Sunday, 6 March 2022



An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Cat Princess©






Hello, and welcome to my Saturday Sunday Book Review featuring Adventures in Middle-Grade Fiction! 


Due to circumstances beyond my control, which is another way of saying that this is ALL Mrs H's fault, we had a bit of a mishap yesterday and couldn't share this fab new Middle Grade read. 


Yes, never again shall I casually mention down the phone to Mrs H that "I'm a cat on fire!" How was I to know Mrs H, who, due to her autism is quite literal, would phone the emergency services and say her employer was on fire and the house was at risk as well as her vintage selection of sherry!? I, of course, meant I had managed to finish off our book review and catch 59 winks and make a start on my mid-morning snack.


Needless to say, I was NOT amused at being hosed down by three husky firemen and then being given a fireman's lift from the first-floor pantry to a place of safety. I mean, there was a plate of cream cheese in there with my name on it. Now it is knee-deep in foam and probably not fit for a doorstop.

On the plus side, the firemen kindly repaired some broken guttering using their extending ladder, and after a plate of cream scones, jetwashed the patio! 

But enough of our crisis with a happy ending, here's our review of a fabulous soon to be released adventure called HAS ANYONE SEEN ARCHIE EBBS, by acclaimed author Simon Packham.





Publication date: 7 APRIL 2022

Paperback ISBN: 978 - 191 310 2722 


Cover price for Paperback £7.99, KINDLE CURRENTLY £2.84 


Pages 200.


Age range: Middle Grade 

Any cats? Yes, Dinger, and he plays a key part in the story!




No spoilers here. 





We were lucky enough to be approved to download this book on NetGalley. I was so pleased with this story that we are only too happy to share this unsponsored review with you.

The plot

Has Anyone Seen Archie Ebbs? Archie Ebbs is one of the most popular kids in his year six class. He loves telling jokes – excellent and cringeworthy – and making crazy homemade movies with his pals. Life is, to sum it up, great. 


But when he, his mother, and sister, Izzy, are evicted from their family home and have to enter temporary accommodation, his whole life takes a plunge. Manton House, their 'temporary' home, is a rundown set of apartments across three floors, right at the edge of town. The graffiti under the sign says it all – 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here. 


Having had to give up his cat, Dinger, there is a reluctant realisation that, as his sister insists, he needs to keep his friends at bay, too. The embarrassment would be too much. At least for Izzy, who ditches her boyfriend to avoid losing him when he sees their plight. With no wifi to talk to his friends and having turned down sleepovers and visits, Archie soon discovers his friends seem to be ignoring him. In fact, soon they and his teachers don't seem to be able to see him at all! 


As things get progressively worse in Manton House for Archie and his family, Archie makes a surprising new friend in the basement laundry room, Zofia. She happens to be in the same class as Archie and has been for the last two years, yet he can't recall seeing her. Like Archie, she has genuinely become invisible to everyone but her family. From this one event comes the rebirth rise of Archie Ebbs. Of course, along the way, there is fun to be had and rescuing Dinger from Mrs Watts' house. 


And then there's the matter of classroom trouble maker, Callum, and a large sum of money, destined to pay for the end of school celebration, stolen from their teacher. 


So, what did we think?

An easy read for some mature readers, but an engrossing story nonetheless. Packed with wholly relatable fun characters, brilliantly crafted around the very real-world painful truths of what life is like for a family when they become evicted and homeless. And more than that, what it's like to be friendless and overlooked — to be invisible in a crowded room. It would be very remiss of me not to say that the secondary story in this fabulous tale is that of Zofia, who has arguably a much bigger story to tell than Archie himself. But if I tell you, then that would spoil the fun.

So . . . . 

Crunch time. 

I'd be amazed if this doesn't become an instant favourite for readers and teachers alike. It certainly provokes thoughts about what it is like to be evicted from your home and lose what is most important to you. So this is another must-read for those adventuresome folk or a perfect gift for a younger reader. 

Want to buy a copy?


To get a copy, please do think of your local independent bookshop. There are plenty out there, and each is just waiting to serve up a treasure of resource, fun and adventure with a personal touch.


SIMON PACKHAMS's web page can be found HERE.



FIREFLY PRESS Publishing's web page can be found HERE.



If any authors or publishers wish us to review their books, please do get in touch. Details are listed on our book review page.



And for all my fans, I leave you with a picture of me resting up after my rescue. . . .


Till later!



  1. What a traumatic expurrience, Erin! Though Mummy did sit up when you mentioned the "husky firemen" (mol)...

    1. It was! The UK has tons of husky fire crew. Eachj and every one of them ready to step up a ladder and rescue a cat, or even a plate of cream cheese, in need. Jest aside, our fire crews across the globe do an awesome job. There is many a feline that owes their lives to them.
      Like great and diverse books, firecrew and their work deserve as much attention as possible.. . . .
      Purrs of support

  2. Glad to see more middle grade fiction for future cat moms and dads!

    1. There is so much to enjoy and love about the great messages MG books project. This is exactly why we love them. It is so important to make sure ALL our young readers get as diverse a read as possible. This is one of MANY books out there that does just that.
      Happy wishes, Layla, to you and yours.

  3. Hi Erin! We love your sleepy selfie today. And another good book review! Happy Sunday, and purrs to your dad.

    1. I was totally worn out. Mrs H say thank you, too, though she says she never had a dad.

  4. Goodness Princess Erin it sounds like mahem over your way, rest up pretty girl. Thank you for the book review, it sounds like a fun read.

    1. We DO get to read some awesome books, especially by Firefly Press. Those husky firemen sure dampened down the situation, hopefully Mrs H wont mind drying out so much of the palace ;)

  5. You poor thing! Humans take things so literally MOL! This book sounds pawsome.

    1. I know, it was such an ordeal eating those cream scones! ;) The MG readers have so much fun. Mrs H is quite jealous they werent as good as this when she was growing up.

  6. ERin; heerz two lotz oh happee dreemz; cream cheez with mice... anda grate week a head....we DUE hope archie and dinger waz ree united.....sad lee in thiz day N age; lotz oh folkz haz had two due just what archie & his familee did ~~~~ ♥

    1. Now there is the part of the story I cannot tell, for fear it will spoil the story itself. There is a lesson in all such stories, for those that are prepared to listen. "OK that is maybe a hint too far, but the story doesn't disappoint in any way.

  7. We are glad you are safe and resting now. Lovely pic of you!

    1. Thank you. I am sure you will appreciate the book, too. Feeling safe and secure is a key to this story, something Archie does not until he finds his voice.
      Purrs to Athena and staff

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you. We cats need to write a book called "Has anyone seen Mrs H with my next meal?"

  9. I am glad you have recovered from that terrible ordeal. I hope Mrs.H has made up for it in a big way! Another great review from you, Erin.

    1. It was aweful – we ran oiut of scones and cream! 😉
