Monday 28 August 2017

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day..... 

Today we celebrate those pets and companions that we have lost. The day was begun by Deb Barnes, of the Zee and Zoeys Cat Chronicles after the loss of her beloved companion Mr Jazz, as a tribute and as a way to never forget.....

I don't think anyone in the Blogging world, or in deed anyone with companions of their own, will have been without loss at some point in their lives.

But there seem to have been so many friends pass this year, and hardly a week has passed without tears in our home from more sad news.

But today is the day we remember and celebrate the joy and friendship of our friends and companions that have since crossed that Rainbow Bridge, to a place where they run carefree and well once more. A place where they can wait and welcome us when we too travel across our own bridge.

To all my friends who have lost this year, and in years past, I offer out my hand and heart and friendship so we can carry on, for that we surely must to honour and celebrate those we love and lose....
.... but this is not the end, just the beginning of a whole new adventure, a new walk in the woods or by a beach, or a new sun puddle to sleep in or nip mouse to chase.

So till we meet again, dear friends, I salute you, and give thanks for all the love and the good times we shared...

Gentle purrs to you all
