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Friday 25 October 2019

October Pet Photo Fails ***¿!

Welcome to the 'Pet Photo Fails' blog Hop!!!

     Welcome one and all to what Mrs H has informed me is NOT the Sunday Selfies, rather the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!

      The awesome Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows have kindly taken over this awesome hop from our dearly departed friend, Roby Sweet of the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles AKA The Old SoLT, as Miss C liked to call her.

     Once a month, the last Friday of the month, we will be getting together to share Mrs H's not so talented photographic efforts... OK, so I did have a paw in some of them and maybe an ear or another bodily part in others, but I blame Mrs H squarely and fairly for everything else.

    This month we have had a right mixed bag of fails – over exposure, under exposure, and some exposures that didn't even feature yours truly! Yup, can you believe that with the one objective of getting ME in the shot, Mrs H still managed to come up, and down, trumps. Maybe that expression needs revising in light of these fails?

     After last months rather splendid 'All Fingers and Thumbs' Photo Fails, this month Mrs H thought we could share some other extremities, i.e., the feet.

So without further ado, I bring you Me and Mrs H's shoes......

This one was yours truly demonstrating the various merits of paintbrushes, both black and white. I was also demonstrating the difference between a grooming brush and a paintbrush, very important if you don't want to spend a day at the vets getting paint off your favourite cat—Mrs H take note, please!

     Now, this is an interesting shot. Mrs H caught me demonstrating to the local Amateur Dramatic Society—of which I am the director—the stabbing scene from 'Murder on the Much-Mousing Express'. I am not entirely certain Hercule´ would approve of the footwear traipsing all over the crime scene!

And finally. . . . . .

     This pair of suspicious-looking pumps arrived by the door one day quite out of the blue.

     Mrs H confirmed that all was well, and it was a new pair she was house training/breaking in. She also assured me that they were FAKE crocodile skin. Which is strange as I could have sworn the one on the left yawned and flashed its teeth at me!

     Alas, I must now wrap up this week's fails. Not so much foot in mouth but foot in shot!

     Well that's enough Photo Fails from Mrs H and me – I do hope you enjoyed them and they brought a smile, if not to your toes, then your day. It just remains for me to say:


Go on, now show us YOUR Photo Fails!

     Please do hop around all this month's star failures and have a bit of fun and laughs on us, after all, THAT is what it's all about :)

     To visit our host, Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows, and join via her page, click this LINK

     Or, cut and paste this link into your browser:


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  1. We love seeing everyone's bloopers. Even though they're bloopers they're all fab.

    1. Thanks, we aim to please either way, right or blooper, MOL

  2. Oh, I have so many pics of cute kitties, with my big ol' feet in the frame! I didn't even think of making them a part of Pet Photo Fails, but maybe I will next month.

    1. Definitely test the water with a shoe next time before jumping tight in with a wellie. All good fun and high risk of embarrassment, MOL

  3. HAH! Can't say TW hasn't been there done that but it's mostly her knee that crawls into shots. I thought you were finalizing your Caturday Art with those brushes.

    1. Thankfully Mrs H's knees dont surface that often, MOL
      Now with all those caturday art cats around, maybe I could get them to decorate instead of the high risk Mrs H?

  4. I love the theme you have going on! Thanks so much for joining us.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, we aim to get it right.... well.... at least every tenth time, MOL

  6. Replies
    1. I guess you're right. There are far more styles of shoes than thumbs, MOL

  7. Erin we really like those bloopers and must report that the Dad has the same foot fetish inserting his clodhopper in our photos way too often. Purrs Erin

    1. Shoes we can do, clods not so much. Hoppers do sound fun though, but around here theres only the rain rather than ponds. :)

  8. MOL! Those are great fails, Erin. Though some nice shoes for Mrs. H.

  9. Those were such fun bloopers, Erin (and Mrs. H's shoes)! :)

  10. Those shoes tried to photo bomb a Princess's photos?! How dare they. That Mrs. H needs to teach them some etiquette - maybe lock them in the closet until spring or put them out in the winter cold. OK, I guess that might be a lil' harsh . . . I know, maybe she could choose just to go sock-and-footed sans shoes for a time. Tee hee hee.

    Kisses to you my sweet, my rose, my OREO cookie.

  11. I dunno, I think these photos are rather artistic in a sense, and they do tell a bit of a story :)
    My kitty seems to have a "thing" for shoes and likes to lay on them a lot (though she always seems to get up and move when I go to try and grab the camera and take a pic, lol)
