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Sunday, 2 July 2023

Farewell to my forever Prince, Friend, and Family.


Farewell to my forever Prince, Friend, and Family.

It was early Tuesday morning this week, when Mrs H came and broke the news. My beloved Prince, Valentine, the hero of our adventures together, had passed away. We had long known this day would come, but still, it catches you and hurts just the same.

Few, if any, folks in the blogosphere will know we were secretly engaged two years ago. Sadly, somehow we never managed to find the time to have the big, bold, fun marriage celebration we both wanted.

But that doesn't matter as we knew each other.

Valentine was the consummate gentleman. Ever loving, always attentive, never forgetting a birthday or Christmas. I wish I could have been even half as good as he. Yet for all my faults, Val saw my worth and loved me for them, grumpy fits, warts and all.

Val and I met at Blog Paws nearly five years ago, and through our avatars, we soon realised we were meant to be together. A long and happy adventure followed, where we wrote a story and sailed the seven seas of pirate times singing rousing songs, drinking nip wine and having no end of fun.

Needless to say, Valentine's mum, Kerry, and Mrs H made sure everything was done properly: chaperones and the like for our long Facetime chats, and always on hand with refreshments. 

As Mrs H and I are Buddhist, we believe our subtle essence, that which is our consciousness, moves on to another life, into another form after the body dies. The better karma we have created in this life through kind acts and the way we live our lives, the better the rebirth.

I know Valentine will have a good rebirth.

There may be a huge hole now in this life of mine, but there is a chasm for Kerry David and Esmerelda, Val's family. Together, we will get through by being in the here and now, celebrating life, and helping each other and those around us.

I shall honour Valentine by keeping his image close and by praying for him for seven weeks, the longest a soul spends in the bardo state, which is the space between lives. That is the Buddhist way. I have cried and shall still cry, but it will be tempered by knowing there is hope in another life if we act well and create good causes in this.

Till we meet again, sweet Valentine, if not in this life, then the next, every inch of your name is how I shall remember and celebrate your life and times. 

Erin & Mrs H


And now, the Sunday Selfie. 




We are joining Janet Blue from the Cat on My Head blog for the weekly parade of selfies from all manner of companion creatures from across the pond and around the globe. 

To go to Janet's blog selfie page, please click this LINK, or type / cut and paste

And finally, here is my peaceful, contemplative selfie. . .


There is a book review for you on our Wordpress site, should you wish to visit. Follow this link to read and enjoy... or type


you can read the review on Blogger, by following this link. or type


Till laters!

ERin & Mrs H


  1. What a touching and heartfelt tribute to your beloved Valentine, sweet Purrincess. It's a big loss😿
    Soft Pawkisses to comfort you and Mrs H too🐾😽💞

    1. Thank you. Val had become a big part of our lives. A larger than life guy who I know has left a huge hole in Kerry and Davids life. Universally loved, I think good karma will have brought him a good rebirth.

  2. Beautifully spoken for a beautiful friend, forever.

    1. Thank you, Ann. He touched many lives and will be deeply missed by Kerry and David and Esmerelda.

  3. This is a beautiful tribute to Valentine, your true love.

    1. Thank you. Words are not really enough to describe Val, or any of our fellow felines and companions. But it is good to remember and celebrate what they each mean to us.

  4. Our condolences on your sad loss, Erin.

    1. Thank you. A sadness shared is halved. A friend rejoiced is elevated and fond memories deepened. Val was one of a kind.

  5. ERin and Mrs. H
    I was so very sorry to read about your handsome Prince Valentine had flown off to the Rainbow Bridge.
    I know he will watch over you and his family
    Hugs cecilia

    1. That he will, I am sure. Then in rebirth, if he has not attained nirvana, I think he will have good karma from his kindly heart.

  6. Erin, we are so sorry. This is a beautiful tribute to your beloved Valentine, whose life, friendship, and soul touched so many of us around the world. We will hold him forever in our hearts.

    1. Thank you. It is hard to sum up such a big presence in our life; even bigger for Kerry and David. But I hope they will see all the comments and love and be heartened and able to heal quicker.

  7. We were so sad to hear about Val's passing. We're sending you lots of healing purrs, Erin.

    1. I know Kerry and David will really appreciate it. Val was so much to them and will be dearly missed by all.

  8. Beautiful tribute to your beloved Prince. I am sorry for your loss and my condolences to his family as well. Valentine was truly a prince. XO

    1. Thank you. He was a good friend to all he knew. I was so lucky he chose me. I Know Kerry and David will really appreciate everyones kind words...

  9. We are so furry sorry for your loss Erin! I send you my love, paw pats and gentle purrs (and purrayers), we also send them to his Peeps and furblings. Valentine was one special man cat and we will miss him. Keep being awesome! Your #1 Fan Boy, Marvelous Marv.

    1. We'll try, but it is not easy *Sniffs loudly into tissue*. I know Kerry David and Esmerelda will really appreciate everyones kind thoughts expressed here and elsewhere in the blogosphere.

  10. Mee-yow ERin mee allwayss wundered if you an Valentine were a cuppell.....mee iss so furry sorry you lost yore Purrince. Valentine was one amazin man cat an wee admired him so much. Yore Buddhist beeleefss are pawtastick an you know deespite our teerss; wee feel hopefull....
    You wrote so beeuteefully an poetically Erin! May Valentine'ss name bee fore a Blessing (Jewish-Mewish purrayer).
    An yore sweet yet sad selfie meowss it all.
    Paw (((hugss))) an ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you, and yes, we were almost wed. Thank yu for your prayers for Valentine. I know Kerry and David and Esmerelda will be deeply comforted by everyones kind words and prayers.

  11. ERin, Valentine iz sew veree happee, that ewe rited thiz amazin tribute two him. for sure he will watch over his mom, his dad, his sister....and de love oh hiz life ~~~~~ ewe ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Thank you. I am sure Valentine would be happy he has engendered so much love and friendship in this life he has left behind. I know Kerry and David and Esmerelda will take great comfort from your kind words of support.💙

  12. Erin and Mark. We have shed tears for Valentine and our hearts broke when we heard the news. We are sending a card to Kerry & Family, it went off today. Your tribute is a fine one to a great and good friend and it is good for us to read it.

    * Hugs from us to you and Erin *

    1. Thank you from all here at the Palace. It is good to remember those we like, and also to know they move on as part of lifes cycle. I know Kerry and David will really appreciate the card and everyones support. XXX
      ERin & Mrs H (and Old Ned the gardener)

  13. Hugs sweet Princess. I know that Valentine loved you so very much too and you were the purrfect couple and nothing will ever change that.

    1. Thank you for those kind words. Time is so fleeting, but we have, had, what we did and may well have it again in another time and place.

  14. What a beautiful tribute. Valentine will be missed tremendously.

    1. Thank you. Val was loved by so many, and had so much love to give to all his family and readers.

  15. What a beautiful tribute to Valentine ! We obviously did not know him as well as you, but we loved him very much and know his essence will continue for all who love him.

    1. Thank you on behalf of all. His essence will move on, and will I am sure create goodness in another form and in another place.

  16. A sweet and loving tribute to your special furend, Valentine.
    We published a memento for Valentine, too...its here:

  17. It looks like Valentine is shining down on you, ERin.

  18. I am very sad about Valentine becoming an Angel when we weren't ready for it. He was such a handsome and talented supurrstar among bloggers. Sending extra special purrs and hugs to yoo, Erin. Love, Dori
