Friday, 31 January 2020

January Photo Fails ?*%£

Welcome to the 'Pet Photo Fails' blog Hop!!!

Hosted by the delicious and awesome Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows

     Welcome one and all to what Mrs H has informed me is NOT the Sunday Selfies, rather the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!


     On the last Friday of the month, we get together to share Mrs H's not so talented photographic efforts. And whilst I do or should fall in the pictures, I frequently don't. Any failures are therefore NOT of my making, and I blame Mrs H fairly and squarely (with the occasional round and wobbly bit) for every mishap, shake and overexposure, MOL.

And now this months selection and let me assure you that Mrs H was trying to take pictures of me in all of these shots. . . well, I hope she was!?

Could these be Mrs H's nobbly knees – sure as heck ain't mine!

Hmm. . .  alien life form?  At least there are cats on the curtain over the closet!

Ah-ha! so that's where my emergency bag of cat food is – now all I've got to do is identify which planet Mrs H was on when she took it??? 


Well finally! Just to prove that I do exist and Mrs H was trying to and is half capable of taking a picture of me (emphasis placed on the HALF) LOL. Maybe the giveaway that things weren't going to go as planned was the spectacles laying beside me. . . .

     Well, that's enough Photo Fails from Mrs H and me. I do hope you enjoyed them and they brought a smile to your day. It just remains for me to say:


Go on, now show us YOUR Photo Fails – nobbly knees acceptable too!

     Please do hop around all this month's star failures and have a bit of fun and laughs on us, after all, THAT is what it's all about :)

     To visit our host, Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows, and join via her page, click this


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  1. I think Mrs.H has excelled herself with these fails.

    1. Thanks, I'll accept the award so long as it has treats attached ;)

  2. Mrs. H's biggest downfall is her fingers! They clearly want to have their own blog!

  3. I think those might just take the Fail award for the week sweet Princess!

  4. Mrs. H, I have deleted more photos of my fingers than anything else! 2nd most deleted photos: The PO'Ms rear end...he revels in showing me his backside!

  5. Great fuzzy shots of Mrs. H's limbs! MOL!

  6. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photo fails. It was just so funny with the what planet Mrs. H on when she took that photo. We hope you have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  7. ERin; act shoo a lee... yur closer ta yur kibble then ya think ;) ♥♥☺☺

    1. Oooh, well that is great news as I'm almost out!

  8. Those are great photo fails. XO

  9. HAH! Mrs. H. has put TW to shame! Even Pop got a laugh. I thought that was your back and tail all blurry between those knobby knees. MOL!

  10. Mummy doesn't keep the Our photo fails. That's what We would call a Cover-Up (mol).

  11. Those are some award winning fails!

  12. Those sure are fun fails, Erin! The alien one made us MOL!

    1. Thanks, I'm sure that is a finger off some alien!

  13. An alien life form? YIKES! Princess, head for cover. Maybe their mother ship has been circling your area and are wanting to beam you up. Tell Mrs. H. to tighten up security just in case. I could send Bessie to be your watchdog for awhile. She'll do anything for a piece of bacon. Tee hee hee. All my luv to you my dove.

    1. Oh my love, sending Bessie will be a great help, though I fear I do not have enough provisions to feed such a mighty hound and steed! Pray, can you send some bacon too as Mrs H is meat free ;)
      Smooches and loving purrs till my caped crusader comes to my aid....

  14. You had Dad laughing with those fails. Really great
