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Sunday 11 November 2018

A Tribute to Sarah...

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

I know the selfies are thought to be all about fun and blogs, but they also celebrate bloggers, and friendship too.  All too often we forget that behind the happy cats and dogs and other companions, there is a human, and like us there comes a time when they too must take a path over a Rainbow Bridge.

Before I share my selfie, I wanted to spend a moment to remember a great friend, Sarah Andrews, who passed away on Monday, peacefully in hospital with her parents beside her.  

If that name doesn't ring a bell, then most of us would most likely recognise her as Roby Sweet or The Old SoLT (She of Little Talent) so named by Real Cats Webster and Paisley who ran the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles blog, along with Miss C (Casandra), the opinionated and classically educated calico cat who featured in Sarah's wonderful cosy mysteries- Miss Cuddlywumps Investigates. If you haven't ever read one, then I very much recommend them to you.

Sarah, was a truly gifted writer and blogger who always posted great articles, be they fun or educational. A link to her Blog is HERE.   She also had a lot of fun with her photo fails blog hop, which I hope will continue, as I for one would like to have a go.

Sarah had become my editor and friend whilst she worked on my current adventure. She guided and educated me as we went along, and got it the story into great shape to go to an agent, publisher or for self publishing. Sarah said that she wanted the world to be able to get to read our fun adventures too. Those few words, that she could see the worth in my work, and was committed to making it the best she or anyone could, made me so very happy and proud, and determined to succeed. That was Sarah, through and through– professional, informed, kind, supportive, and most of all fun. 

Sarah lived in Germantown, Maryland, and there is a service for her there on the 17th of November. There is also book of remembrance for her, accessed via the link below, and it would be wonderful if folks could spare a moment to visit and leave their memories and condolences. 

There is a lovely obituary to Sarah via the same link, and I will not try to add to that, only to say that once you read it you will realise that Sarah was a battler, and would put most folks to shame. She survived lymphoma, had a successful lung transplant, got on with things and wrote her books and blog and enjoyed life. She was and is a winner in anyone's book. She was, albeit too briefly, a friend and inspiration to me, and no doubt countless other writers too. And if I can be half as good with my own work, as she was with hers, then I would count myself blessed indeed. 

Rest now in peace and pain free, Sarah, and know that you are truly missed. And whilst the world is worse for your passing, the heavens will shine brighter and be more welcoming knowing that you and Miss C will be watching what we do, and maybe saying: "There's another person who doesn't know about the Genitive Absolute!"

A Link to Sarah's obituary can be found HERE . 

My selfie this week is a entitled:  A moment for reflection and prayer.

Chapter 35 of our 36 part adventure, The King Herods Kitten Caper, to give it Sarah's full and proper title, will be screened tomorrow. I hope that you are all able to come and see what we get up to....


  1. So well said, Mark. We all share in the loss of the beautiful and talented Sarah (dear Roby). May her life beyond the rainbow be one of joy and peace.

    1. Thank you, Ann. I shall not forget.
      Purrs from Erin and I

  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss. One of my old editors also lost her battle with cancer very recently. These are sad times and on Poppy Day no less.

    1. Sad days for sure. One of Mrs H's friends and old employer, no older than Sarah, died this Thursday of the same illness. Two in the week was too much to bear here. So so sad.

  3. That was such a wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady Mark. She really did toucht so many lives and those who encountered her are truly fortunate. A terrible loss.

    1. Thank you, Brian, she was just so good and an inspiration.
      weepy purrs

  4. Your selfie is absolutely purrfect for your post today, Erin. We were heartbroken to hear about Sara's passing, and we're so sorry you lost such a dear friend. We will miss reading her blog.

    1. Thank you, her writing and guidance and inspiration will be most dearly missed by many folk, and she touched and helped so many people...
      Sad sad days

  5. This is a beautiful tribute to a wonderful lady. I was worried when Sarah hadn't posted for a while as I remembered her saying she felt too unwell to take photos in her last post.
    I had no idea how ill she was and it came as a great shock when I heard the sad news.
    May she rest in peace.
    The Genetive Absolute takes me back to my English Literature GCEs. I had trouble understanding it then so certainly wouldn't be able to get my head around it now! It's amazing how a word or phrase can bring back memories, and also a vision of my dragon of an English teacher came straight into my head.

