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Tuesday, 6 June 2023


 by Dom Conlon; 

Illustrated by Heidi Cannon 


Small book cover image same as large. Matilda stands in blue pinafore dress, white blouse and pink hair band with a star on. The backdrop is a blue space scene, and immediately behind Matilda is a swirling mass of the galaxy planets and lightning bolts in yellow. The title is in block captitals, with Matilda in big green letters and the rest in smaller yellow letters. Writers and artist names are in green either side of Matilda's legs.

An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Literary Cat©, International Book Reviewer.

Hello, and welcome to my weekday Book Review featuring Adventures in Middle-Grade Fiction.

Now we don't often get to do Tuesday posts as Mrs H has her car mechanics classes on a Tuesday, and I visit the elderly of the parish taking various gifts. And before you say anything, I don't present them mice. I stopped that after the live one I gave Mrs Hubbard ran up her . . . . well least said about the damage to her mobility scooters brake lines the, the better.

But this week is half term so, rather than let this galaxy-defining adventure review be delayed, we are proud to present to you a possible cure for all those boring science lessons . . . .

Large book cover same as small. Matilda stands in blue pinafore dress, white blouse and pink hair band with a star on. The backdrop is a blue space scene, and immediately behind Matilda is a swirling mass of the galaxy planets and lightning bolts in yellow. The title is in block captitals, with Matilda in big green letters and the rest in smaller yellow letters. Writers and artist names are in green either side of Matilda's legs.

AUTHOR:  Dom Conlon


Cover art by: Heidi Olivia Cannon    


Published by: UCLan Publishing


Publication date: Paperback is OUT NOW!!!


Paperback ISBN:   978-1-915235-38-1


Cover price for Paperback: £7.99


Pages: 227


Age range:  7 to 12 and upwards

Any dogs or cats? Alas no, but the occaisional alien crops up!




Very few direction and characters.




Very few as to direction and characters. 



Thank you to... 


We are exceedingly grateful to UCLan Publishing and Graeme for asking if we'd Read & Review this epic science-driven publication. 

As ever, our views are our own, and we only share reviews of books we have bought, been given as gifts, or received in exchange for an impartial review. 

First and foremost, the books we review are those we like and feel our galactic readers deserve to know about and that we hope they, their children, friends and students will enjoy.



The plot


Matilda Musk is a Middle Grader girl passionate about science, learning and snacks. In her first book/journal, Meet Matilda Rocket Builder, Matilda wanted to build a spaceship. How difficult could it be? she thought. Well, apparently, it is VERY DIFFICULT indeed. But that didn't deter Matilda. As she said in her journal, difficult isn't the same as impossible. 


She's still working on that project, but undeterred, she has decided in the meantime to try something simpler: – preparing to meet alien life!


To do this, she enlists her family and friends to help explain and demonstrate – prove or disprove the facts she has researched. She's certainly not going to let a few lightyears stand between her and her goal, especially if she has a fridge full of snacks for the journey!


What she learns, and whether she gets to travel to another planet, well, only the science and reading to the ending will reveal. 


So, what did we think?


Behind every good space adventure is a team of scientists solving the real problems of the universe and space travel. But to understand where we are now, any researcher worth their space dust needs to know where we came from and where we and the universe in which we are a mere speck are headed.

This excellent book explains it all through the eyes and journal of Matilda Musk, a schoolgirl science fan determined to boldly voyage into space to meet alien life, assuming she isn't in the library or in bed.

As Matilda learns the history and gathers information on what it takes to travel and boldly go forth, she also discovers the magnitude of the distances involved and the science behind man's knowledge.

Matilda deftly leads us through it all, told in easy and fun chapters in a logical kids' way. The brilliant artwork throughout the book adds just the right touch to demonstrate some of Matilda's research and also some of her wilder ideas. 


So . . . .

Crunch time.


I have yet to read a more engrossing science-based adventure. It is a delightful narrative that skillfully weaves science, galactic history and humour into one easy-to-enjoy and understandable volume. 

