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Sunday 25 November 2018

Sunday Selfie. We need to have a talk...

Hello and welcome to The Sunday Selfies!    

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

To join in, get the Linky link code from their website– add it to your page– and enjoy the hop!

And now here is my selfie for the week:-

   This is entitled "We need to have a talk....."  OK so Mrs H wasn't in trouble, but we did have to sort out her end of year appraisal. All things said and done I think this year has been quite good. There have been a few lows– like the times when she has, with reckless abandon, thrown out some of my mice that I was saving as snacks. Then there were the numerous incidence of awakening me at the scandalously early hour of 10A.M. so she could start the housework!

   On the plus side, Mrs H has steered me to losing weight and to finishing my adventure story. So paws up for Mrs H!

   Now what sort of report are your staff going to get at their appraisal?

   To see what our pals are up to this week, please go to the Kitties Blue site, or if available, click the links below, and Enjoy the Hop!

   Now if you missed it, the finale of our adventure, 'The King Herod's Kitten Caper!' Chapter 36 can be found HERE. If you would like to start at the beginning then Chapter 1 can be found HERE.

   I hope you will enjoy the fun action and adventure as much as we have.


  1. Great selfie!

    I don't think my momma will wanna see her appraisal, MOL!

    1. Oh my, maybe send a text from anonymouse? MOL Or maybe renegotiate a better deal, one that has bacon and crab cakes at least nine days a week ;)
      Toodle pips

  2. I am so glad Mrs H passed het appraisal. (Remember the mice may have been mouldy and she could have saved you from a tummy upset!)

    I can't believe the adventure is over. It was the most wonderful story!!!

    1. Oh no, them mice were alive and quite plump!
      Maybe Next year we will get a new case... I think all the bad folk have gone out of business due to the recession, MOL
      Toodlepips and purrs

  3. Oh Princess, that is a truly wonderful selfie!

    1. Why thank you, Brian, that is also my best managers expression, too.

  4. You don't look pleased, Erin. Hopefully Mrs. H will do better.

    1. We called it even when she gave ME my annual review. Lets just say that I have promised to think about considering to not have nearly so many furry friends over for tea. MOL
      Toodle pips

  5. Erin, that selfie is perfectly wonderful! And we sure are glad Mrs. H passed her appraisal. :)

    1. Thank you, yes I gave her a top Box 1 marking, with provision to to go higher to 1 Plus if she makes me something nice for supper this evening ;)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! Mrs H thought it was priceless and that I must have been paying attention to her own expression with tradesmen, MOL

  7. I am glad that Mrs H got a good appraisal, but she really does need to rethink the throwing out of tasty mice. They were obviously in your thoughts when you told her you needed to talk.

    1. They were, I can see you have an astute eye for these things. We have come to an accord– whomsoever gets to them first, keeps them. This actually quite fair as so far Mrs H is up one, MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  8. Oh Princess! You are a smoldering sultry lady in that black and white image! I think the Hollywood talent scouts willl be pounding on your castle door along with the pawparazzi. And maybe Mrs. H can negotiate modeling and movie contracts for you. I shall have Mom print out your photo so I can place it by my cat tree where you can alway be close by. Purr purr purr.

    On another paw, I think that Mrs. H did a pretty good job for you during the year. I think she's a keeper don't you think?

    Paw kisses, smooches and hugs hugs hugs hugs! -Luv, Your Prince Valentino (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Aww that is wonderful of you, and if I could be there in purson to give you a special sultry look I would. I may well need a US agent so if you and your team are up for some hard bargaining then you are hired, with a cut of the profits and front row seats at the movie premier!
      Mrs H and your staff did well this year, I have to agree. Maybe next we can get them to produce a movie?
      Smooches purrs and floofi hugs and more hugs
      Your Princess, ERin XOXOX

  9. Mommy and I both agree...10AM is a scandalous time to get started in the morning! MOL I still need to work on Mommy's review ;) --Mudpie

    1. Thank you– I shall pass that on to Mrs H. May 10pm will be better? I hope your staff get a good review too, but don't be swayed by offers of treats... well not a lot, MOL

  10. Meow meow yore Missus H soundss like shee iss a keepurr! Vacuumin at 10 a.m. iss reelly not so bad...
    An sheee was probable tidyin upss an threw out tHE mousess bye miss-take. Sumtimess these thingss happin.
    As mee has onlee bin here since Septemburr mee not sure iss fair to appuraise LadyMew…..shee iss doin her best rite????
    An mee bin inn Sheltur fore so long mee not quite know what 'normal' iss ERin Purrincess….
    Yore selfie iss dee-vine! Youre a gorgeeuss lady cat.
    ***purrsss*** yore frend, BellaDharma

    1. Thank you, BellaDharma, you are very wise. I am sure you will not find fault with your own staff, though appraisals are a great wayof talking life through, our fears and worries and also to reminisce and plan fun things for the future. Actually lets face it you could do the same at a party! Just as well Christmas is coming as Mrs H can let her hair down and enjoy some non work me time ;)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  11. That is a great selfie. You are such a cutie. I hope my kitties don't give me an appraisal, I won't do well. XO

    1. Thank you, that is very kind. I am sure you would have a wonderful appraisal, after all you cope with so many, where I am just one– albeit Mrs H says I act like a child as well and sometimes like a herd (of elephants) MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  12. Erin you indeed look like a Princess of your Castle in that selfie.. May I kiss your paw?
    As to Mrs. H - I hope you keep her... she needs you.

    And Our other question am when are you going to publish your adventures in a book? I do believe your adventures truly need saving for purrsterity. -Katie Ann Kitty Too, Tuxedo furever.

    1. Hi. Yes I think I will keep her, God willing, as she does need something to love in her life.
      Now as to the stories, well yes I am trying to get an agent as we speak though this is not as easy as it seems.
      As soon as I have it sorted then I will shout loud and clear from the North tower... or is it the South tower? Anyways I will let all know asap.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  13. Fabulous black and white selfie ! Purrs

    1. Thank you, I seem to do my best work in the black and white – specially when it comes to mousing ;)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  14. When my cats look at me like that, I know I'm in big trouble!

    1. Ahhh. Well I hope they give you a good grade when they do the assessment as I think you deserve it. Failing that, treats and mice and cream work!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  15. What a great selfie!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Thank you, we have to say Mrs H was most impressed with my photo– though less so with my report! MOL No, only kidding it was a glowing report especially when it got burn't ;)
      Toodle pips

  16. Erin! That looks like a professional portrait! Sheesh, lots of times my Human can't even get the camera in focus before she's snappin' away. I like this end-of-year-review for the Human. Perhaps I shall plan one for the upcoming week. I think you were very fair. Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Hi, Spitty! Thank you, it was all Mrs H's work– well all bar the bits I told her what to do, MOL It did turn out well, too.
      End of year reviews can be quite fun, especially if you have them over a nice meal and a glass of nip wine beside the fire.
      Happy and belated Thanksgiving to you all, too, and we do hope it went well and all happy at your palace...
