Sunday 30 August 2020

The Cat in the Red Shoes!

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies! 

     We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world, and across the species.

Thankfully the staff at Dash Kitten were able to get an email through to the staff at 'The Cat on My Head' and resolved our WordPress issue. Many Thanks to Marjorie for sending it, and Janet Blue for sorting this. 

OK, with thanks duly given, let's get on to what we all come here for: SHOES!

OK, so what you really want to see is a picture of me. But I thought we'd couple that with a bit of fashion modelling I'm doing to raise funds for Mrs H's dental work. Yup, sad to say that some of this week's bad weather, namely the grey clods and doom and gloom and strange rumblings from the bathroom were on account of Mrs H having broken a tooth. When she came back from the tooth pulling place, she was 400 pounds lighter!

As the 'sherry fund', aka the loose change jar, was not up to nearly that much, I have decided to model shoes for cash.

So, without further ado, here is this week's selfie publicity shot!

The princess in the very cool and trendy black and white fur and a charming smile can be seen modelling this autumn season's HOTTEST and must have footwear: Red ballet flats!

Yes, if you want to make a statement about the house, like 'Get out of my way', or 'Speak to the foot', these shoes are it

Now if you think these aren't practical, then think again! The bright colour means these are easily found in bad light and a doddle to match up. After a comprehensive weeklong test drive walk, Mrs H assures me they are both comfortable and quick to slip into thanks to the cunningly placed opening on top, and the foot shape design. The lack of laces is also very handy, though for those girl guides out there that hanker for tying knots, the makers have thoughtfully created a small bow on the front.

I tried these myself, and certify that from a feline perspective, there is plenty of room for two mice to rest in comfort in each toe area, though NOT whilst the human is wearing them! The soft vegan leather is also great for napping on too!

As these are available in only one size, and we only have one pair, they are SUPER exclusive. So we are really so pleased to be able to offer these at the bargain never to be repeated special offer price of £399.99.

At that price, you really will be making a statement!

Well, that's it for this week. Whatever your style shoe size or colour, remember to stay safe out there, enjoy yourself, and take care of your feet. After all, like mum or dads taxi service, you never know when you'll need them to take you somewhere, LOL ;)

