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Sunday 2 June 2019

Mice and Flies and Cystitis!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

This week I have been to the consultant, and even had a day-long stay whilst they carried out some tests on my little bladder. As best as they can tell the sudden onset of what looks like cystitis may well have been brought on as a direct result of stressing about going in for my dental work. But there is also a chance that I have had some crystals brewing away and they reared their ugly head just this week. Still, after they extracted a sample, via syringe—as this princess doesn't give up anything without a fight, I was given a chauffeur ride home with a huge bottle of meds and have to wait for the results. Paws crossed it isn't something to worry about and may just be a change of diet.

Anyways, as a result of my frequent visits—to the vets, as well as to the loo— I have decided to do some sombre black and white style selfies over the next few weeks.

If you look at my right leg, you can still see the place they shaved me for my OP. I have another around my neck, too, but that isn't visible here, thank goodness.

© Erin the Cat Princess resting by her pink SleepyPod carrier. ®

     If I look at all suspicious in this, it is because I keep thinking Mrs H is going to whisk me away to the consultants for the tiniest of things. . . . like eating flies and mice! I mean what's a girl to do when they just fly straight in your mouth? ;)

     To see what our pals got up to this week: hugs, rubs and scritches and treats in pursuit of the perfect selfie, please click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

                                                     And Finally, but not least................

Katie Kat is still looking for her forever home.

Katie Kat is still looking for a new home and loving family.  If you know anyone that would like to give delightful Katie Kat (seen here in the picture below) a new home, then please DO contact Contra Costa Humane Society in Pleasant Hill, CA, USA at 925-279-2247. .  Katie is currently lodging with Ms Savvy till some kind soul can offer the safe and mature sensible and calm home home she needs.....

The links below will take you to more info about Katie. If you know of anyone who can care for dear Katie, and give her a home for life that she so dearly needs, please pass on her details and get them to contact the folks below, or contact Ms Savvy through her page.......
Community Concern For Cats
Contra Costa Humane Society
Savannah's Paw Tracks Blog


  1. Your portrait is a very fine one. Your photographer is an expert at capturing your moods. Well done!!

    1. The Royal snapper was pretty good, but to tell the truth, it was in black and white because the colour one was awful! But don't tell her that else she'll just go grumpy housekeeper on me, MOL

  2. Yikes, dat cystitis are no fun. Before I wuz here, Maurice had dat and had to be "unblocked" at da emergency vet.

    1. Yikes in deed. That unblocking does not sound at all fun, and I am glad thus far it hasn't got to that. Still awaiting test results so I am not sure which way it will go.

  3. We are all sending mega purrs to you sweet Princess and hope the all better shows up soon.

  4. Erin, we do love the somer mood of your beautiful selfie, but we are sorry you were forced to endure a visit to the consultant. We purr and pray it is not too serious, and that it can be addressed by a dietary adjustment. Hugs to you and Mrs. H. XO

  5. That is a lovely and atmospheric photo of you, Erin. I hope your meds have you bouncing around like new again.
    Flynn suffered several times with stress cystitis.

  6. We hope you feel better soon, Erin!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. Oh no, Erin. We hope your pee problems clear up fast.

  8. Oh I so hope all will be OK. I don't blame you for doing a somber selfie. You have really been through a lot. XXXOOO to you.

  9. Oh, no, sweet Purrincess, will send Healing Pawkisses your way and Purrayers you feel better soon and cross all my paws that whatever it is, that it will be treatable and solved very soon💗💗💗 In the meantime you keep your mouth wide open for that mousie...or was it that fly🤔😹Anyway, feel better soon🐾😽💞

  10. ERin; faaaaaaaa. we iz troo lee sorree bout de trip two de ewe noe wear place; yet if
    ya feelz better N getz better thatz all that countz... sum extree cream in yur dish wood
    improove matterz we be thinkin !!!! st francis' blessingz two ewe that yur on de road ta ree
    coveree; pron toe ♥♥♥♥♥

  11. Crystals?! My dearest Tuxie dove, I sure hope those crystals find their rightful place adorning your tiara or a gold ring on your toe and out of your lil' bladder. The thought of you possibly being in any sort of pain or discomfort, makes my heart drop. I send your virtual red roses from my garden and a glass bottle full of my kisses to delight your senses and chase away your troubles. Your Prince, V (Noir Kitty Mews)

  12. Erin, you're such a beauty. I'm sorry to hear about your bladder troubles. I really hope it's not serious.

  13. Ellie had that done last year when her kidney values were elevated. Interestingly, this year they were normal even though we didn't treat anything. We feel your pain, ERin. Maybe sit down and have a talk with Mrs H about all these ... interruptions to your obligations ...

  14. Poor baby, all these visits to the vet ! Kim had problems but she was too old 20 years now she went over the bridge. I hope all you have to suffer helps you and you heal !

  15. Yous gots to chill, man. CHILL. What I mean, my lovely lady friend, is that yeah, stress can cause issues with crystals and stuff so you wanna find ways to destress. Personally, I recommend the nip. I remember way back when, when I had those two bouts with the crystals, both times I was super stressed on account of nosy neighbour cat havin' moved into my house. MOUSES! My doctor didn't really believe stress could do that but believe-you-me, I knew better. And now that I don't have to worry 'bout NNC, not to mention spendin' my days, nipped, NO CRYSTALS. MOUSES!!!

    But all that aside, I'm gonna send massive amounts of healing purrs your way. PURRS
