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Sunday, 16 July 2023

Sunday Selfie!

 Hello, and welcome to our Sunday selfie post. 

We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kittes Blue and their mum, Janet Blue.

No stories this week as Mrs H is having terrible hay fever and has run out of her very special, imported and hyper-expensive natural remedy. Personally, I thought you could get the extra-mature sherry from Mrs Singh's Hypermarket . . . 😉

Anyways, on with the selfies!

Erin the Cat's selfie shows her head and part shoulders facing to the right. Her white chest fur radiates a sheen in the afternoon light that comes into the room she is in.


Coming Soon is a book review of a truly magnificent Teen/YA SciFi/Fantasy Adventure called SKRIMSLI by Nicola Davies. It is the second book set in a world where animals and humans can communicate by entering each other's minds. If you have read the first book, an award-winning modern classic called The Song That Sings Us, this is very much for you. Even if like us you haven't, don't worry, as they can be read apart. We are halfway through this and adore it.


Book cover image with a silver tiger face with yellow eyes. The upper face merges into the background so it's fur becomes the silver white and grey snow covered trees of a forest. The lower third of the face merges into the river and a large scaly pike-like fish. The title at the top of the book, and the authors name at the bottom are written in a yellow gold font of upper and lower case.


Here's a link to Firefly Press's web page for this book. Click to follow the link. The book is available for advance ordering.

 Till laters, and my next book review, have an awesome week.


ERin & Mrs H


  1. What a beautiful semi-profile, ERin! That is an excellent selfie!

    1. Thank you. One of Mrs H's better attempts given she had no sherry! 😉

  2. You look beautiful, as always, Erin! Purrs and prayers for Mrs. H. We hope she feels better real soon. XO

  3. Replies
    1. Many thanks. It was a rare shot from Mrs H.

  4. Meow Erin, Lynn and I have not stopped here be-furr. Don't know why, but we'll be back. Lynn is an old lady hooman and reads non stop. I am a middle age 12 year old with a grey onesie. Precious

    1. Thank you for coming by. We do book reviews, time permitting, and selfies too, though not usually much else due to Mrs H having heaps of housework to do 🙂. One is never too old to enjoy blogging. Just enjoy the freedom it offers and the wonderful pictures and diversity.

  5. sneekin round on free wi fi ERin, we gotta quik few secondz ta say HI, ewe bee gorgeouz !! bye now ~~ ♥

    1. No need to sneak about, come and knock on the door and share some of Mrs H's hayfever remedy! 😉

  6. ERin what a beautiful selfie. Hay fever is a bear especially in the hot humid summer
    I hope Mrs. H feels better soon. Thank you for stopping by today
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you, too. Mrs H will get over it all by November I hope.

  7. A fantastic selfie Erin. Well done and we look forward to the book!!!!

  8. That is one beautiful selfie sweet Princess, WOW!

    1. Thank you. No trick of the light, though it did enhance my white.

  9. What a wonderful imaginative idea and mama is going to get the two books for her grandchild of 14 but I know the truth: they are for MAMA!!! Merci for letting us know about them.

    1. You are welcome. A review will follow shortly. These are definitely going to be books both adult and teen can share. Captivating.

  10. That is a very regal selfie, Erin! We're sorry to read about the hay fever and the lack of effective imported meds. We hope she manages to get hold of some soon.

    The Chans

  11. Erin,

    Thanks for dropping by for some Monday Mewsic. Have a pawsomely awesome Monday and a boogietastic week, furriend! 😽🐾

  12. That is a very beautiful selfie, Erin!

    Haybfever and other allergies are such a scouurge...wiish tthey woyulkd all go away forever...petcretary hattes hayfever...and she has a lot of otther troublesome allergies as well...POTP for Mrs H!

  13. That is a beautiful selfie. I hope Mrs.H is soon feeling better.

  14. You look pensive, ERin! [we finally got our comment to go through!]
