Showing posts with label Diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diversity. Show all posts

Sunday 9 June 2024


Written and fully illustrated by Clara Vulliamy.  



An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Literary Cat©, International Book Reviewer.

Hello, and welcome to my weekend Read and Review, featuring a PAWTASTIC adventure in Middle-Grade fiction.


This week, we have Book 3 in the Dog Squad series by a hugely talented artist and writer. So please bring your paws together, wag tails, and give deep rumbling purrs for Clara Vulliamy! 

To read a review of Book 1, CLICK HERE.

To read a review of Book 2, CLICK HERE

Without further ado, assuming everyone has been fed and had their walkies, let's start our review of THE SHOW.

AUTHOR & ARTIST throughout:  Clara Vulliamy


Published by:  Harper Collins Children's Books


Publication date Paperback:  OUT NOW


Paperback ISBN:  978 - 000 -856 5473

UK Cover price for Paperback:  £6.99


Pages: 104


Age range:  7 - 11

Any dogs or cats? More dogs than you can throw a stick for, and, if you look carefully, you'll see a rather smart cat in there!




Yes. Some as to plot direction and characters through images and text. 



Thank you to...


A MASSIVE thank you to Clara, who personally sent over the digital artwork pictures specifically so you all could enjoy them at their best and see how wonderful the book is. 

As ever, our views are our own, and we only share reviews of books we have bought, been given as gifts or received in exchange for an impartial review.

First and foremost, the books we review are those we select to read, like, and feel our global readers deserve to know about and that we hope they, their family, friends and students will enjoy.


The plot

Eva, along with Wafer, her whippet, and her two friends Ash and Simone, head off to deliver parcels of supplies to local residents who can't get out due to a storm and floods the previous day. It soon transpires that the storm ripped a hole in the roof of the local Happy Tails animal rescue centre. Even worse, as the shelter doesn't have the funds to repair the roof, they will have to close, and the animals will be homeless.

© Unhappy tails at the Sanctuary

Enter our team of young reporters and crime solvers, The Dog Squad. What if the trio could raise funds for the shelter? It's a great idea, one that their teacher thinks will work. Accordingly, he booked the school playground for the event a week hence. The fundraising event will be a Dog Show, and all that entails.

But if the team, Eva Ash and Simone, think they have this sorted, they have a rude awakening. After an initial keenness from their classmates to join in, there is nothing to show on the third day of planning save for two totalisers, some ruffled egos and empty chairs at the latest meeting. 

Simone, Ash and Eva trying to plan. ©

What have the team done wrong? More to the point, what can they do right to save the event and the shelter. With their teacher upset at losing his wedding ring, it seems nothing can go right.

To find out what the kids have done wrong and what they have to do to turn things around, you will have to buy an entry ticket to the Dog Show. I assure you, there is everything to play for, sticks included, and lessons and surprises cavort, yap, bark and howl all around. 

So, what did we think?

We have never had so much fun looking at all the wonderful images that pack this lovely story. Mrs H smiled from ear to ear at some of the antics. If we gave star ratings, this would be a galaxy. Without a doubt, this is a superb third adventure. Clara's artwork leaps off the pages and into one's heart.

Wafer helping out with some artwork! ©

The characters are so expressive. Big or small, as you see in this review, the images bring an extra and exciting dimension. The drama of the storm and its effect on people, property, and pets is palpable and immediately strikes a chord. Wafer is, of course, a central character, and he does lend a paw—to disastrous effect—but this particular story brings a bigger vista and adventure. 

We loved every page of this perfect-length, expressive and delightful tale. I think all the younger readers will love it too. 

© Fun and games for all at the Dog Show.


So . . . . Crunch time. 

A must-have new read for parents and schools wishing to educate, enthuse and bring value to reading. It engenders responsibility and caring and promotes pausing to consider others when making decisions. This adventure focuses quite ably on team building and inclusivity of all sorts to deliver results. And it is done in the best way: naturally, without hammering home, and as a default setting. Many adults could learn a thing or two I can tell you.

