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Sunday 12 July 2020

Of Musk & Mice!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies! 

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

     This week I was hoping to bring you more details of my latest money-making deal with Mr Musk. Alas my Model 3, in part payment for my professional boring services — see last week's post — was quarantined as it had been seen NOT social distancing in the parking lot, had a temperature and was caught not wearing a mask!

     Moving on, it suddenly struck me that what the boring company is doing, and it actually is rather worrying. Personally, I think there is a huge breed of mouse discovered or was the result of eating genetically modified cheese, and the holes are needed to keep it happy as it grazes its way across the various larders (states) in America. As proof positive of my claims, you only have to look at Mr Musk's latest creation, the Cyber (Mouse) Truck, which is definitely shaped like a wedge of cheese, and clearly meant to lure the mouse into the tunnel. And of course, armed with this knowledge, you soon realise that SpaceX is actually meant to get the mice back to the moon to nibble at the cheese there rather than here on earth!

     Frankly, any mouse that big is welcome to the moon, possibly even Mars, which is way too sugary for our liking.

     In the spirit of goodwill, I shall, of course, be offering Mr Musk my mouse catching services, at a suitably enlarged fee, which it seems is how leaders of industry and politicians roll. And what is my price you may ask? Well naturally I want a suitably genetically modified nip nanna, I mean what else could a girl want?

     Anyways, until my car and one-ton banana arrive, I have had to content myself with something small plump and yellow and definitely legal!

     Thank you for visiting us this week, and we hoped you enjoyed our hard pre nipped up selfie.

     If you have any sightings of Mr Musk's Mice, please contact my agent ASAP. Whatever you do, however, please do not attempt to approach. I have Mrs H busy in the potting shed making a new device that, in honour of our hero Mr Musk, we are calling 'MouseX'.

Till next week, stay indoors and keep an eye on your cheese!!!!

Toodle pip and purrs!


  1. We are HUGE 'nip 'nanner fans here and love ours even though it is 8 years old (or so it seems!) Mr Musk is enthusiastic at least!

  2. I couldn't remember last week's post so went to check. I never saw it! I think it must have somehow evaded my reader.
    I think you may have a long wait for your car and 1 ton banana to arrive so keep entertained with the nippy one.

  3. You look so nip nanner nice sweet Princess!!!

  4. Erin, we love the way you think. A car AND a one ton nip nanner seems perfectly appropriate for the scope of your expertise! Hugs to you and Mrs. H.!

    Oh, and nice selfie!

  5. I could see where cheese could come in handy to be used as insulation for the rocket and as a floatation device for when the capsule returns and has it's water landing. That is unless those mousies have consumed it all before then. Tee hee hee. If anybody can get you that nip manner it's Mrs. H. I bet she has contacts that can get word to that Mr. Musk. Kisses to you my nanner loving lady. Purr purr purr.

  6. I think Mr. Musk would be happy to have you on the payroll Princess!

  7. We think that's a great selfie, Erin - both of you and of the nip 'nanna.

  8. We all know that Mr. Musk is no fool, so I'm certain you'll be hired soon!

  9. Erin, we hope you get that genetically modified nip nanner, and maybe Mr. Musk could come up with something similar that we dogs could go crazy for:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. ERin ewe bee lookin gorgeouz az all wayz.....N pleez ta tell mr musk make that TWO nip nannerz coz havin a spare oh all thingz iz all wayz a good thing !! { if mice bee on de moon, due ewe think pluto haz dawgz !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  11. That's a great selfie with your nip nanner, Erin!

  12. What fun is "legal?" Sounds like a "boring" way to live ;)

  13. We agree, nothing fun should be legal.

    Emma and Buster
