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Friday 27 September 2019

September Pet Photo Fails ¡¡?

Welcome to the 'Pet Photo Fails' blog Hop!!!

     Welcome one and all to what Mrs H has informed me is NOT the Sunday Selfies, rather the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!

      The awesome Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows has kindly taken over this awesome hop from our dearly departed friend, Roby Sweet of the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles AKA The Old SoLT, as Miss C liked to call her.

     Once a month, the last Friday of the month, we will be getting together to share Mrs H's not so talented photographic efforts.... OK, so I did have a paw in some of them and maybe an ear or another bodily part in others but I blame Mrs H squarely and fairly for everything else.

    This month we have had a right mixed bag of fails – over exposure, under exposure, and some exposures that didn't even feature yours truly! Yup, can you believe that with the one objective of getting ME in the shot, Mrs H still managed to come up, and down, trumps. Maybe that expression needs revising in light of these fails?

     Without further ado I give you a my pick of the embarrassing moments, called rather aptly, Fingers and Thumbs. . . . . .

I Think maybe Mrs H was trying to redact me—plausable deniability so my consultant doesn't see I've possibly put weight on. But that wasn't me, OK.

As they say in magic circles: Now you see it. . . . .

 . . . . . And now you don't!

     And finally. Following on from last months much applauded fail, which I have entitled/categorized as my 'Blue Period', Mrs H brings you a vision in a sort of umber colour. It may look like a space shot of the surface of some far flung planet but I can asure you that this is a one hundred percent digital image— either the first or index finger kind of digital, MOL

     Alas, I must now wrap up this weeks shots of disasterous doomed digital dexterity as we have a photoshoot to complete on feet and shoes. My latest plan is for a new brand to overtake the HushPuppy. Called MeowKittens. Only prblem is when you get your first set of MeowKittens you have to introduce them to HushPuppies over a few weeks. Failure to do this could cause undue stress on the fabric and lots of bad nights sleep.

     Thankfully once established, you will never be without your MeowKittens, and they will always be ready to head out of doors—unless it's raining in which case you'll find them curled up on the nearest warm spot.

     Well that's enough Photo Fails from Mrs H and I – I do hope you enjoyed Mrs H's fails. It just remains for me to say:


Go on, now show us YOUR Photo Fails!

     Please do hop around all this months star failures and have a bit of fun and laughs on us, after all THAT is what it's all about :)

     To visit our host, Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows, and join via her page, click this LINK

     Or, cut and paste this link into your browser:


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  1. Replies
    1. Kinda looks that way. Maybe I should have her take with her toes????

  2. We should print one of these photo fails out on huge paper and surreptitiously hang it up in an art museum.

    1. Please do, I am sure we could split profits and then I could get Mrs H to do a follow up series ;)

  3. Those were totally purrfect fails sweet Princess, we know you were in there somewhere!

    1. I just managed to scrape into one, and the rest I was somewhere in the room, or the country which is the same difference really, MOL

  4. Erin, I have a nice collection of photos that include my legs, the floor, and my shoes!

    1. Sounds good. Maybe the staff need to be aiming for the shoes and floor and legs next time and then they'll get a proper head picture ;)

  5. ERin; ther waz an ee clipse oh de sun at yur houz huh ;) ♥♥

    1. Ahhh, so that is what it was. Do I need to worry about getting a permit for one of those???

  6. Congratulations to Mrs.H! she wins the gold medal for fails this month!

    1. Thanks, do I get to hold the prize? Seems that I would have safer paws given Mrs H's 'skills' and I use that lightly. If so can I have something edible, preferably warm covered in cream ;)

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks for the invite. If we didn't share them they could block the palace internet pipes and that would play havoc with the selfies, MOL

  8. Ha ha... you made us LOL and MOL with those, especially the first with your missing head!

    1. I bet even Donald Trump can't get as redacted as much as I do — and he has staff by the dozen ready to do it. Clearly Mrs H is a class act ;)

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, seems like Mrs H has artistic, ahem 'talents' other than knittting and cooking ;)

  10. OMC! Those are great fails! The mom always gets her fingers and thumbs in the photos as well.

  11. Heh heh! Thanks for the laugh. I could have included one w/o me but chose not to. We don't use the word trump in this country. MOL! Paws to Mrs. H.

  12. Hmmm, my dad has tons and tons of photos with his fat fingers in the way. You'd think he could've figured it out by now. Some humans just don't learn well.