© Everyone can help out

In a society seemingly bereft of social niceties and driven by money and must-have attitudes, this adventure is a ray of hope, one most parents will appreciate seeing. 

Want to buy a copy?

To get a copy, please, do consider your local independent bookshop. There are plenty out there just waiting to serve up whatever kind of mystery, fun and adventure you desire.


Clara Vulliamy's web page can be found HERE or type this:

Harper Collins Children's Books web page can be found HERE or type this:


We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kitties Blue and their mum, Janet Blue, from the Cat on My Head blog in America. Click this link to see Janet Blue's selfie page.

Small image. The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop badge. Features a yellow-haired lady with a tuxedo cat on her head.


I shall leave you with an early June Selfie. And as I am a barometer for the weather, you can tell it isn't that nice out. Bed on a dreary day is the best place to be. . . 


Till laters!


Sunday 6 August 2023

The DOG SQUAD. The Newshound.

 Written and fully illustrated by Clara Vulliamy.

A small version of book cover. Wafer the whippet sits front and centre on top of the letter 'o' in the centre of the word DOG. The three protagonists are either side of him set slightly further back so the look the same size as Wafer. The turquise backdrop has buildings and trees so is likely set in the local park. Clara's name is picked out in white at the op of the book. The Word s "The Dog Squard occupy the bottom third of the front page. The word 'squad sits in a bone shaped orane nametag that hangs off the letter 'O' in Dog. The words 'The NEWSHOUND is at the very bottom of the page in smaller yellow capitals.
Image © C Vulliamy
An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Literary Cat©, International Book Reviewer.

Hello, and welcome to my weekend Book Review featuring Adventures in Middle-Grade Fiction.

This week are incredibly honoured and happy to bring you the latest and most beautiful adventure from the author of the 'Marshmallow Pie, Cat Superstar' adventures, Clara Vulliamy. (To see my review of those fab books click this link) 


This time, she has brought the younger readers the first adventure in a new series featuring a dog and three eleven-year-old school reporters.


So, stopping only for a quick scratch behind the ear and to check the food bowl and water are topped up, let's get straight into the review! 


A large version of book cover. Wafer the whippet sits front and centre on top of the letter 'o' in the centre of the word DOG. The three protagonists are either side of him set slightly further back so the look the same size as Wafer. The turquise backdrop has buildings and trees so is likely set in the local park. Clara's name is picked out in white at the op of the book. The Word s "The Dog Squard occupy the bottom third of the front page. The word 'squad sits in a bone shaped orane nametag that hangs off the letter 'O' in Dog. The words 'The NEWSHOUND is at the very bottom of the page in smaller yellow capitals.
Image © Clara Vulliamy

AUTHOR: Clara Vulliamy


All art by: Clara Vulliamy


Published by: Harper Collins Childrens Books


Publication date: Paperback 3 Sept. 23 


Paperback ISBN: 978 - 0 - 00 - 856 533 - 6


Cover price: Paperback £6.99


Pages: 114


Age range: 7 - 11

Any dogs or cats?  Oh YES! Whilst this book mainly features dogs, Frank the cat does appear. 




Inevitably as this is a short book, there are some as to plot direction and characters. 



Thank you to... 


We are exceedingly grateful once more to Clara, who sent me a personal copy of this delightful adventure to share with you all. Clara has also sent us some of the delightful artwork from the story for you all to enjoy.


As ever, our views are our own, and we only share reviews of books we have bought, been given as gifts, or received in exchange for an impartial review. 

First and foremost, the books we review are those we love and feel our global readers deserve to know about and that we hope they, their children, friends, and students will enjoy. That is our guarantee to you.


Wafer the whippet leaps across a turquise backdrop. He is wearing an orange and pale pink chequed coat with a neck that extends onto his forelegs.
Image © Clara Vulliamy



The plot


Eva lives with her mum, elder brother, Wes, and younger sister, Macy. The story opens with a bang when Eva's mum enters their kitchen, stops stunned, and demands to know "WHAT. IS. THAT?" That is the introduction to a scared puppy, soon known as Wafer, who Eva has under her chair. Alas, try as she might, Eva can't hide the fact she has smuggled Wafer in. 

