Friday 27 September 2019

September Pet Photo Fails ¡¡?

Welcome to the 'Pet Photo Fails' blog Hop!!!

     Welcome one and all to what Mrs H has informed me is NOT the Sunday Selfies, rather the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!

      The awesome Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows has kindly taken over this awesome hop from our dearly departed friend, Roby Sweet of the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles AKA The Old SoLT, as Miss C liked to call her.

     Once a month, the last Friday of the month, we will be getting together to share Mrs H's not so talented photographic efforts.... OK, so I did have a paw in some of them and maybe an ear or another bodily part in others but I blame Mrs H squarely and fairly for everything else.

    This month we have had a right mixed bag of fails – over exposure, under exposure, and some exposures that didn't even feature yours truly! Yup, can you believe that with the one objective of getting ME in the shot, Mrs H still managed to come up, and down, trumps. Maybe that expression needs revising in light of these fails?

     Without further ado I give you a my pick of the embarrassing moments, called rather aptly, Fingers and Thumbs. . . . . .

I Think maybe Mrs H was trying to redact me—plausable deniability so my consultant doesn't see I've possibly put weight on. But that wasn't me, OK.

As they say in magic circles: Now you see it. . . . .

 . . . . . And now you don't!

     And finally. Following on from last months much applauded fail, which I have entitled/categorized as my 'Blue Period', Mrs H brings you a vision in a sort of umber colour. It may look like a space shot of the surface of some far flung planet but I can asure you that this is a one hundred percent digital image— either the first or index finger kind of digital, MOL

     Alas, I must now wrap up this weeks shots of disasterous doomed digital dexterity as we have a photoshoot to complete on feet and shoes. My latest plan is for a new brand to overtake the HushPuppy. Called MeowKittens. Only prblem is when you get your first set of MeowKittens you have to introduce them to HushPuppies over a few weeks. Failure to do this could cause undue stress on the fabric and lots of bad nights sleep.

     Thankfully once established, you will never be without your MeowKittens, and they will always be ready to head out of doors—unless it's raining in which case you'll find them curled up on the nearest warm spot.

     Well that's enough Photo Fails from Mrs H and I – I do hope you enjoyed Mrs H's fails. It just remains for me to say:


Go on, now show us YOUR Photo Fails!

     Please do hop around all this months star failures and have a bit of fun and laughs on us, after all THAT is what it's all about :)

     To visit our host, Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows, and join via her page, click this LINK

     Or, cut and paste this link into your browser:


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Sunday 22 September 2019

Schoolgirl error . . .

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

     To join in, get the Linky-Link code from their website, add it to your page, and enjoy the hop!

This week I have been mainly getting WET.

No, before you ask, I have not been having my annual bath—that was last year.

And NO I also haven't been helping Mrs H do either the laundry or dishes—that job requires full rain suit and souwester, and mine happen to be at the laundrette being dry cleaned.

And, I wasn't caught in the deluge when Mrs H tried to unblock the sink U-bend in the gamekeeper's cottage.

How, you may ask, did she get wet?

Well, having removed the U-bend, she plugged the sink and ran the taps to flush the pipe. And then, my friends, she made the classic school girl mistake. A mistake, I have to say, I did warn her about . . . Well, I may have warned her about in my head.

Either way, she was warned. . . . of sorts.

Never one to pass up watching the DIY disaster channel, I set myself up on the stairs overlooking the said kitchen, complete with popcorn and a soda and settled down to watch the inevitable. When I say popcorn and soda, what I mean is Felix Crispies, and a Vineroot Beer. And as sure as mice squeak, she did it.

Yup, if you can see what's coming, then you were head, body and tail faster than Mrs H.

Forgetting she'd removed the U bend, she went under the self-same sink—now full of water—and prodded around with a screwdriver to clear the last vestige of gunk that seemed to be blocking the sink.

And that is where sense left the building, and gravity took over sending a sink full of gungy water pouring down and covering Mrs H, filling the cabinets and flooding the floor.

I would have said 'I told you so' to Mrs H, but the fact that I was laughing a lot—ok, too much—sort of made that a bit difficult.

To be fair, and in my defence, Mrs H has always told me it was bad manners to talk—and by extension to that—laugh, at another's misfortunes with one's mouth full. Rest assured once I calmed down, which was a while as Mrs H's splattered face had me breaking out in giggles for ages, I was able to safely resume my Felix treats and Beer.

Nope, I can safely say it was none of those things that got me wet.

What did get me was some inconsiderate rain in the middle of my night shift. Let me tell you, these things are not to be laughed at, for sure. I mean it's not as though I filled a sink and then pulled the plug on myself.

Of course, being a kind and generous sort, Mrs H got up at 1:42 AM and towelled me down with only a modicum of prompting. A wet paw and nose in the face work wonders for the heavy sleeper I can tell you.

That's all from this weeks selection of mishaps, but do remember that next week on Friday we will have the now-famous – Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows. Be there or be square as they said—allegedly, in the sixties. Apparently, Mrs H was there but didn't inhale, MOL.

Admittance is free, and all you need to do is bring your BEST or WORST fails (NO fail too small, or too large) and your giggle box.

Finally, here is my own selfie:-

Thank you for visiting, and we hope you'll enjoy not only my monochrome delights but also the hop...

     To see what our international blogging pals have been up to this week, be they conferences, lectures or just plain old looking for their suppers, please click the links below, and enjoy the Hop!