Sunday, 3 November 2024

Sunday Selfie time!

Hello, and welcome to a another weekend selfie. 

This week Mrs H and I have been preparing for the inevitable slew of firework displays that spoil the tranquility of the East Lambtonshire county area. Noise like the war has broken out again, along with flashes so bright that I was able to send old Ned out to do an extra 2 hours of gardening. 

Here in the village, we have quieter celebrations, revelling in winter fare consisting of hot toddies, and puddings rich in treacle, apples and cream. The telling of tales is allowed, but has to be done by candlelight in an aromatic setting, and by that I don't mean folks have catnip pipes, but nutmeg and cinamon, that sort of thing. 

After a final glass is raised to friends old and new, by the light of the stars only, we all wend our way to our beds. Thankfully, this year we have not had to avoid tripping over any of farmer Clarksin's sheep. In previous years they have managed to break into the fresh silage supplies and have end up drunk and scattered liberally around the village, hooves up, and bleating out of tune!

So fully sober, well I am anyway, Mrs H I can not fully vouch for as her bun looks more tousled than normal and the knitting needles holding it together far more askew, lets get on with the selfies!

Erin, thats me, lies part curled on my grey fleece bed cover. My body head and legs point to the right and my front left paw rests in part on a wooden handled metal comb. I am clearly enjoying the sun on my back from the window, which is making the fur on my back shine auburn.

We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kitties Blue and their mum, Janet Blue, from the Cat on My Head blog in America. Click this sentence to visit Janet Blue's site.

Small image. The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop badge. Features a yellow-haired lady with a tuxedo cat on her head.


Till Laters!
