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Sunday 16 June 2019

Waiting. . . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!


     This week has, it is very safe to say, has been wet. Not just wet wet, but the sort of wet that even the trees and the earth are fed up with. As a result there hasn't been much time for action shots, or sunny summertime (whatever that is) selfies, just a lot of snoozing and working on our new book.

     As a result I have a confession to make—this weeks selfie was actually taken last week, when we actually last saw something that may have been the sun.

     I have rather aptly named it 'Waiting....' as that is all we seem to be doing these days.

     On a cheerier note Mrs H and I have also been doing a lot of reading, mostly of what they call 'Middle Grade' fiction. Wherever possible we have been looking for books that match our own genre of adventure, some with felines and other fantastic beasts, but all topical, inclusive/diverse and well written.

     As a burgeoning writing talent, it is something you have to do a lot of, to understand what readers like, as well as what publishers want.

     So, as an upshot of all this reading, we have decided to share some of the books with you by way of book reviews, both here and as a guest on The Bionic Basil's Blog.

     We are not being sponsored to do these reviews, but as nearly all these books are incredible fun, engaging, and with some great story lines, they make great easy reads for adults and staff alike. Especially those staff that have younger human helpers.

     Anyways, enough of the pre-amble, here for your edification is this week's Black and White Selfie Delight!


     To see what our pals got up to this week: hugs, rubs and scritches and treats in pursuit of the perfect selfie, please click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!


  1. Goodmorning beautiful Purrincess, what a sweet Black & White Selfie Delight you treat us with today. I hope that the Sun will expand himself over your gorgeous Self soon. Enjoy the reading and Pawkisses for a wonderful day and week ahead🐾😽💞

  2. What a beautiful black and white selfie!

  3. That is a lovely selfie. We are having the same terrible weather here, torrential never ending rain and gale force winds that are determined to ruin my flowers. Having said that, we actually had sun yesterday and it was reasonably warm. I did have to check a reference book though to make sure that yellow thing in the sky was what I thought it was.
    Of course it is raining again today. Overcast they said. Why don't they just look out of the window before making their guesses at the Met. Office.

  4. That's very, very pretty sweet Princess Erin! Enjoy the wonderful reads!!!

  5. OOOH, your Black and White selfie is purrfect, Erin. We hope you and Mrs. H. get some nice sunshine soon. Hugs!

  6. A beautiful black & white selfie.

  7. That is a fabulous selfie!

    It's been rainy and cold here.

  8. What a fabulous selfie!

    It's been rainy and cold here.

  9. That's a beautiful selfie! We hope your sun returns soon!

    Tama and Genji

  10. We love your selfie, Erin. It's been very wet here too...and cool. We're waiting for summer to come. We wonder if it ever will.

  11. Oh Princess, you are such a well-read pussycat. I would luv to see your reading list and am sure whatever books you like, I'm sure to like them, too. Maybe you could open up an independent book store in your village. You could name it "Princess Prose", "Pawprints and Leather," or "Cat of Nine Tales", or some other fun title. And of course humans and pussycats would come from far places to see you and to buy your books, including me. Kiss kiss, smooch, smooch, and luvs. Your V

  12. Reading is the purrfect way to spend rainy days! Looking forward to your reviews, and hope the sun shines for you soon :)

  13. Oh noes! Sorry abouts your wet weathers....ours is finally dry, butts it is a little warm for my furs! Butts, at least we gots AC, so it's not as bad as it could be. I hopes it dries out for you soon.
    I thinks reading is a pawsome idea! Ma reads mostly mystery stuffs, and when she gets into a book, it's hard to even gets her to scratch my furs! BOL
    And your selfie is most beautiful Erin! (as always!)
    Ruby ♥

  14. ERin; who kneadz sun when ya haz bee ewe tee like ewe due....thiz selfeez total lee rox de houz !!! happee reedin; we hope ewe get bak ta add venturez again soooper soon { hint } !! ☺☺♥♥

  15. We hate the dreary days - especially when they pile on one another! I try to use pictures as soon as I take them - otherwise I totally forget I have them.
