Sunday 6 October 2024


Hello, Everyone!

Today, we have a special announcement. This week, after a small series of technical hitches, Mrs H and I jointly pressed the key that sent our new and first book into publication, with the aid of a lodger who recently took our attic room at a most reasonable rent and ad-lib unspecified services rendered in the house, garden and around the grounds.

Yup, it has been a long, long journey, starting way back in 2018. It has been tinged with sadness, and also delight. 

But let’s not dig into who got flour and butter on my new notepad. Or how old Ned, the gardener, not only got grass seed in the Manor's PC but managed to spill tea on it and got said seed to sprout. Then later, after trying to mow it, destroyed the keyboard.

Fear not, all things are possible when writing adventures, and all solutions available to the detective with a nose and whiskers for finding solutions to the most unusual of incidents that befall us in Upper Much-Mousing.

Here is a picture of the cover, so ably created by an outstanding artist in South Africa called Craig D Howarth. Craig spent many long hours, days and weeks toiling away, risking life and limb and several literature-starved lions, to create all the art, inside and out. Not once, but twice, as the book changed in editing.

© Image copyright CD Howarth & Erin the Cat Princess©

Mrs H and I are thrilled with how the artwork turned out. With the help of an independent publisher, Jane’s Studio Press, based in Scotland, to help set out the edited work, we have achieved an awesome result. 

Here is the lowdown on the adventure, as taken from our book:-

“Welcome to 1920s Britain, where cats and dogs have a voice and are treated as equals to humans. In the quaint village of Upper Much-Mousing, one lucky young cat named Erin Chumley inherits an old manor house and Estate. But with it comes responsibility and bills, and Erin must navigate her new life with the help of her housekeeper and tutor, Mrs. Hudson, a retired Army veteran with a mysterious past.

Together, Erin and Mrs. Hudson start a detective agency to earn funds and teach Erin about the world. But their first case takes them to the bustling city of London, to the famous King Herod’s Department store. Three kittens have gone missing, and it’s up to our dynamic duo to solve the case. But what starts as a simple investigation quickly turns into a dangerous race against time, as they must save the kittens from the clutches of the evil and lazy Anders, the store’s nighttime security guard. As they dig deeper, they uncover a sinister black-market gang stealing from the store, and must also help their feline seamstress friend, Jenifer Darcy, get the recognition she deserves for her work.

Join Erin and Mrs. Hudson on their witty and whimsical adventure, filled with action, fun, and heartwarming moments. Perfect for young middle-grade readers looking for a fun and exciting read.”


As a special launch time (not lunchtime) gift, we are making a copy of the paperback available to two lucky Sunday Selfie bloggers who comment on this post between now and midnight next Saturday, 12th October BST. The winners must be willing and able to supply a postal address to allow an Amazon delivery. Mrs H or I will contact the winners by leaving a comment on the winners’ blogs.

OK, so enough of the surprise news, here' is a special, book launch selfie of me spreading the news!

We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kitties Blue and their mum, Janet Blue, from the Cat on My Head blog in America. Click this sentence to visit Janet Blue's site.

Small image. The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop badge. Features a yellow-haired lady with a tuxedo cat on her head.


Erin the Cat Princess©

Till laters!



  1. Ooooh WOW how exciting. We know a published author. Congratulations and WELL DONE!

    * runs off to Amazon *

    Marjorie and Toulouse

    1. Thank you, Toulouse and Marjorie. Every sale helps us and the stray cats we now feed daily in the bad weather days and nights that are upon us. If we ever hit 1500 books in sales, we will break even on costs. Hope you enjoy the book, and thank you for sharing.
      ERin & Mrs H

  2. Congrats on the new book! Hugs to you Erin and your mom!

    1. Thank you, all hugs gratefully received. Mrs H says thank you too. Stay well and safe, along will all those wonderful creatures you meet on your travels and walks.

  3. Oh, this sounds really good! We must get hold of a copy!

    1. We thoroughly enjoyed the caper, and hope you and yours will too. If you win I'll let you know. It is currently on Amazon should you wish to buy a copy come what may.
      Stay safe and well

  4. Congratulations on getting your book published. I hope it is a huge success. Your selfie is beautiful, but where did you find that lovely blue sky?

