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Sunday 20 October 2019

Builders brew. . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

  A link to last week's story can be found HERE.

     This week I have been most studious in mastering an ancient art of sleeping. Well, that was the plan anyway, and like best-laid plans of cats and mice, men got in the way — or at least builders got in the way.

     Yup, this week we have had the builders in and they have been doing a lot of banging, crashing and general dust creating activities—surprising how much chaos ensues with searching for, finding and plugging in of a kettle.

     Now, as a rule, me being a ruler and all, I like to nap where I like. So imagine my upset when my favourite spot, one of my all-time favourite spots, aka the new sofa, was invaded by dust sheets cushions and builders materials. There may even have some builders on there too, but with all the dust and tools, it was hard to tell.

     Anyway. Despite various protestations by yours truly from behind various other items of furniture, most of which I suspect were drowned out by their radio and the clatter of spoon on mug, I had to retreat outdoors and satisfy myself with looking in on the many builders busying themselves with essential builder type things aka the crossword and merits of Custard Cream biscuits.

     Soon however they broke for lunch and headed to the local pub, giving me a chance to walk unhindered across the destruction, aka the space formerly known as the Great Hall, and head to one of my other fav places, Mrs H's small but well-proportioned bedroom.

     And there I stayed for two whole days—bar toilet and food deliveries—until said builders departed.

    Thankfully all is now over for a few months or weeks at least, until the folks come to do a makeover of the hearth. Frankly, I think we should worry about the kitchens next, what with Christmas coming and me expecting the whole of the Blogosphere to call round for a nibble and a sip of mulled nip wine.

     Which reminds me, I guess I should start rounding up a few nibbles, and I think I know just the hole in which to look, MOL

     Anyways, without further ado, or builders tea complete with bits of floating soggy biscuit, here is my selfie:

And, for those with black and white sets, I have done a special one just for you, and here it is:-

     Mrs H said don't I really need to, but I do feel it is best to be inclusive, especially as we don't actually have either a colour or B&W TV, and instead have to listen to the blog on the wireless.

     Thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoyed my post builders special.

     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, be it demolishing the privy, installing a new tower, or just stocking the moat with vicious tax-collector eating fish, please click the links below, and enjoy the Hop!


  1. Oh my CAT you had a time of it with the builders! I hope thing settle down and you get a decent nap son!


    1. It was in deed, thankfully we have a break for a bit now and then they start on the East Wing.

  2. Nice nappy there, however, you silly girl you should have up and gone to the pub with them ...

    1. Hmm that may have been a good idea as at least they'd have been quiet whilst the supped their beer! MOL

  3. Those builders didn't seem to follow protocol when they were at the palace and in the presence of a princess such as yourself. I think you should have Mrs. H give their foreman a stern scolding. I hope the end purroduct of all that construction was to your liking and met your high standards of excellence, dearest. You deserve nothing but the best. Luvs to you, my black and white lil' magic ball.

    1. Hard to tell which one was in charge, but eventually they settled down and cracked on. Well there were cracks when they finished. MOL Of course if you had been there I am sure you would have given them what for straight away—once the dust had settled that is as your floof would not wish to be covered in brickdust.
      Have a lovely week.
      Pawkisses and smooches and purrs

  4. We have the Dads pal come to do some building when Dad cannot handle it and we are totally used to him and I actually slept on the couch while he was just working 5 feet away.
    We love that nappy of yours Erin

    1. Thanks. You guys clearly have good reliable builders. Maybe Mrs H should have looked up a quiet building firm, or would they just work on libraries?

  5. We're glad you were able to find a place away from all the noise so you could get some much needed sleep, Erin. We don't like when worker guys are in our house.

    1. Thank you. Builders seem to bring noise with them these days. Next time I am booking a holiday :)

  6. Replies
    1. Sure aren't. Mice are one thing, but builders, well, quite another ;) By comparison, the window folk we had come were so much nicer, and put down sheets and were in and out before you knew it.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, sleepy I do well, and am getting some practice in for winter ;)

  8. Those builders really need to be more considerate of you, Princess Erin! A beautiful and important cat like you needs her rest!

    1. That's what I thought. The window installers we had were really good, and played some interesting music. What the builders played sounded like heavy metal and rock crusher, MOL

  9. OMD, Princess, you sure have put up with a lot with those builders! I hopes the pics of you snoozin' means that things have settled and you were able to gets some decent sleeps! I'll keep my paws crossed that they do their tip top work for you my furiend!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Yes, the things we have to put up with when we are in the social media limelight— or maybe that was just the security light, MOL
      Yes, job all done for a bit. Next up, after a round of naps, will be some new windows and doors then a patio for social events ;)

  10. Off with their heads, Erin! That just ain't right...

  11. You did very good. We hate when we have workers in the house.

  12. I hate it when we have workers in the house destroying my routine :(

  13. What does the Kraken do with all these visitors? Are builders yummy?

  14. I was already tired, but now having looked at your peaceful picture, I want to lay down and copy you !

  15. ERin ya bee gorgeouz in both typez oh tee vee veewin....we haz knot had tee vee hooked up in yeerz sew thanx for airin yur spesh ull, heer. we R sorree yur roo teen waz interrupted bye noiz.. crowdz... N thoz oh de uncaring kind...N we agree...whatz a hearth with out a kitshun ~~~~~ :) happee week a head two ewe :) ♥♥♥
