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Sunday 9 August 2020

Hair today!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies! 

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

     Well, what can I say. . . .  OK, I don't really want you to answer that, but it has been one of those weeks. On the good side, I went to the specialist to get my vaccinations, on the bad side they took blood and shaved my neck. Needless to say, I was NOT amused! Alas, for the medical staff Mrs H was not allowed to accompany me in to placate my many resistances.

On the plus side to all that, two days later when the effects of the jabs and wormer wore off, I got a huge extra dinner. All those missed meals soon add up, I can tell you, and it took me another two days to eat them and my normal spartan platter of food.

I was going to say I eat like a sparrow, but Mrs H said I need to be honest and confess to eating a sparrow just to irritate her for taking me for my jabs. Needless to say, Mrs H was not amused, mainly because she'd just made me a nice supper. Seems like eating sparrows between meals does ruin your appetite, MOL

    Anyways, without further ado, here is this week's selfie!

     What I soon discovered was that despite how easily the hair comes off, no amount of pawing or cajoling can ever make it – the hair Mrs H has groomed off me– ever stick back on again!

     It has left me with a rather embarrassing situation of having to go out partly undressed, which clearly just isn't on for a lady of my standing in the community! So, as a result, I will be setting a new fashion this summer for the well-heeled town & country cat, by wearing a very smart button-down collar, sans the blouse, and a paisley cravat, complete with a mouse tail pin!

     Whatever your fashion trendsetting ways are this week, stay safe and heed the warnings. Masks can be fun, especially at mealtimes when the staff won't know which of you they have fed, and thus will have to feed you again, just to be sure ;)

Please note that the W.H.O. does not advocate shaving of cats purely for fashion reasons!

Till later......

Toodle pip and purrs!



  1. Getting the hair back on never works. It comes off easily enough though!!

  2. Oh dear Erin, mew may need to get a chest wig for the interim until the fur grows back! Happy Sunday and go get that 2nd breakfast, mew deserve it! MOL XOX

  3. The theft of hair is the ultimate insult, isn't it? We hope it grows back quickly. And, remember, she will be owing you for some time to come!

    Tama and Genji

  4. Have you noticed that when they steal your fur it is never a small patch just big enough for the needle? It looks more like they have used a lawn mower!

  5. We're sorry they stole your furs!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Erin, you are stunning no matter what parts of your fur are missing!
    You are an example to other kitties, so you must use your exalted position for good!

  7. Erin, We hope you won't be offennded when We say, you do not look like a kitty who eats like a sparrow (mol)

  8. Oh yes, Erin. Those sparrows can be quite tasty, we hear!

    Wesure hope your furs grow back quickly, sweet friend. Nice selfie!


  9. We hope all is okay with your blood work sweet Princess. You do look very pretty!

  10. Erin we hate when there is a little shaving but the good part is in a few weeks it is grown back in. Ah living with humans can be difficult

  11. Mudpie has been shedding SO much fur this summer! Hope the vet visit went well.

  12. Oh Erin, sorry they stole your precious furs my furiend!!! The nerves! My funky 'Poodle leg' took like 4 months to grow back! I expect your furs will grow back faster, since kitteh furs are magical in that way! ☺
    You do look FABulous btw ♥
    Ruby ♥

  13. Humans make tatoos, you just have a little fur pattern ! Anyway when I compare your volume to my little 13 year old Rosie, she remains so slim despite the fact that she has a very good appetite !

  14. ERin; hay ewe gorgeouz ☺☺☺ mizzuz H shuld haz SHAME for usin de B werd and de S werd
    on YUR blog and in YUR sun day post......SHAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~


  15. Hello Beautiful! You are looking sleek and gorgeous as usual. I too had to go to the stabby place a few months ago when the Human was not able to come inside. It didn't much matter though, as #1. her being around does not make me calm, and #2. They just knocked me right out. I remember nuffing! I did have two shaved places which I thought were not too attractive, but I have furs again now and soon you will too, my sweet! Thanks for visiting me!

  16. Well dang, the post for today I was gonna comment on seems to be gone. I was gonna say count me in for mouses and cream!

    1. Hi, Brian. That was MY fault and that post shouldn't have gone out. Erin says she will be docking may sherry fund as fine for my finger sli on the keyboard ;)
      Stay well
      Mrs H
