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Sunday, 1 October 2023

A fleecy tale, Dr Henrietta, and a selfie...

There is no book review this week, as we have no books to read!

Mrs H hasn't got anything lined up for a few weeks as we (read that as she) need to focus on some home decorating, garden shed building, and pre-winter tidying. All this and doing charity knitting for the local sheep.

Why sheep, I hear you ask. Well, Farmer Clarksin tried a new sheering method. Well, let's just say buying cheap depilatory cream from dodgy small ads is bound to go wrong!

Suffice it to say, the local WI (Women's Institute) have a long stretch of knitting ahead of them to make suitable attire for 22 embarrassed ewes. Plans to knit one long scarf to save on making sleeves and buttonholes have now been shelved. Rumour has it Mrs Singh, from Singh's International Food Emporium, has sponsored some of the whole thing. In exchange, she gets to advertise on the sides. She wisely decided that promoting a new range of condiments, including mint sauce, was a non-starter!

OK, enough of the frivolity, here's my selfie!

We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kittes Blue and their mum, Janet Blue in America.

Small image. The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop badge. Features a yellow-haired lady with a tuxedo cat on her head.


Any suggestions as to what I was saying or thinking. No prizes, I'm afraid, just for the fun of it.....

Oh, and a huge shout out and Thank You from Mrs H and me to my awesome new doctor, Henrietta.

She had been having a very trying day with some felines that had been swearing. Whilst I have been known to have a hissy fit, and be 'hissed off' I do not swear πŸ˜‰.


Till laters!



  1. We can see that you won't stand any nonsense, ERin - even if you weren't swearing.

    As for the sheep - We know it's unkind, but We - or rather, Mummy - couldn't help a titter or two at the thought of knitting woollen clothes for ewes. We shouldn't, We know. We just can't help it...

    1. We can't help but smile either. But the sheep are quite happy to have a new and machine-washable wardrobe. Farmer Clarksin is however not so keen on the increasing wardrobe space he needs for them, MOL

  2. We love your selfie, Erin. It looks like maybe you are ready to go back to the comforts of your castle.

    How nice of Mrs. H to knit some clothes for the sheep. We hope that Farmer Clarkson learned his lesson.

    Hugs to you both!

    1. I certainly was. It is great to have such a good Dr. As to the sheep, well, I think they'll go on strick if they ever seem a depilatory again! The do however plan to start their own fashion show, in knitwear, mol


  3. You're not pulling our collective legs, Erin? About the sheep?

    Lovely selfie!

    The Chans

    1. Honestly, as though I would. They can pull their own legs if they wish, in brightly knitted woollens and hard-wearing acrylic blends... πŸ˜‰

  4. Erin, as we have no sheep at our house, it is a bit to take in knitting fur them. I too have a hissy fit at the Dr. Feelbad visit but I think I choose my meows politely.

    1. If you lived in Upper Much-Mousing this would all be so natural and commonplace. Having said that, I think our sheep are a quite unique wool blend πŸ˜‰

  5. Erin, are you sure? Very very sure about the knitting of garments for the embarrassed ewes?

  6. And what a lovely girl you are too! I know my mom has a thing for back and white girl cats. Hehehehe. I'm one too.

    1. We tuxedo's need to stick together, and share the fun and limelight. Stay well and enjoy the wek, Katie

  7. ewe bee lookin gorgeouz ERin ...hopin all iz well acrozz de big pond....we R on a stolen cell
    ewe lar dee vize with free WI FI sew we stopped bye quik two say HI !!! :) β™₯β™₯

  8. Our server is wobbling a bit at the moment BUT Dash Kitten can be reached with some browsers like Chrome. (Just in case you can’t reach us). As you know last week was a struggle but we are back to commenting this week. I love your reviews (and told my local bookshop, who keep an eye on you now too!)

  9. You're a real lady to not swear at the vet, Erin! Mudpie didn't swear at her latest visits either. She just sputtered a little MOL!

  10. That's an adorable selfie sweet Princess. Oh my, those poor sheep will be getting cold!

  11. That is a gorgeous selfie. I hope you were just getting a checkup and not sick. XO

  12. We think your Mum could write a book about those sheep who now need sweaters!

    Are you thinking along those lines too, or are you trying to envision what Mrs Singh will end up putting on said sweaters as advertising?? MOL, MOL!!

  13. Erin no doubt is thinking, "Yes, I"m hissed off now and I'm sure you'll sleep with one open the rest of the year until I cool down." 😽🐾 I knew this cat once, not mine, that had an evil stare. You don't, though. I remember one time, house sitting for the owners of this feline from hell, waking to find her standing over my head with this death eye look. It was really creepy. I never warmed up to her and she didn't mind at all hissing at me every chance she got. She was actually nasty to everyone she met, even of her humans. Have a bandtastic week, my furriend!

  14. Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.

  15. No books to read?! That sounds like an emergency! Maybe time to raid Amber's library?

  16. Cute lovely selfie, Erin! Hugs! Hugs!
