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Sunday, 23 June 2024

Sunday Sunny Selfie, Sans book review.

Hello and welcome to a weekend selfie.

OK, so there is no book review to trawl through, which I guess is a good thing when there are sun puddles to be checked out and validated for size and comfort.

At least that is what the Cat Weather Association (CWA) of Upper Much-Mousing says. And who am I to argue with them, especially as I am commander in chief of that esteemed organisation. 

The book review is written, but Mrs H is currently knee-deep in paperwork. Well, in truth, more ankle-deep, but it seems way worse when you're a feline. And she is ankle-deep only because she toppled the filing cabinet over attempting to emulsion the ceiling in a delicate pale green shade to match the walls. Well, when I say to match the walls, I mean to match the walls now they are splattered with pale green paint from the spilt pot!

On the plus side, I get to visit you all a bit quicker and you likewise. 

So, without further ado, here is a Sunday Sunny Selfie Sans Book Review, which we have entitled "The 'Toes' have It!"

We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kitties Blue and their mum, Janet Blue, from the Cat on My Head blog in America. Click this link to see Janet Blue's selfie page.

Small image. The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop badge. Features a yellow-haired lady with a tuxedo cat on her head.



Till laters!



  1. We love seeing your toesies, Erin. We wish We could see your adorable face too! Enjoy those sun-puddles. We know that in England, they can't always be counted on - so Mummy tells Us.
    We hope nobody was hurt when the filing cabinet fell over.

    1. Alas, my face has been concealed of late due to all the shadows. Mrs H didn't want to disturb me for a head and whiskers shot. I charge more for those on hot days! 😉

  2. Dear Princess ERin, stay out of aim of wet paint! Not sure green is a good color fur yer beautiful black and white furs. Hope Mrs. H. gits the papers tucked away afore she climbs the ladder fur the ceiling. Here it has been so furry unnormal hot, that I am not lookin' fur sunpuddles, but shady trees. Precious

    1. Green on tuxedo is definitely to be avoided, MOL
      But a subtle shade about the bedroom aids restful sleep; for me and not Mrs H who has to be ready to spring into service for my meals, no matter the time 😉

  3. You look most adorable sweet Princess Erin!

  4. Your sun puddle looks very inviting, Erin. May I join you?

    1. But of course. I'll get my servant/housekeeper to open the door a bit wider so we can share.

  5. That is a very nice sun puddle for your lovely selfie. Erin. I have been out in the garden topping up my vitamin D. Have to make the most of that sun when it makes an appearance.

    1. It was, in fact, it got too hot! I'm indoors now chilling under the air con. Mrs H is taking her vitamin D tabs as we write. Not one for sunbathing is Mrs H. Mind you, the sun isn't much for making an appearance either, as you say!

  6. grate two see ewe again ERin, !!! yur lookin my tee gorgeouz ther in yur sun puddle. make sure
    mizzuz H haz plentee oh mice creem on hand for ewe when it getz two hot, and may bee sum cold salmon on ice !! bee well ♥♥

    1. Thank you, sun does wonders for the fur. Mice cream sounds really nice! Chocolate latte mice would be cool, and very trendy!

  7. ERin what a lovely selfie...Kisses to your white mittens
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Sun paddle is the best! You look so confortable there! :). Juno

  9. Cute selfie. Keep cool. XO

  10. ERin, we love that sunny selfie, and bet that sun felt nice on your tummy. We hope Mrs. H. get all that paint and all those papers cleaned up. It sounds like quite the mess! XO

  11. Stunning sun puddle pic with sun puddle royalty!

  12. Love how you are warming your toesies in the sunpuddle!
