos. Here I can be seen showing the correct position for inspecting under a chest of draws, and the benefits of using a newspaper to not only protect the fur from any dust – should there be any – but also as a feline style crawler board that can slip along the carpet.

     Half a sixpence may be better than a penny, farthing or none – to borrow from the song, but when it comes to felines and photographing the head of the household, I really do think the whole, or at least the head, is better than the half, especially the back half?

     And finally, I give you what has to be quite literally 'A Shot in the Dark.'

     This is one, believe it or not, shows me meeting and greeting some feline Halloween Treat or Treaters. Sadly for Mrs H, her photographic ambition was thwarted by the absence of daylight, a flash, and the fact I was far too far away. Apart from that, I think she did — Heck, is that the time? I really must be going. Time really does go so quickly these days.

     Well, that's enough Photo Fails from Mrs H and me. I do hope you enjoyed them and they brought a smile to your day. It just remains for me to say:


Go on, now show us YOUR Photo Fails!

     Please do hop around all this month's star failures and have a bit of fun and laughs on us, after all, THAT is what it's all about :)

     To visit our host, Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows, and join via her page, click this


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  1. I'm MOLing about the carpet fetish!

  2. Those are really amazing, especially the carpet and shot in the dark!

  3. Those are fun photo fails. I like your little toesies. XO

  4. HAH! Maybe I won't fire TW after all! Is that one of your lasers in the last, er, fail?

  5. I don't know, I kind of like the shot showing your 3/4 black and 1/4 pink paw pads! My weakness is pink paw pads. Among my kitties, only Kitty had ONE.

  6. Mrs. H photo taking skills are getting worse and worse...not better. Perhaps a photography class might help??

  7. Princess, the first and last photos are clearly evidence of flying saucers (AKA ALIENS). Tee hee hee.

    And that is smart to put paper down before looking under the bed, 'cause then the carpet buggies can't crawl in your fur. You can also read the funny pages without having to get up if when you want a short break from doing your inspection. Winks. Kiss kiss kiss.

  8. These are some pawsome photo fails. We love have a wonderful laugh from them. The carpet one is just too funny. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals
