Sunday 11 August 2019

A Study in . . . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

     Judging by last weeks photographs—which were very well received here and on Facebook—Mrs H and I thought we would do a series of portraits of yours truly, contemplating life, the weather and why the gamekeeper has so many mismatched sofa cushions?  OK so I wasn't actually considering the latter, but I think some more redecorating will be needed, MOL

     So without further ado, I bring you my first pose, 100% natural, nothing added or taken away. Just plain ol' me with a few stray hairs. As to what I was thinking about? Well, besides contemplating firing the new makeup artiste, the sky had brightened between rain showers and I was pondering if it was worth going out for a walk or should just stop indoors and wait for lunch.

     I'm pretty sure you can all guess which I chose, right?

     Anyways, even though the picture above is taken from the first—Mrs H practising her editing skills gleaned from the night school classes she's been attending—they do seem and feel a little different.

     I'm not sure which of these two I prefer, the close-up or the full body shot? Mrs H says she's for the close-up; which do you prefer?


     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, be it wide-angle or close-up, please click the links below, and enjoy the Hop!

Sunday 4 August 2019

It's all in the wrist action!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

     I know the last few weeks have been weather focused, so this week it has been head down doing some work. In response to those of my fans that think I don't actually do my own blog, and hire a stuntwriter, Mrs H thought it would be a good idea if I had some snaps taken of me at the hub of all things Erin here at the Palace, in Upper Much-Mousing. When I say centre, I actually mean the sofa at the centre of the gamekeepers lodge, which is bizarely the only place the Wi-Fi signal seems to get to on the estate. . . .

         Here I can be seen flexing my tail on my favorite pink mouse. Look, Ma, no paws!

      Never off the job, here I can be seen photoshopping some pictures on the laptop—to remove Mrs H's shadow. Do note the hind leg action on the scroll wheel. My physio suggested this as it helps avoid getting a RSI. What I want to know is: what stops the mouse getting a RSI?

And finally . . . .

     Such is my devotion to the blog, and editing and writing my books, Mrs H often finds me slumped beside the keyboard, with a warm mouse close by.

     It sure is a tough life being a blogging cat, but having such wonderful pals, and a warm sofa, sure does make up for the late night nip coffee fueled editorial meetings!

     I hope you enjoyed the little behind-the-scenes look at my blogging life. How do you manage your editorial work?


     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, please click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!