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Sunday 17 November 2019

The Decorating Cat


Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!
     A link to last week's story about the Snake in the Grass can be found HERE.

     If you want to see some of my, or rather Mrs H's foot first Friday Foto failures, then click the link HERE.

     This week I have been making plans for redecorating.

     What every wise cat – and interior designer – know, is that it's all about planning. So being a subscriber to the theory that it is better to be prepared than not, I duly set out everything Mrs H will need to repaint the skirtings. That is once she has decided which colour white we should have: Battleship white—not my favourite due to the crustaceans and smell of old seaweed; White with a hint of black—not Mrs H's favourite as it means someone, mentioning no names, got too close to the fresh paint and deposited hairs on it; or my personal favourite—Mouse  white.

    Anyway, in anticipation of Mrs H making the right choice, I have laid out the newspaper and the paintbrush for her to start. The other items are my own addition to the mix, essentials that every cat should have whilst supervising one's decorator.

     Now if you are wondering where the most important item is, Mrs H has banned me from having my food bowls in the shot. She says it gives a wrong impression to the younger and maybe more impressionable readers that it is safe to paint and eat at the same time, and that snacking on the job is acceptable in a forward-facing customer-centric environment. Me, I think it's because I've put her on a diet and seeing my four-course snack tray makes her tummy rumble.

     Now, some of you may be thinking that the nip nanna is not essential to the whole process. Let me assure every cat undertaking decorating that there is nothing like a cat high on nip tearing around the floors and walls and spreading fresh pawprints everywhere to encourage a painter to get the job done quickly; not that I would do such a thing ;)

     Thank you for visiting us this week. If you have any decorating tips of your own that you would like to share, please leave them in the comments below.

     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, be it whitewashing the scullery (nothing to do with the X-Files) or testing draperies for climb-ability, please click the links below, and enjoy the Hop!


  1. Isn't this the best blog hop ever? It is just the best fun and you meet the best people.

    1. It sure is, friends across the land and waves.

  2. Thank you for visiting us. We love your comment posted.
    We just noticed you have lovely cute 'painted nails'! Purrs and hugs!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the comment, we cats never do anything we shouldn't, MOL I do spend a lot of time keeping my paws and nails clean, thanks for noticing :)

  3. Great selfie, Erin. We never get to help with decorating plans. Usually we get banished to a bedroom when the paint brush comes out.

    1. Hmm,thats a tricky one. Maybe you guys need to get in on the planning side instead? Pick out carpets for clawability and curtains for climbing and wood furniture suitable for ones talons.
      Have a great and art filled week

  4. Well done. Erin! We would not have imagined that a nip nana would be so helpful when redecorating. We will keep this in mind next time we do home improvements. Hugs to you and Mrs. H! :)

    1. Oh yes, do. Failing it working, I have heard tell that it could be used for a heist ;)

  5. Years ago I was told on very good authority that a nippy nanner is essential for whatever work needs to be carried out.

    1. You were told right, for sure, the more the merrier, quite literally, MOL

  6. Hey Erin. We agree that you need a nip nanner to keep the right fang sway. Sway your fang into the nanner that is

    1. Fang Sway sounds just around the corner from the hotel Mrs H once stayed at in China. Terrible food, but the cockroaches were wonderful, if you like that sort of thing, MOL

  7. Princess, I'm so-o glad you have one of those naners, 'cause that means we can communicate with each other when our humans put the computers out of our reach. Naners make great smartphones. And the reception is excellent. I hear that it's just as good for international calls too.

    I think you should have those painters do a troupe l'oeil (fool the eye) treatment on the wall to make it look like you're everywhere in the palace at the same time. But then again, that might rattle Mrs. H. Tee hee hee. Luv you, lil' dove.

    1. Hmmm, that sounds too much like the el presidente! I think best not to upset Mrs H as she has the keys to the pantry, MOL BUt as to Nip Nannas, I shall see if mine has any credit and then we can have a quick nanna smooch international rates. ;)
      Talk to you later, Val
      Purrs and smooches on account

  8. Oh, Erin!...Um Princess Erin, that have such wisdom for us as a furmily who despurrately need to get some of the same work done here. Years of kitty paws, and not a few doggy paws and teeth have rendered our den into a painter's delight...if he/she loves work that is, MOL!!

    Now to impart those ideas to our peeps.

    1. Hmmm, that sounds a large job indeed. May I suggest a two banna approach, as well as two paintbrushes. Of course this may sound very labour intensive but rest assured that it will entail copious amount of cleaning before during and after the extra naps you will be forced to take whilst the humans clean off the spills splaters and what not from places they should never have been, including themselves, MOL

  9. Replies
    1. Four paws up from me, which Mrs H says is how I frequently look after a decorating session, MOL

  10. I have a nip banana too. I tend to ignore it most of the time!

    Good luck with the decorating :)

    1. Never underestimate the worth of a nip nanna; plus if you ignore it it'll go all manky and brown and squidgy like Mrs H's do. ;)

  11. Not many would get your The X-Files reference, Erin!

    1. Drat, but then I suppose if everyone did it wouldn't really be too unknown. I think that's how it's supposed to work, MOL

  12. ERin, for sure go with mouse white; or may bee even mouse gray, N ya could wait til de paintz sorta kinda all most knot quite dry, but still re move a bull, and put de nip nanner on de wall, take it off again reel quik...N prezz toe !!! nanner imprezzion ;) ♥♥☺☺

    1. MOL, that is/are excellent suggestions! I shall hot foot it and see if we have a spare nanna ;)

  13. Oh, ERin! What exhausting work you are undertaking! We think you deserve at least a couple naps ;)

    1. Thanks, I'll be right over – or can you mail them to me?

  14. MOL..Mouse-white is the purrfect colour indeed, Purrincess😸 Nip nanners look great, smell great, but are so not my cup of tea😸 I think I have to make a phone-call now with Valentine, stay on line please...😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday and week ahead🐾😽💞

    1. Mouse white with grey accents it is, MOL
      Have a great week,

  15. I think you have impeccable taste Princess Erin ~ so if Mrs. H was as smart as I thinks she is, she would follow your advice! I do likes the idea of Mouse-white. If the nipnanna is anything like my margaritas, I say pass the nannas!!! oh waits....the nip doesn't work on us woofies, huh? Wells, I will be more than happy to share my margaritas! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  16. Mouse white must look beautiful ! Not easy to find an albinos mouse ! Yes Arthur is declining but has his up and downs. We all fear the moment he has to go !