    1. Thank you, we do, too. The more we raise, the more the strays eat, plus our own rescue centre benefits. As to the blue sky, well, that is a rare delight these days in Upper Much-Mousing!

  5. ERin that is an award winning selfie!!! Good place to sit to shout out to the world that you and Mrs H are published......congrats and I do love the art work....
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you, I thought so, too, not that I'm vain, Mol, but we have a mission to help those around us.
      Craig will be very, very pleased you like the cover, the interior images are very, very special indeed and match the book perfectly. Spread the word, if you will, that there is a new cat detect for hire in town ;)


  6. Princess ERin, you and Mrs. H have been so secretly busy with this book. It will be a great read for young and old. Wonder how the kitty in the book came to be named Erin, mol. We wish great big sales fur this and fur feeding outdoor kitties in the bitter winter.

    1. Thank you so much. And you are right, the story hopes to appeal to generations and not just middle-grade readers. Mrs H cries a lot each time she reads the ending. For ALL THE CATS, we thank you.

  7. ERin, ewe bee lookin my tee gorgeouz ther on de fence post and conga ratz two ewe & mizzuz H on yur book !!! heerz hopin it sellz a bazliion coppeez and then sum ♥♥♥ de gurlz gonna head over two de shoppin place and chex thiz out !!! :)

    1. Thank you so much for sticking with us here at UMM, we hope we sell a baziliion copies, also, and then some. Please share. There are cats in need (not just me 😉) that need our help! If we can get global, we can help so many. Amazon does paperback, and hardback for those that like the format.
      Purrs of thanks, ERin

  8. all book cover iz like pawsum awesum !! :) ♥

    1. Thank you, just wait till you see the illustrations within!!!
      ERin & Mrs H

  9. eye hope itz OH KAY...eye copeed de book foto and added it two R blog ! we linked bak ta yur blog coz we due knot noe how two linx bak ta amazon ~~~ ;)

    1. I'm sure that sounds ok, but Me and Mrs H aren't that savvy on these things being from 1920s, MOL

  10. Congrats on getting your book published! ♥ The cover looks great :) You have posted a beautiful selfie, Erin!

    1. Thank you so much. We are so very pleased with all the component parts, and how the images really add to the adventure, as the best do.

  11. Congratulations on your book! I can't wait to read it. It looks fantastic. Beautiful selfie Princess Erin. XO

    1. Thank you so much. I do think you and your younger family will like this. A copy is on the way to you as we type. Paws crossed it will get there safe and soon....

  12. ConCATulations on launching your book ! Purrs for success !

    1. Thank you, a long journey travelled, but the end result is worth it for the smiles it will bring.
      All success purrs gratefully received, MOL

  13. WOW! WOW! WOW! Congratulations, big time, I couldn't be happier for you and I can't wait to read it. Of couse the cover is way cool and so is your selfie sweet Princess!

    1. Thank you, Brian. The inside images are a delight, too, but we're not giving them away just yet. I think and hope the kids will love them as much as we do, even if the book is read to them.

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you both. First step after a tiring journey, but I recommend to everyone to have a go.

  15. Congratulations on your book, ERin and Mrs. H! We love the cover illustration, and the preview sounds terrific. We are so excited to read it! XO

    1. Thank you. The inside illustrations are awesome, and we think cat lovers and parents and kids will be as captivated as we were and still are by Craig's art.

  16. Sounds like a great read and such a lovely cover too!

    1. Thank you, it is a great read, for sure, and the interior images a real feast.

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you, it is currently available through Amazon. It will also be entered into the CWA contest for next year! Maybe you will get to read it then if not before.

  18. First of all, many congratulations on the book publication! We would love to throw our name into the pot for the draw!

    The Chans

    1. Thank you so much. We are very pleased it is finally finished. Consider your hat duly thrown in the pot, thankfully it is devoid of soup so shouldn't need washing after the draw, MOL
      Stay well

  19. What a delightful premise for a book!

    1. Thank you, it is rather fun and entirely natural 🙂.

  20. Concatulations on your book, Erin and Mrs. H🎉It sounds very interesting and You😻😻We loved your Selfie too, Erin, you look wonderful up there. Double Pawkisses for a happy week ahead to the both of you🐾😽💞

    1. Thanak you, you are right, it is sooo us! 🙂 Adventure and fun for the middle-grade reader and awesome artwork, too. A happy week to you all!
