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Friday 31 May 2019

Erin's May Photo Fails!

Welcome to the 'Pet Photo Fails' blog Hop!!!

     Before we start, we want to offer our purrs and prayers for all that are caught up in the devastating weather that is impacting parts of the central USA.
    May you all come through safe and sound.


     Welcome one and all to what Mrs H has informed me is NOT the Sunday Selfies, rather the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!

      Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows has kindly taken over this awesome hop from our dearly departed friend, Roby Sweet of the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles AKA The Old SoLT, as Miss C liked to call her.

     Once a month, the last Friday of the month, we will be getting together to share Mrs H's not so talented photographic efforts.... OK, OK so I did have a paw in some of them and maybe an ear or another bodily part in others but I blame Mrs H squarely and fairly for everything else.

     This months collection is entitled 'The Morning After the Night Before Photoshoot." Also know as Mrs H in her wisdom decided that trying to take assist me with my selfies the morning after the The Upper Much-Mousing Munich Beer Fest!  I really do think she should stick to knitting!

"When given the keys to success DON'T lose your head!"

The old adage applies to this fail: "Three feet do not a cat, or a sofa, make!"

Above and below: Why cats DON'T have opposable thumbs:- Why would we when humans seem do so badly with them? MOL

And finally. . . . .

Pink Towel and fluff, with paw and whisker highlights!

     Strangely enough, these fails were all taken within minutes of each other and on the self same towel, and yet the colour of the towel varies so very much. 

OK, so that's enough Photo Fails from Mrs H and I—well mostly Mrs H as I am generally the one sitting still and doing what I should be, MOL, so it just remains for me to say:

Go on, now show us YOUR Photo Fails.......

     Please do hop around all this months star failures and have a bit of fun and laughs on us, after all THAT is what it's all about :)

To visit our host, Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows, and join via her page, click this LINK

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  1. It amazes me just how different pictures within a second of each other can look. I've noticed it more and more recently - pictures taken seconds apart have vastly different lighting. That might make sense if it was the sun hiding behind a cloud - but we don't get natural light in here so the lighting should be constant. Weird!

  2. Those really were some top notch fails sweet Princess, but what we could see of you is beautiful!

  3. Dear Princess Erin - Thank you for the comment at our bloggie. We wish ta assure you that we have the stuff growing wild all over the yard and even have some pictures of Marley enjoying some harvested NIP to be posted soon...

    The Mews

  4. Ha! I don't dare show you all the amount of times I've stuck my thumb or finger in a shot...there are zillions!

  5. we think we comminted on werd prezz !!! :) ♥♥♥ ???

  6. We like your photo fails. They are terrific, especially the last one. You all have a fine weekend.

  7. HAH! Trip the light fandangle with the towel color. First you lost your hea and then your entire body. I hope you located them. A-one fails for sure.

  8. Those are some fun fails sweet Princess! I love the comment on the thumbs, probably because I'm all thumbs - MOL!

  9. MOL! Those photo fails are classics!

  10. Oh, I loves these!! You should see how many 'fails' Ma gets! Thank DoG the camera is digital nows, instead of film or Ma would go broke! BOL/MOL!!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: you still look FABulous btw.....

  11. How dare those keys photobomb your selfies, Princess! I had no idea that inanimate objects such as that would compete for the lime light. As for the blankie, I think it wants to be the color of your sweet lil' mouth, but doesn't know how to do so. Dreaming of you dearest one. Your Prince, V (Noir Kitty Mews)

  12. Those are good fails. I thought with the second being an improvement on the first that they would continue to improve. The errant finger had other ideas!

  13. I love your photo fails, ERin! Tell Mrs. H to keep up the good work!
