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Sunday 2 August 2020


Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies! 

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

     Well, another week has come and gone, and the world moves on, albeit shakily and with masks and more personal hygiene than many are used to or comfortable with.

     We have kept ourselves busy with a lot of online writing courses. It is currently the Festival of Writing, held this year as an online event, and presented by Jericho Writers. We get approximately 5 on line session a week throughout June, July and August. It has to be said, it is great fun seeing and learning with people from across the globe. There are even folks from Portland, Oregon attending, though I suspect they do not know Val.

     All this online learning is very taxing, and with the weather hitting a summer high into the thirties, we have had the aircon on and stayed indoors an awful lot. Mrs H did start to do some DIY — known around here as 'Don't Injure Yourself', alas she had to stop as she couldn't find the hammer. Which was all rather fortuitous as yours truly had just embarked on my diploma course in 'Extended Napping'. It's a three-week course, or what they describe in these parts as a 'Sandwich course'. Strangely there are no sandwiches, or even nip soda, so I will be taking issue with this and demanding a sizeable small refund come the end of the course.

     So without further ado, here is this week's selfie!

     Whatever you are all doing, now and in the weeks to come, stay safe and heed the warnings. Also, and as per new guidance from the W.H.O., and get your fav felines anything they want, especially pizza and nip.

Till later......

Toodle pip and purrs!



  1. ERin, We can tell from your selfie that you are all set to graduate Summa Cum Laude from your Extended Napping diploma course.
    Keep well - and look after Mrs H.

    1. Thanks, I hope to get first class honours too, MOL

  2. No heatwave here. We are only managing 18, 19 if we are lucky. It is forecast to get hotter by next weekend though, but of course that will probably have all changed by then.
    Enjoy your nap and stay safe.

    1. Ours was only two days long and had a storm one night in between, MOL
      Back to chills and rain.

  3. That is one seriously snoozy selfie! It's been consistently hot here for quite some time, but now we're also watching this darn storm trying to make its way up the east coast. We're about as ready as we'll ever be, but it doesn't look like it's gonna be too, too bad.

    1. You will be welcoming the rain and cool, if it comes. Hopefully not a storm that wreaks havock!
      Stay well and cool

  4. I hope your paws get rested up from all that writing sweet Princess!

  5. Excellent selfie, Erin!
    We've had rain all night long, and today is cool...some humans may even put on long pants instead of shorts!
    However, this too will pass, but it's nice to pull on a jumper for a few hours.

  6. It's been super hot here, too, Erin. You and Mrs. H stay cool, safe and healthy, okay?

    BTW, "DIY" = "don't injure yourself" ... MOL!


  7. Awwdorable Selfie, sweet Purrincess. The temperature is getting up and down here, but this week we're going to have a little heatwave again too. Have fun with the writing... writing is good to let it all come out, the good, the bad and the ugly...MOL...😸Cool Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday and week ahead🐾😽💞

  8. Heating up here too.

    Lovely selfie!

    Stay safe x

  9. DIY... Don't Injure Yourself. Bwahahahahahahaha!!! Oops. Ouch. I think I laughed so hard I cracked a rib. MOUSES!

  10. Your selfie makes us want to go take a nap too, Erin!

  11. Wonderful Selfie and we also remind Dad to be careful when he is banging and doing. Hope you get that nip soda soon

  12. I hope your courses are inspiring. Tomorrow I start a six week photo evening course (with one day 'away day' to practice for real!) I feel learning with and from others really works.

    I have just finished volunteering for the New Zealand virtual WorldCon Science Fiction event and learned a lot about running meetings and the sheer impact of hosting and seeing people around the world learning together. A genuine and real gift.

  13. Oh, those courses sound FABulous! Especially yours Princess Erin! I would loves to sign up for that fursure, butts if there are no samwiches, then I thinks I might reconsider! BOL!!!
    You and Mrs. H stay cool, and don't study too hard...hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  14. ERin; ya bee lookin gorgoeuz thiz week....and we noe 30 in trout towne iz winter time, but we soooper bad epic failed math at skewl & we due knot now what that iz over de pond ....hope mizzuz H iz havin fun with her writin courze ! :) ♥♥♥☺☺☺ stay happee N healthee :) ♥♥

  15. So, where did you hide the hammer, Erin? UTB?

    Tama and Genji

  16. Greetings, my Princess! Well, it sounds like you and I have a lot in common: My very best thing is napping too! Also, my Human is starting to smell of alcohol all the time now--I thought she was developing a problem with her drinking, but possibly there's another explanation? Thanks for stopping by! XOXO

  17. Hi Erin, that's a relaxing selfie! Thank you for visiting us and your lovely comments. Purrs and hugs!

  18. We suspect you'll get an A in your extended napping course, ERin! We need to tell Momma what DIY really means because she's somehow under the impression it means do it yourself ... which leads immediately to injuring herself. Humans. What are you going to do? ~Bear Cat

  19. 'Extended Napping' course, you say, Princess? Ooh, that sounds like something that every pussy cat would want to sign up for, especially during the hot days of summer or during the cold months of winter. I would ask to share a nap blanket with you and I would offer my floof as a pillow for your sweet head. Kisses to you dove.

  20. 'Extended Napping' course, you say, Princess? Ooh, that sounds like something that every pussy cat would want to sign up for, especially during the hot days of summer or during the cold months of winter. I would ask to share a nap blanket with you and I would offer my floof as a pillow for your sweet head. Kisses to you dove.
