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Sunday 23 August 2020

Pizza and Pedicure!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies! 

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

Just to let everyone know, we have some issues with our WordPress account, so the link to this post on that won't work. We have asked Janet Blue to take that link down. Once Mrs H has sorted it, (possible due to a major sherry spillage on the keyboard!) she will post again... Till then, I hope you can enjoy this weeks post on Blogger.

     Well, we have a really busy week this week. So busy in fact, that I can't recall anything much of what went on!

     But one thing I can recall is that it has rained and been windy and horrid for most of the week. So much so that I was forced into having my Friday pedicure at home rather than go out for it. And of course, we all know that after a hard Friday on one's toes, we girls like nothing better than to slip into something nice and cosy and settle down with a movie, pizza and a non-alcoholic nip wine.

     Imagine my surprise and horror then when Mrs H advised that not only were we out of pizza, we had no wine or movies either!

     To make up for it Mrs H has promised to rent a great movie for Sunday evening, namely Frozen 2. We like a good fairytale and a bit of a sing-a-long, so this will be right up our street. All I have to do is make sure Mrs H has just the right amount of sherry and leaves her credit card out. Sunday nights is two mice pizza for the price of one PLUS a free bottle of fizzy nip beer!

    Anyways, without further ado, here is this week's selfie. I think you'll agree that my toes look super white and sparkling bright!

     Whatever your manicure, pedicure or pizza flavour this week, stay safe and play safe! Oh, and if you have just had your nails and paws done, make sure someone cuts your pizza into nice bite-size chunks, preferably nice mice-size chunks, LOL

(Please note that mouse flavour pizza is only available from Mrs Singh's pizza palace in my village, and under no attempt should you try to make it yourselves!)

Till later......

Toodle pip and purrs!



  1. Erin, your toesies look amazingly beautiful this week!
    About movies - Our Human has discovered that there are countless films available on MewTube for free.

  2. Erin, your toesies look amazingly beautiful this week!
    About movies - Our Human has discovered that there are countless films available on MewTube for free.

  3. Great selfie! Enjoy da movie and pizza!

  4. Aww, your curly toes selfie is just the most adorable. I like to lay like that, too.

  5. Your cute pedicured toesies look adorable, as does the rest of you.

  6. Nice selfie, Erin. We like how you curled up your paws.

  7. Positively perfect! xoxo, Bibi & Meep

  8. Hi Erin! Your toesies always look good. We've been having some trouble commenting on some of your posts. We always seem to find the WP link and we have a problem with WP. We hope you and your dad are doing well.

  9. That's such a sweet selfie dear Princess! I hope someone finds some pizza and wine soon!

  10. We love your Selfie and those cute toesies Erin. Pizza and a movie sounds great and if you have nip wine can we come over?

  11. You are beautiful Princess! Too bad about the pizza, we ran out this week too!

  12. I wondered what happened when I went to the wordpress account and it was private.
    I hope you enjoy Frozen 2- I still need to see it. My great niece has a Frozen castle and we play with Elsa and Anna every time I go to her house. XO

  13. Wow! Frozen 2, mouse pizza and fuzzy nip beer? What a great way for you and Mrs. H to spend Sunday evening, sweet Erin!

    Your toesies do look especially awesome in your selfie, by the way. :)

  14. Erin, if I were nearby, I'd stop by and play with your little white toesies!

  15. It was wet and windy here too.

    Love your selfie

  16. Gosh Gally! Erin Darling! Its been MONTHS since wes seen yous! We too had issues...first with Marv's email and then with Wordpress...It did NOT like the new email adress and we could not get things to work. Finally wes gived up and asked Angel Nellie if wes could use her email and wes started a new blog! Wes been back about 2 weeks now and wes hoping wes can keep Mom motivated to helps us!
    Good luck with getting everything back up and running! Wes will keeps our claws crossed!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  17. You look amazing Erin. I love your portrait.

    I hope you had your weekend treat. It's lovely to stay cosy indoors with a video and enjoy some singing fun!

  18. You are a little gem all curled up there on that rug, Princess.
    Say, do you think Mrs. Singh's would deliver to OREGON and guarantee that the mice will come fresh? I know that's a big request considering I live far across the sea, but I thought it was worth asking, anyway. If not, maybe I can convince Mom to put some seeds just inside the door and crack the door open. In that way it would lure a mousie in and then I could make my own pizza. Tee hee hee. Loves and kisses, to you my sweet.

  19. ERin yur hole self looks gorgeouz thiz week, even tho it waz inn deed a most tryin one....mizzuz H kneadz a stern lecture; bad enuff to run outta mooveez, & nip wine. but pizza.. iz un forgive abull... :) ♥♥

  20. Your paws look very well pawdicured, sweet Purrincess and you look so beautiful in your Selfie. I'm having a front-paw-massage from Grandpaw, maybe I ask him to do my nails too ;) Sorry you also having trouble with the WP blog, but we hope the solution will come soon. Now, enjoy your Pizza, vino and the movie😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday and week ahead🐾😽💞

  21. Loved seeing your bright white toesies, Erin! Wow, Purrfection:)

    Argh to blogger and to WordPress...what used to take an hour or so, now takes about three, and that is when it goes well...sigh...

  22. We LOVE that hint of belly! Very proper and prim of course ... just a teeny tinsy bit of tummy rub temptation.

  23. OMD/OMC! No nipbeer OR pizza??! Oh, you must've been horrified my furiend! SO glads Mrs. H made up for it! I looooooves your selfie, and I looooooves your toesies!! Ma doesn't even try and gives me a pedicure...she takes me to the vettie, which last time I was NOT cooperative....hehehehe
    Have a FABulous week Princess Erin!
    Ruby ♥
