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Sunday 9 June 2019

The Water Works. . . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

     As you may recall from last week, I have had a bit of an issue with the ol' waterworks. Yup, even a princess such as myself, can come down with icky issues that result frequent trips to the Royal Privy!

     Well, after a protracted wait—during which I most definitely wasn't holding myself, we got a call from Julie—one of the senior consultants heading up the team on my case, confirming no crystals or other nasty stuff going on. The blood in my sample was from a stress related issue as a result of going in for a dental. I shall be stressing to my 'stress' that it definitely has nothing to fear from the dentist, and that next time it is to behave itself, MOL

     Anyways, this weeks selfie was taken just before the clouds rolled in and the heavens opened. What little sunshine there was to illuminate me, soon passed and we seem to have been immersed in winter once more!

     I quite like this one, and whilst it isn't as sharp as last weeks, I like how the light defines just the edge of my right humerus/upper arm—and there was me thinking I didn't have a funny bone in my body, MOL.  Mrs H thinks that I may be a bit over exposed in this one. . . . what do you all think?

     To see what our pals got up to this week: hugs, rubs and scritches and treats in pursuit of the perfect selfie, please click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

                                                     And Finally, but not least................

Katie Kat is still looking for her forever home.

Katie Kat is still looking for a new home and loving family.  If you know anyone that would like to give delightful Katie Kat (seen here in the picture below) a new home, then please DO contact Contra Costa Humane Society in Pleasant Hill, CA, USA at 925-279-2247. .  Katie is currently lodging with Ms Savvy till some kind soul can offer the safe and mature sensible and calm home home she needs.....

The links below will take you to more info about Katie. If you know of anyone who can care for dear Katie, and give her a home for life that she so dearly needs, please pass on her details and get them to contact the folks below, or contact Ms Savvy through her page.......
Community Concern For Cats
Contra Costa Humane Society
Savannah's Paw Tracks Blog


  1. You look serious and fine to us young Erin.


  2. The best part of your beautiful photo is the soft focus. Gorgeous, we say!

    1. Thanks, I shall tell Mrs H to keep doing what she is, MOL

  3. You look beautiful as always Princess. I'm so glad your issue was not serious sweetie. Thanks for keeping us updated, we worry.

  4. Erin, we like your selfie very much. And we are so glad things checked out at the vet without anything like crystals. We hope you have a stress-free day, dear Princess! XO

    1. Thanks, I am looking forwards to some sun, but to date we have very little.

  5. We love yur selfie and we are happy all is working again sweet Princess.

    1. Alls well that ends well, and doesn't man more meds or visits to consultants. MOL

  6. That is a gorgeous selfie. I am glad you are feeling better. I thought Katie was going to be a permanent resident with Savannah now- I must have misunderstood her post.

    1. Thanks. I think she is lodging there till a good home comes up, but Ms Savvy isnt posting her any more.

  7. I think it is a lovely selfie, Erin. We have winter like weather here also and enough is enough! Summer, we are waiting for you!!!
    I am glad you don't have crystals and that it was stress cystitis. I hope you are back to normal now.

    1. If it comes to you before me, please do send it on when you can, MOL

  8. You having a sense of humor is just one more reason why I luv you so. Tell Mrs. H. that you are not overexposed but your pose is ever so endearing. Kisses to you from the Emerald lands. Your Prince, V (Noir Kitty Mews)

    1. Awww, thank you, my sweet, that means so much. I shall send you a few extra special poses of me—for your eyes only ;)
      Pawkisses and smooches across the oceans and the forests to the clearing in your heart.....

  9. You look very "royal" on your selfie ! Thank you very much for your kind words on Kim's passing away !

    1. Thank you—we will miss Kim, for sure.
      Gentle Purrs

  10. Great selfie, Erin. Isn't it funny how our pee can be affected by stress? We hope your pee gets better. :)

    1. Thanks, all down to acidity I guess, and probably a few bugs, too. Absolutely nothing to do with treats though, ;) MOL

  11. Darling girl, you look perfect and so does that defined arm. Next week, how about the other arm? SO glad you are OK. Mommy has to make me a dental appointment. She keeps saying it but thank cod, she hasn't yet.

    1. Thank you, I rather liked it myself and even Mrs H came round to it once she put her glasses on, MOL
      Good luck for your own dental, and I hope it just ends up with a scale and polish, like me.

  12. I'm so glad you got some good news, Erin. Your selfie is lovely!

    1. Thanks, we need good news of all sorts here these days. Some extra sun wouldn't go amiss, either, MOL

  13. Princess Erin, I don't thinks you could take a bad selfie ~ so just gets that outta your head my furiend!
    I am glads everything is okays with your pee. Ma has been tryin' to gets a sample from me for my semi-annual vettie visit, butts I have been a wee bit uncooperative...heheheheeee
    Ruby ♥

    1. I'll let you into a secret, Ruby, I am the same too, and can hold onto it like a mouse I want . to eat, MOL
      Hope all goes well and they don't syringe it out of you like they did me.

  14. ERin; we due knot see any thing expozed but yur gorgeouz self !!! N we noe what cha knead ta stop
    any N all stress frum stressin ewe ore yur parts out......creem N tuna !! ☺☺♥♥

  15. Dear ERin, we are so glad to know you are healthy. Purrhaps Mrs. H could buy you Rescue Remedy to help you stay calm before going in for any future treatments. Mom uses it at our house on Wabbit who makes us all very stressed. Actually, pretty sure Mom has been adding Rescue Remedy to her morning coffee just to get through the day. Worth trying.

  16. Very retro! And the black and white shows off your tuxie-liciousness!

  17. My cats can relate to the dental trip, Erin. It can get to the best of 'em.

    I also wanted to thank you and Mrs H for your gentle words of sympathy when my Parker passed away. Such feelings from friends and well-wishers help tremendously.
