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Sunday, 8 January 2023


 by Eloise Williams;  



An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Literary CatΒ©, International Book Reviewer.

Hello, and welcome to my weekend Book Review featuring Adventures in Middle-Grade Fiction.
This week's review comes without a forward. Well, without any substantial forward because Mrs H is still suffering the after-effects of too many chefs spicing up the trifle, mince pies, and Christmas cake with extra sherry!
Suffice to say, tidying up has gone by the wayside, along with more than a few grey-haired cells!

So, without further ado and without raising my voice above a whisper, I bring you another FAB book review. This week we have The Curio Collectors.


AUTHOR:  Eloise Williams


Cover art by:   Anna Shepeta


Published by: Barrington Stoke


Publication date: Paperback 2 March 2023


Paperback ISBN:   978 - 1800 902 008

Cover price for Paperback Β£7.99


Pages: 96


Suitable for ages 9+ Reading age 8




Some as to plot direction and characters. 



Thank you to... 


We are exceedingly grateful to Barrington Stoke Publishers and NetGalley for sending us the Advance Reader Copy of this adventure.

As ever, our views are our own, and we only share reviews of books we like and feel our readers deserve to know about and that we hope they will enjoy. 



The plot


Set in 1896, this short adventure tale opens in a field near the (real) village of Digswell Water, north of London. It is a hot day, and our protagonist, 12-year-old Lily, and her younger brother, Tom, are searching the river and bank for curios. Anything they can clean up and sell. They've made money from all manner of things: an otter's skull, a bedpan, old bottles and broken toys. They take what they find back to Ma Hawker at the horse-drawn caravan they call home. They travel from place to place and put on a show to drum up trade, making up elaborate tales of the curios' new pedigree. 

But it is a hard life, and with scant pickings, the trio lives on broth devoid of substance. Lily thinks she's solved the matter when she buys some supposedly valuable trinkets. Alas, she has been duped by the lad that sold them. When the local farmer comes to collect his rent for the field they are in, they have to flee the area. Heading to London, they soon discover that a small piece of carved walrus horn, scrimshaw in the lot Lily bought, is attracting some interest, but not all of it is good.

Ok, from here on in, I can't reveal much more. Suffice it to say the adventure gets very exciting for Lily and has far-reaching consequences for those caught up in it.

So, what did we think?


Eloise's magic shines summerlike in this delightful, easy-to-read tale. 


It has the feel of one twice the length, like Eloise's previous book, Honesty and Lies, which was set in Elizabethan times (see my review HERE), and has the same comfortable feeling of place and people. 

So . . . . 

Crunch time. 

A perfect short story that delights and encourages younger and reluctant readers alike. It is something I would have loved to have read to me as a younger child, pre this age group, or love to read to a class.

Want to buy a copy?


To get a copy, please do consider your local independent bookshop. There are plenty out there and each shop is just waiting to serve up whatever kind of mystery, curio, fun and adventure you desire.


Eloise's web page can be found HERE or type this:



Anna Shepeta's Instagram page can be found HERE or type this:



Barrington Stoke's web page can be found HERE or type this:


I shall leave you with a selfie. We are joining the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted each week by the Janet Blue of the Cat on My Head Blog.

Does my face look too big in this? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


Till laters!

Love Cats and books



Till laters!



  1. That's a great selfie, ERin - up close and purrsonal, so to speak.
    About the sherry - Humans are funny that way. Much better stick to nip (mol).

    1. Thanks, I like close ups, as long as on my terms πŸ™‚. Yes, next year I'M in charge of the sherry! So it will be nip in everything, including the turkey, MOL

  2. That looks like a fun read, Erin, and we love your selfie!

    The Chans

    1. It is a great short story for kids. Thank you, once in a while they turn out special. πŸ™‚

  3. Erin happy Sunday Selfie,
    a great review it is always good to find new books and authors
    Hugs cecilia

    1. Thank you, and to you. Yes, there are so many great kids authors out. Finding new adventures to share can be a minefield, but we try and review all that catch our eye.

  4. ERin! THANK you for coming to see me! I love the book review and I shall check to see what others you will have. That insulting pic my brother drew...sheesh! BUT I shall speak with him again when he comes home. He's over the Mountains teaching 6th graders. This is a first---6th graders, for him. He usually has older kids. BUT...I hope the kids will make me birthday cards!

    1. It was great to visit. Oooh, getting loads of kids to make cards sounds great fun. Maybe they can make you some extra birthday toys, too? I hope brother has a great time with the 6th graders. They will have lots of fab book reading ideas to explore.

  5. Erin with the beautiful heart shaped black nose, thanks fur visiting me on my 10th anniversary. We love books with mystery and cats. Lynn reads 'em to me all the time. Precious

    1. Why thank you. It is my special heart. Mrs H loves it πŸ’™. Happy 10th Anniversary! Sharing good books between cats and humans is always fun and worthwhile. Mrs H says its very theraputic too.

  6. Those two really sound delightful and their story has to be a fun one. Such a lovely selfie sweet Princess!

    1. Thanks, yes, both Eloise's books mentioned here are great MG reads. That selfie really came out quite well considering I was being quite playful and active that day.

  7. That sounds like a nice short story. Your selfie is beautiful and shows off your little black heart and lovely white whiskers.
    Oh dear, on reading it back it sounds like I am calling you black hearted. I would never do that!

    1. Hehehe, It's ok, I know what you mean. My nose is one of my good points, unlike my ears πŸ˜‰πŸ’™
      It is a lovely length, and great to encourage younger readers, or as a book for a journey or bedtime reading session.

  8. Furrst! Terrific review! Mom says there are so many books and so little time to read them all! And Erin, that photo of you is divine! I fell like I can reach out and pat your face! (did you feel my paw on your whiskers?) Head bonks and whisker kisses, your #1 fan boy, Marv

    1. Ahh, yes the big problem. But picking and choosing still provides a wealth of wonderful entertainment. Thank you, Marv, you will make me blush if your not careful. I think I did feel the gentle brush on the whiskers, though Mrs H just sighed and said this is a cold draughty house so it was that πŸ˜‰
      Purrs to No.1 fan, from your International cat of intrigue and adventure (in book form

  9. That's a great selfie, Erin!! A nice closeup, all whiskery and such:)

    That book somehow reminded me of a much older series we read as kids, The Borrowers, have no idea of the author.

  10. Erin, we like your selfie very much! No, your face does not look too big. :)

    Sorry to hear Mrs. H is under the weather. Sending lots of purrs and pgood wishes that she is on the mend soon.

    This sounds really good! The plot is unique, and it sounds like Lily and Tom have some exciting adventures.

  11. Charlee: "There's no such thing as too big of a cat face!"

  12. Great review. That does sound like a good read.

  13. Mrs. H. is lucky to have you to keep her on the straight and narrow, ERin!
