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Sunday 18 November 2018

Sweet Creamy Dreams

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

To join in, get the Linky link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

And now here is my selfie for the week:-

   Do you guys dream? Mrs H says I dream a lot as my whiskers twitch all the time when I'm asleep, and I go for little spurts of running ... no doubt to chase a mouse, MOL

   They say it is good for you to dream and a way of our brains sort out problems and rationalise the day. Talking of rations, this weeks selfie is of me dreaming I was floating lazily on a sea of cream surrounded by a sky of strawberry paisley ripple ice-cream. Now that was one dream I wasn't going to come out of quickly ... well not until I'd licked the bowl clean! MOL

   To see what our pals are up to this week, please go to the Kitties Blue site, or if available, click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

   Chapter 36, the FINALE, of our feline fantastic fictional fun family frolicking fable, is out Monday! 

   Will Anders get away with his nefarious deeds once more? Will Erin ever get the smoochie kiss she has longed for, or will she be dumped in the sand? And will Vinny and Jackson get a chance of second helpings of Anders ankles and nether regions?! 

To find out, make sure you come early, grab yourselves a front seat and settle in to see how it all ends....


  1. Mmmm now I want to dream of cream, clotted of course! You look very sweet snuggled there. I'll be back tomorrow and I hope Vinny and Jackson get another chance to let Anders know what they think of him.

    1. Oh yes, it was delightful, the dream and the snooze, MOL
      I shall see you tomorrow and have reserved a front row seat for you, with complimentary ices, too ;)
      Toodlepips and purrs

  2. You sure got the snuggly happy going on sweet Princess!

    1. Thanks, Brian, it was one of those late morning snuggles after the night before, MOL
      Toodle pips

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, it was a blissfully tasty dream too ;)

  4. Sounds like the sweetest dream that you could have Erin,xx Speedy

    1. Sure was, Speedy, but it could have done with a pinch of nip hundreds and thousands, MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  5. You are such a cutie pie napper Erin!

    1. Thank you. Mrs H says it is better to nap and dream of cream rather than actually eat it, MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  6. THE LAST EPISODE?!?!?!? OH WOW!!!!!!!! I can't wait.

    Happy Sunday Selfie from the Dash Kitten Crew

    PS We love your selfie you look so sweet.

    1. Oh yes, it is finally here, after 35 weeks we are at the conclusion! Thanks, floating in cream is one of my preferred poses for napping ;)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  7. Cute selfie!

    Mum says I do the same when dreaming :)

    Purrs xx

    1. Thank you. I am sort of grateful Mrs H doesn't dream of running as I would end up off the bed! MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you. Mrs H snapped that one for me as she didnt want to wake me up . I have to say I wouldnt have thanked her if she did as that strawberry ripple was delicious! MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  9. Very pretty selfie. I look forward to your story tomorrow. XO

    1. Thank you, Aunty Ellen. I do hope you'll enjoy the finally, it has quite a good ending, even if I say so myself! ;)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  10. I love watching cats dream, and I hope all of yours are sweet, Erin!

    1. Thank you, I like sweet dreams too, though they don't all have to be about dessert, and I'm happy to dream of main courses too, like mice, and chasing spiders.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  11. What a lovely, dreamy selfie, Erin! Yes, we do dream, and we get a little whisker twitchy, too. :)

    1. Ah, whisker twitching is a sure sign of something tasty going down in the dream. If it's a mouse or cream I am happy to come by from my dream to check it out if you wish, MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  12. Strawberry paisley ripple ice cream?! Nom nom nom! Princess, maybe Mrs. H. could make that ice cream for real in the Palace kitchen and sell it to gourmet food stores? Maybe you could have your own exclusive ice cream brand?

    Strawberry kisses for you, dearest. Luv, Your Prince Valentino (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. It does sound rather good, doesn't it. Now theres a thought, my sweet wooly bear, our own designer brand ices. Maybe we could have a two colour and flavour one two combine the best of us both. Something soft and floofy and dark on your side– maybe a black cherry and nip rum. And maybe a vanilla and spice on mine, and when they meet in the middle they could swirl together to give a totally exotic experience ;)
      Strawberry vanilla and black cherry kisses to you, my sweet.
      Luv from Erin and Mrs H

  13. I dream sometimes. The mom says she can tell because I'll twitch and stuff like I'm doing something fun in my dreams. :) ~Wally

    1. A good sign of a fun, is dreaming. My tail goes sometimes when I am dreaming of a conflict, and nose and whiskers when it's about a meal. And when I'm dreaming of a nap I rest still and just sigh, though Mrs H says I snore! A fact that I hotly deny as no princess would ever do anything like that– would they ;)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  14. Strawberries and cream??! YES! What a FABulous dream ~ with the mousies of course!
    I dream all the times ~ I sometimes flail my feets and leggies and even wag my tail in my dreams! That cracks Ma up!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Hi Ruby! I wonder what you were doing in your dreams? A rabbit or maybe a ball or a very delicious treat or steak? Humans never look quite so nice when they twitch, me thinks thats because they lack all the fun parts like tails and whiskers, MOL
      Toodle pips
      ERin X

  15. Oh, Erin, I can so relate to those dreams and now I'm older I also talk in my sleep...MOL :D Glad your mousie is taking care of in your dreams, I just took care of mine....MOL :D Thank you so much for coming to my Pawty. Hope you had a lot of fun, just like me :D Extra Pawkisses for a wonderful day and Granny and I catch up on your story. We have to know what's going on before the end๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

    1. Hi, Binky! Yes that was an awesome party, so much to chose from and way too much for me to eat. I bet I'll have to go on another diet as the cheese mice were far too tempting ;)
      I do hope you enjoy the story, there is lots to read and plenty of action too.
      Toodle pips and pawkisses to you my friends