    1. Thank you. Yes, we were too, and to point I checked local newspapers I saw the obituary. I broke down and cried as it didn't seem possible.
      The Genetive Absolute is Miss C's favourite way of judging someone, and I had never learned it at school so it was with much delight that I found out what it was. I will so miss The Miss Cuddlywumps Investigates books. What a fabulous legacy to leave....
      Weepy purrs

  6. Very well done tribute, I feel I know her better through your words. Sad day. Erin, your selfie is contemplative and sweet.

    1. Thank you, a lovely person is lost to us all.
      Gentle purrs

  7. That was very lovely of you to do the tribute to Sarah. Mom and I know that we will miss Sarah's talent and expertise. We were so-o impressed with her editorial skills and are sad that she won't be a part of our project now. She was taken much too young. May the clouds give her furr-ever peace and joy and may she no longer have illness, discomfort or pain.

    Paw kisses and smooches, Erin my Princess. From your devoted Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Thank you, and I share your feelings too, and know she would have been perfect for our work. Too young the young are taken, but she fought and shone bright whilst here amongst us and maded the world a much better place, inspiring teaching and having fun.

      Pawkisses to you my sweet, I wish you were so you could wipe away my tears and share a toast to Sarah, paw in paw.
      Gentle purrs

  8. Beautiful tribute to a wonderful lady. Sarah was so talented, and such a kind person who was a friend to so many. We are so sad.

    We love your selfie, Erin.

    1. She was, and will be most dearly missed. Peace be with her now, and my her family find comfort from knowing Sarah was so widely loved.
      Gentle purrs

  9. Beyond upset that you lost such a colleague and we lost such a gifted blogging buddy. Have a peaceful Sunday at this sad time.

    The Dash Kitten Crew

    1. Thank you Marjorie, we have all lost an amazing person from our lives, I just wish I had know Sarah longer and met her at BlogPaws when we were there. Too quickly these opportunities pass us by_but I am glad that I was able to work with Sarah nonetheless, as she was a true inspiration.
      Gentle purrs

  10. We’re so sorry to hear about Miss Sarah. What a lovely tribute to her.

    1. Thank you, she was a wonderful editor and a talented writer and blogger. She will be dearly missed....
      Gentle Purrs

  11. Beautiful tribute to Sarah. She will be missed by all. XO

    1. Thank you, and you are right, she will be most dearly missed by us all. A rare talent has left us too soon but her legacy I hope will shine on.
      Gentle purrs
      Erin & Mrs H

  12. Replies
    1. Yes, so very much by so many whose lives she touched with her many skills, not least fun and sensitivity.
      Gentle weepy purrs

  13. Our hearts are breaking for the loss of Sarah and for YOUR loss!!!! We are sooooooo sorry! How blessed you were to receive her expert guidance and advice...she was truly one special woman. Now go and publish that!!! (((hugs)))

    1. Special Sarah was for sure, and I most lucky to have her help. My loss pales beside that of her family and close friends, and that of the world that she delighted so much with her work, either directly or by helping others. That book will be published one way or another, and Sarah's name will sit proudly on its pages. Hugs to you all too.

  14. We didn't know your friend but we can see that she was special to you. We wanted to offer you our condolences. Some times a life touches ours in order to lift us up to a place we were always meant to be ; may that be the case for you. Rest in peace Sarah. Your pain is gone but your stories will live on.

    Sophie and the critters in the cottage xo

    1. That is a wonderful thing to say, and we had not thought of it that way. Thank you Sophie, that helps make sense of it for us. Yes, Rest In Peace, Sarah, you truly made the world a better place.
      Gentle purrs

  15. This is such a beautiful tribute.

    Rest in Peace, dear Sarah xx

    1. A bright and guiding light who now watches and guides from afar...
      Gentle purrs for Sarah

  16. She was such a fighter - but so talented to! I wish I'd gotten the courage to introduce myself at BlogPaws 2017!

    1. Yes, she puts most to shame with her courage and makes my own worries pale into nothingness. I wish I had met Sarah sooner, too. Such an inspiration. Maybe in another life, if I am very lucky, I will get to shake her hand, or paw...
      Gentle purrs