We loved this loads, though you probably guessed that already. Mrs H is almost as ancient as our galaxy, yet has no head for figures unless they involve cake recipes or fine-tuning our Brough Superior motorcycle. But even she was utterly enthralled by the story and science content. 

This shows that the book is spot on for any and all, especially budding space travellers, Astro scientists and curious kids (of all ages).  


So, definitely, a book to buy.


Want to buy a copy?

To get a copy, please launch yourselves, minding asteroids and comets, to your local independent bookshop. I'm sure there are plenty out there, in this galaxy and elsewhere, and each shop is just waiting to serve up whatever kind of science – fact and fiction, mystery, fun and adventure you desire.


Dom Conlon's web page can be found HERE or type this:


Heidi Olivia Cannon's web page can be found HERE or type this:


UCLan Publishing's web page can be found HERE or type this:

And to round off todays post, here's a picture of me checking if the universe looks the same upside down . . .

Tune in NEXT Monday when we will host the FINALE of the Book Blog Tour for Michael, the Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog!

Book cover for Michael the Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog. Small image. See blog review for more details.

You just WON'T believe what he gets up to in pursuit of his dream!

If you fancy a taste of what it's all about, tune in to some of the other blogs in the tour . . . .

Blog tour list of stops/blogs for Michael the Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage dog.

Till laters!



  1. ERin what a fine and fun review...I'm hearing the name Matilda a lot lately for new born baby girls.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you. It's a great teaching book. The older names always come around. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's the person behind the name that matters.

  2. Love the review Erin, I'll have to read that one for sure.

    1. I learned a lot I have to say. Mrs H did too. Never too old or young to learn as long as it is done in an appealing way, which this is for kids.

  3. Well, I hope you have enough space on your shelf for multiple copies of this Space Adventure. They make good gifts for the younger set. And, Erin, you are looking most lush and plush in that come-hither pose you have stricken! Lovely tuxy girl.

    1. If only. I am down sizing the collection as we speak. This copy will be given to a fan somewhere so it has a second life 🙂. I try my best to look hither and thither 😉

  4. Fiction is one thing but we would be most interested to hear more about your Tuesday visits, Erin. The abridged tale of the gifted mouse had us in stitches!!!

    The Chans

    1. Science books like this, that make the facts fun through fiction, are a real plus. I best not say too much about the gifted micein case I have my hunting privileges removed, 😉

  5. Your reviews are always the best sweet Princess and that does sound like a fun one! Love your photo too!

    1. Thank you. Good books, like spare mice, deserve to be shared 🙂

  6. Erin, *does* the universe look the same upside down?

    Part of my day job is to communicate science and technology in a way that makes sense to non-scientists, so your review of this book has definitely piqued my interest. I will check it out! Hugs to you and Mrs. H!

    1. Now that is interesting. It's methods are, I think, quite suited to kids and adults, though some adults may think the content childish, but it is what sticks in the mind that matters. In the UK, we have the Christmas Lectures hosted by the Royal Institute. They are the world's leading science lectures, given by leading figures in specific fields, and designed inspire children and adults alike because of their content and format. Here's a link for you:- If you have not seen them, I think you'll find them very interesting.
      As to answering your question, I'm going to test a theory and sleep on the ceiling which is now a duvet 😉

    2. I do not know how I missed this comment. I will be sure to check out the Christmas Lectures. Thank you so much for sharing the link. :)

  7. Another great review, Erin. Any book that can help us understand the universe surely has to be good.

    1. I think this is a great feed-in inspirational style of book for younger minds. But most folk can learn from it. In fact the humour we enjoyed, though Mrs H rolled her eyes at some of the puns. Which isn't actually a bad sign as she makes similar styled puns too.

  8. That is a furry cute selfie, ERin - and We, too, were wondering if the universe does, indeed, look the same upside down.

  9. Thank you for your kind words about our sweet Angel Raz. We miss him so much.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon
