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Saturday 29 January 2022


©Julian Worker/Mirador Publishing

An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Cat Princess©






Hello, and welcome to my Saturday Book Review featuring an Adventure in Fiction!


This week, for our adult, and feline loving fans everywhere, we have the UTTER DELIGHT of reviewing a book by JULIAN WORKER, called DIARY OF A BUDDHIST CAT.


Julian also writes mystery adventures as well as travel books. Born in the UK, he has travelled to nearly 100 countries across the globe. He currently lives and works in Vancouver, Canada.

This book features Freddie, a three ish year old black and white cat.

© Julian Worker / Mirador Publishing





Paperback ISBN: 978 - 1 - 914965 - 14 -2


Cover price for Paperback £11.99, KINDLE currently £2.99 


Pages 245.


Age range: Upper YA/ Adult 

Any cats? Oh yes!

Classification: Clean Humour.





No spoilers here. 



We were lucky enough to see and down load for free this book on NetGalley. We were sopleased with this story that we have purchased the paperback also. We are only too happy to share this unsponsored review with you.

The plot

Freddie is a black and white cat determined to follow the Buddhist path. It was the only book on religion his previous human had. But when that human throws Freddie at the vet rather than pay the bill, Freddie's life changes. Made well by the kindly vet, he is adopted into a new home with John and Mary, two loving, caring, and quite normal and educated humans. They had previously adopted Gemma, a feline with a grudge against humans in general, for their fascist jackboot ways. Her reason is that some humans took her kittens away from her when she most needed them for support. Now, she refuses to kowtow to their oppressive ways, despite John's and Mary's kindness.

Gemma and Freddie do not get on. The relationship is based on the severity of Gemma's sneers, ranging from 1, being 'Ignorant cat', to 6, being 'enemy of cat kind'. Needless to say, Freddie gets a lot of sneers in the 5 and 6 range.

Freddie, though, is very passive, as you would expect from a Buddhist. He seeks to find common ground and treat everyone, even Gemma, with respect and kindness, helping where he can to ease her suffering and pain.

Now, if you hadn't surmised already, I need to mention that Freddie is an educated cat who likes to read books and experience life. So much so that he goes into his garden and befriends the resident crow family, Rufus, the local squirrel. They introduce him to Holly, the hamster who's cage sits inside on the next door window ledge.

Very soon, with the help of his new pals, he is off in pursuit of educating himself in the fine arts and philosophers of the human world. But true to his beliefs, he is helping his new friends fulfil their own academic, sightseeing and high-flying goals. And how does he do this, you may ask? Answer: By entering and borrowing from the next door library, of course! The antics and chaos that ensue are hilarious and priceless. All of which is unseen by his human companions, but not so their neighbour, Penny, who tries to film it all on her phone.


So, what did we think?

From a rather unassuming cover comes what I think is a small gem. Told in first person as a series of Freddie's diary entries, this book will impart to the careful reader far more than at face value. It is a masterpiece of observation and insight into not only felines but humans too. More than this, an entertaining storyline sets this apart from far more mundane fictional works on feline and human relationships.

For me, this is what truly makes this a stand out tale and a tour de force of entertainment and insight. Actions have consequences, even more so when species mix. And here they unfold so well and funnily that it was impossible not to turn the page and laugh and giggle aloud.

A must-read for anyone seeking a more educated, tongue in cheek fun, and thought-provoking read. I'll be delving more into the author's other works (both fact and fiction), as the writing style is very appealing.

I also find that I want to know more about Freddie's adventures. Whether we get to know more or not, I don't know. But I have bought the paperback, and will re-read it periodically to remind myself of the balance of life and all such good things. And yes, we will also laugh unashamedly at what happened to Angela in the library, and to that poor, poor dog of Penny's!

****** HOT OFF THE PRESS! ******

 Julian has told me there WILL be a sequel!!! Get this one now and be ready for when the sequel arrives.

So . . . . 


Crunch time. 

We thoroughly recommend this book. And you don't have to have a cat companion or be a budding Buddhist to like this story. Nor be a philosopher or connoisseur of, ahem, 'fine art' to appreciate the insight and humour woven carefully into the pages. 

Want to buy a copy?


To get copy, please do head down your own karma filled path to enightment and spread the love at your local independent bookshop.


JULIAN WORKER's web page can be found HERE.


MIRADOR Publishing's web page can be found HERE.


If any authors, publishers wish us to review their books, please do get in touch. Details are listed on our book review page.








 Till later!




  1. Erin, did you today is Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day?
    You are a purrect example!
    If you enjoy zen cats, you must read David Michie's "The Dalai Lama's Cat" series; very fun and wonderful reads.

    1. Thank you, but I didnt know how special today was. I shall make a point of stressing this to Mrs H when it comes to ordering my queen size helpings of cheese omlet 😉
      Oooh, now that book does sound right up our street. I will do you a s wap. You read mine and I'll read your suggestion. 🙂

  2. Replies
    1. It really was fun in the way it rolls along from one scene to another and in a very feline way. It isnt a long or complicated book, yet gets so much in. I hope everyone gets a chance to read it.

  3. Wowzers! This book sounds terrific! We are going to add this book to our reading list. It sounds like fun! The writer sounds like an interesting guy too!
    And it's Tuxedo appreciation Day! I, Marv appreciate you Erin! You are absolutely MY purrsonal favourite tuxie! Keep the reviews coming!

    1. If you have the time for this easy but thought provoking and fun read then it is worth it. It did make me laugh and also think too. Mrs H said that that makes it a good read.
      Thank you, I am, I think, lucky to be me, even if I am a bit wierd in my likes :) And thank you for liking the reviews.

  4. This sounds like a rather lovely book.

    Happy Tuxie Appreciation Day, Erin.

    1. It was excellent fun and well written. I am looking now to ready the various humorous books about the Dalia Lama's cat.
      Thank you. This celebration almost passed us by as Mrs H doesnt do celebrations.

  5. This is a must read for sure! Nice to see you, Erin.

    1. Thank you. Fun, infrmative and thought provoking adventures with felines have to be good for the world we live in :)

  6. Sounds like a great read! We'll definitely check it out. We love your selfie too, ERin.

    1. It is. I hope you'll enjoy the Buddhist karma and also the rib tickling feline and human interaction. Thank you. We do sleepy selfies really well!

  7. ERin ewe bee lookin most gorgeouz again thiz week and we hope all iz well
    crozz de big pond....

    yur ree veew iz grate; freddie we iz sorree yur furst "purrson" gived ewe a way ~~~
    :( but soundz like in de end it waz for de best ♥♥

    1. Thank you. We is all well. Mrs H is busy making a sherry cake. I fear the ingredients may be a little mixed up though as I swore she added one pound of sherry to a half glass of flour!? Still if the sponge cake fails, we can make pancakes with sherry flavouring, MOL
      It is a fun book, really cool, and thought provoking. And it is hilarious in places too, just the right places. The second adventure will be coming!

  8. That photo of you is so adorable, ERin!

    This book sounds like a gem,indeed. We kind of feel like cats, left to their devices, have a lot of Zen.

  9. This sounds like a great book, something different. That is a lovely selfie too.

  10. This one just popped into my feed reader, sounds like a good book!