Eva spotted the dog alone and scared outside a shop several times during the previous week. Having saved the stray pup from being run over, it followers her home. 


A black and white image showing our three protagonists walking along the pavement beside some shops. They are dressed in jackets and have back packs on. Ash has their THEY THEM badge on, a larger copy is at the top of the image. From left to right there is Eva, Simone and Ash.

Alas, the landlord does not allow pets. What to do? Well, mum insists Wafer can only stay one night. After that, they will need to take him to a rescue centre. This is where Eva and her two pals, Simone and Ash, get to play sleuths. They run their own newspaper, most aptly called The Newshound. Simone is not so good with interviewing people but fantastic at artwork, and so does the paper's lettering and illustrations. Ash – they are the cleverest person in the whole world – is the Star Researcher, which leaves Eva as the lead reporter.  


A black and white image. Ash crouches to left of Wafer, who is in his chequered jacket. Simone kneels to the right. Both kids are petting Wafer.

Finding out how such a wonderful pup came to be alone on the streets, and who their real owner is, becomes their primary concern and the latest hot article in the making for the Newshound reporters. But whilst Eva's mum is slowly being won over to having Wafer in the flat, time and luck are rapidly running out.


A black and white image. Wafer the whippet lays curled in his bed.

Can the eager young reporters successfully unravel Wafer's story? Can they keep Wafer from the landlord's ever-watchful eyes? And will they get invites to what promises to be a great party but have been excluded from for being slightly different? All this and more will be revealed in the closing chapters!


So, what did we think?


I have to say straight up that I fell in love with Clara's artwork from the off. I mean, who could not be captivated by such appealing images of dogs and the characterful situations they and the child protagonists find themselves in and investigating. They are on almost every page, ranging from full page to small title sequences. 


Double width black and white iamge. Two staff from the Wags and Whiskers dog walking business are walking down the road. They have 7 dogs between them ranging from a sausage dog, to a great Dane and a lurcher like wolf hound. In the background is the White Rabbit Book  shop, Hair We Go, a hairdressers. There also seems to be a cake and tea shop. A dog on a lead waits outside the bookshop.


The images are but half of this review. The storyline is both compelling and fun, as well as displaying diversity in its lead characters, one of whom is non-binary. It rewards the young reader with healthy, balanced world-building, adventure, a pinch of mischief, and a wonderful message about caring for and the conscionable approach to adopting pets. Top Marks, and a few weepy eyes, all round.


So . . . .

Crunch time. 


For most adults, this will be a speedy, enjoyable read. But I think this will be a perfect book for a read-along at home over a few days or in schools to engender cognisance and discussions of broader issues whilst bringing a smile to the face. So, without a doubt, an absolute must. It's as simple a recommendation as that.  


Would you like to hear an extract from the story?


Clara has read an extract from the first chapter, which appears on the READING ZONE webpage. You can link to this page by clicking HERE. Or copy and paste the following:

Want to buy a copy?

To get a copy, please do choose your local independent bookshop. There are plenty out there, and each shop is just waiting to serve up whatever kind of mystery, fun and adventure you desire.


Clara Vulliamy's web page can be found HERE or type this:

Harper Collins Children's Books web page can be found HERE or type this:

The winners of our GIVEAWAY prize of a copy of Michael the Amazing Mind Reading Sausage Dog are:-  The Brian's Home blog, and all the guys at the The Oceanside Animals blog. If you will both please leave us a comment (which wont be published) as to where you want Amazon to send your copy of this book.

After all that sleuthing and those doggy delights, I shall leave you with a selfie of little old feline me.  🙂 🙂

We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kittes Blue and their mum, Janet Blue.

Mrs H isn't quite sure how to describe this position. Maybe the 'levelling pose' would be apt?


Colour image of me, Erin the cat, laying on my duvet with my hind leg forward and front leg back, forming a continuous line. My forehead rests on my hind leg.

Till laters!
