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Sunday 5 January 2020

Trimming. . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies! 

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

     A link to our last story about the Fractious Fractions can be found HERE.

     If you want to see some of my, or rather Mrs H's November Foto failures, then click the link HERE.

    Hello, and welcome to the FIRST selfie of the New Year.

    Before we kick-off 2020, just a big thank you to those that sent me Christmas Cards and an extra BIG THANK YOU to the Petcretary, Pipo' Dalton and Benji's staff member who made me the most wonderful digital Birthday Card, ever:

     Alas, Mrs H has been taken ill since before Christmas, with a nasty chest infection. I did warn her that the antique chest had a bad case of woodworm, but would she listen – no, stubborn, not-so-old (she wishes) thing she is!

     Joking aside, she picked it up visiting the sick in the hospital, and it has rather meant things over December have not gone as planned. Even though we weren't blogging or on-line, we weren't able to do much more than cough, wheeze and splutter our way through what was meant to be a 'downtime' and restful last month. Even my birthday lunch was postponed for nearly a week! Anyways she is still partially laid up and taking her medication – not sherry flavoured – and hopes to be in fine cooking form come the end of next November, when we take our next sabbatical.

     Anyways, on with the show.

     This week I have been making plans for the rest of the year – well not THAT sort of a rest, though sleeping and napping do need to be regularly maintained come rain or shine and hot or cold.

     Nope, this year is one where Mrs H an I hope to do great things together, like publish two books: 'Erin and the King Herod's Mystery' by me (watch this space for more info in the coming months), and 'Pirates and Pussycats' co-written with my beloved Persian Prince, Valentine. I also hope to finish writing a third, too, title as yet undecided.

     Besides the literary thing, we are having some palatial adjustments made and hope to have a new patio laid, and door through which I can survey my kingdom without battlements, mullions, castellations (that does sound very painful) and whatnot getting in the way.

     Yes, 2020 is expected to be a busy, and also expensive year here, so cutbacks will have to be made: one glass of sherry a week for Mrs H, only one pint of cream for me, and definitely no more Brussell's sprouts – the latter will be the easiest to stick to, for sure.

     In this week's selfie, you can see me practicing my latest cost-trimming exercise: If I can take more selfies laying down, then I will save a lot of space on the blog!

     Thank you for visiting us this week. If you have any cost-saving and tummy trimming tips of your own that you would like to share, please leave them in the comments below.

     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, be it making resolutions, or breaking them, please click the links below, and enjoy the Hop!


  1. Your selfie looks totally gorgeous! Soft fur and bright eyes, what's not to love!

    We await your books with keen interest and know we will be so proud of you (and of Valentine too!)

    2020 will be a great book year!!!

  2. You look beautiful in this frame ! Hope that your servant's chest infection is gone by now ! Many humans are sick here too ! The weather is a roller coaster one day Northpole, one day Africa !

    1. Thank you, and yes, any thing that interupts food service has not to be endured ;)

  3. I hope that Mrs.H is soon feeling better. There seem to be a lot of chest infections this year, but so far *touch wood* I have avoided them.
    Your selfie is lovely, you look soft and cuddly.

    1. I hope you don't get anything as the bugs aren't good at this time of year.

  4. We hope Mrs H feels better soon. Sweet Selfie.

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Thank you, me too. Coughing is really anoying whilst I'm trying to rest ;)

  5. How exciting, 2020 sounds like a busy year to come ! Gorgeous selfie ! Purrs

    1. Thanks, I can't wait to see it all in print.

  6. Great selfie, sweet Erin! We are sorry Mrs. H. is sick, and purr she gets better soon. It sounds like your 2020 will be very busy!

    1. Thank you, and yes, Mrs H will be racing around doing book stuff. I of course will be dictating, MOL

  7. Happy Birthday and beautiful selfie, Erin!

  8. Those books sound intriguing and quite time consuming. I hope you both great luck with them. Your selfie is wonderful. You're so magnificent.

    1. Thanks, it has taken so long to get them to this point, and yet stil not done. This year Ipray.

  9. Happy Birthday Erin!! Sorry so late - we hope you have a wonderful Mew Year too. Your selfie is just meowrvalous... Thanks for stopping by to give condolences on losing my husband. -Katie.

  10. Wishing you a purrfect 2020 and that your human feels better soon!

  11. That's a beautiful selfie, Erin.
    We wish you a Happy Mew Year - and We wish Mrs H. a full and speedy recovery, so she can get back to looking after YOU propurrly.

    1. Thank you, and to you too. And yes, staff need to be well to serve meals so I hope she is better soon.

  12. whitefih wavez two ewe ERin anda happee reel lee bee lated birthday....we hope ewe N joyed de day
    even if mizzuz H did knot....tho we due hope herz feelin way better.....trout soop will due de trix !! N yez we haza peece oh add vize ...tell de mizzter N de mizzuz ta stop spendin all de monee on THER SELVEZ....& start givin it ...two EWE ~~~~ :) ♥♥

    1. MOL, that all sounds excellent advice that I will try to put into effect as soon as I find Mrs H's credit card ;)

  13. 2020 sounds like it will be an exciting year for you, Erin! Great selfie!

    1. Thanks, and yes it will be hectic I think.

    2. Love that Selfie Erin! We wish you a belated Birthday and put it on our calendar so we can send a card next year. We look furward to the books and will be in line to get our copies. Purrs friends

    3. Thank you, Timmy and family. Here's hoping we all get over the cold so we can sign the books for everyone in person.

  14. made us MOL and LOL, sweet Purrincess, but we hope Mrs. H is feeling better soon. Here come some Healing Pawkisses for the occassion💗 I'm so excited for you with all the new year plans and your Selfie is beyond beautiful. Best to start the New Year with😸Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahes🐾😽💞

    1. Thanks, a laugh out of a bad cold is what we hoped to do and make life a bit better. . . well for me at least ;)

  15. Oh noes! Sorry abouts your December ~ glads Mrs. H is feelin' well again, and can properly tend to your needs again! I do loooooves your selfie Erin! I don't thinks you could take a bad one..just sayin'
    As for tummy trimmin' and cost cuttin'....wells you are askin' the wrong pupper! BOL!!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Thank you. You are a lady after my own heart, alas Mrs H isn't MOL

  16. Princess, I must apologize for my human's lack of typing this comment for me sooner. She kind of took a break when she returned from the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa, which means now I have so much catching up to do. Oh, it is splendid news to hear about your planned additions to your Palace and I can imagine it now - you and me paw in paw on the patio under the silvery moon and enjoying each others company. Mrs. H. could serve us a tray of delectables and I would give you a rose to show my love is true. Purr purr purr.
