Showing posts with label Harper Collins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harper Collins. Show all posts

Sunday 19 March 2023


 by Laura Noakes;  


An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Literary Cat©, International Book Reviewer.

Hello, and welcome to my weekend Book Review featuring Adventures in Middle-Grade Fiction.

If you are here for a selfie, please scroll down.

On good news front, Mrs H sent my Middle Grade adventure book to an editor who works for many of the top literary houses. Once it returns, well be sending on to prospective agents that have expressed an interest. 

But enough from us. Lets get on with the show and reveal this weeks special adventure story....

Cover image showing osima walking in front of a glass exhibition palace.
Book cover image ©







Publication date: PaperbacK: 25TH MAY 2023


Paperback ISBN:   978-0-00-857905-0

Cover price for Paperback £7.99


Pages: 286


Age range: 8 and upwards

No companion creatures, this time!




Some as to plot direction and characters.



Thank you to... 


We are exceedingly grateful to Jess at Harper Collins Publishers for the privilege of getting to Read & Review this fantastic inclusive adventure book before publication, so we can give you the review you need.

As ever, our views are our own, and we only share reviews of books we have bought, been given as gifts, or received in exchange for an impartial review. 

First and foremost, the books we review are those we like and feel our global readers deserve to know about and that we hope they, their children, friends, and students will enjoy.



The plot


Let's set the scene for you...


It is 1899, and we are in Kensington, London. Our heroine, Cosima, 'Cos' to her friends, is aged 12. She has, since a tiny baby, lived at a dilapidated children's home in Victorian London. There are twenty girls in all, each most special in their own way. But every single one was willingly or unwillingly sent to The Home for Unfortunate Girls. You see, polite Victorians frown on disability. Society does not wish to see the disabled or those they perceive as different, or less than, in whatever form. Better to keep them silent, out of sight and out of mind.


Cos was the first at the home, and so is child No.1. She acquired the nickname 'Cosima Unfortunate' because she is rather unfortunate; it soon stuck, and unlike the other girls, she has nobody of her own. Or at least, so she thought. Her disability is that her joints ache and dislocate. This means she can be in agony, sometimes needing a walking stick and other times being wheelchair-bound.


The school is run by a brother and sister team called Stains. Ever investing in get-rich-quick schemes that never would, they are always in debt. Needless to say, Cos and her pals bear the brunt of this. The girls' rooms are unheated, and the food isn't more substantial than gruel – three meagre daily portions. As much punishment as to earn a scant amount of keep for the home, the girls have to unpick rope and cables from ships. This is then mixed with tar or grease to make oakum, which is used to go between the planks and make the vessel watertight. 


Cos and her best pals Diya, Pearl and Mary do their best to win small victories against the despicable Stains: planning raids on Miss Stains' cake stash for guests or hiding the Stains' things and making life as bad as they can for them. They likely always get punished, as often Cos' plans go wrong, or she goes off-plan, but they are worth it.


What each of the friends may have lacked outwardly in the eyes of others, they more than make up for with skills. Mary is a most particular planner; everything to the 'nth degree. Diya has a keen mind for figures and inventing and can devise almost any gadget a young girl could wish for mischief-making from the residue of the Stains' failed purchases and schemes that litter the home. Pearl is the master crafter/artist and can create astounding lifelike copies of things using the oakum.


Cos' latest plan involves replica cakes to replace those bought by Miss Stains to give to her well-to-do lady guests, patrons of the crumbling home. All is going well until Cos spots Miss Stains' open ledger. Keen to see if there are any extra details of her origins, Cos goes off plan again. And whilst she discovers she arrived with only a handkerchief, the plan falls apart, and they get caught. But just before the girls do, Cos overhears a conversation between Miss Stains and one Lord Fitzroy. It seems he wants to adopt all twenty of the defective girls. Miss Stains being who she is, demands £500 for them, and they strike a deal. 


Needless to say, the girls are not 'defective'. Each may be different, but they are still human. Whatever slimy voice Lord Fitzroy wants the girls for, Cos senses it isn't good. It seems the scientific project he is working on and in which the Stains have invested will change the world. But why does he need the girls?


Cos digs out the handkerchief from a box of the girls' personal possessions, its relevance and importance previously unknown to all. Within its now dirty fabric and elaborate, if strange stitching is hidden a clue to Cos' life and parents, Cos is sure of that. But what?


Armed with only an aged piece of fabric and a hunch Cos is determined to find out more about her parents. More pressingly, she is determined to stop the girls from being effectively sold to the nefarious Lord Fitzroy. 


With the aid of a new-found friend, a young street magician and pickpocket, Cos and the gang come up with the most daring of plans yet. It all centres around a collection of highly precious jewels on display at the Empire Exhibition that is taking place at that very time in London. Treasures pilfered from nations within the empire by none other than Lord Fitzroy himself!


What is the girl's plan? What plans does Fitzroy have for 20 shunned-by-society innocent girls? Who or what is the mysterious 'The Institute' whose symbol of a skeletal tree is tattooed on Fitzroy's arm and scares Miss Stains so much? And who is the strange new inky-fingered lady visitor to the school who seems more interested in Lord Fitzroy and the Stains than taking tea and cake!


A fabulous adventure ensues, with a race against time, death and almost insurmountable odds. There will, I assure you be upset, fear, tension and bravery aplenty. 


So, what did we think?  


Undoubtedly a tale of two halves. Touching on the genuine circumstances and behaviours towards those perceived as an affront to polite (and itself morally corrupt) Victorian society, this adventure puts disabled characters firmly at the forefront of a cracking yarn where they deserve to be and each shine.

So . . . .

Crunch time. 


Written with such conviction, passion, and a real sense of person and place, I half expected Moriarty and Sherlock to make an appearance! It is packed with everything a Middle Grade should be: action adventure, gadgets, and the mysterious, the good and the bad. It shows the true worth of the human soul and a positive world amidst the bad. Definitely one for all the kids to enjoy and be empowered by.

Want to buy a copy?

To get a copy, please escape down your own homemade ladders, evading ghastly staff and well-to-do, if poorly guided gentry, and head to your local independent gruel and oakhum free bookshop. There are plenty out there, and each shop is just waiting to serve up whatever kind of mystery, fun and adventure you desire.

A little about the author: 


Dr Laura Noakes was awarded her doctorate in legal history in 2021. She is a disabled writer and works at the Devil's Porridge Museum in Scotland. A link to this rather fascinating museum can be found by clicking HERE or type this:


Laura's poetry has been published in Scrittura Magazine, and she has published articles in 'Disability in Kidlit' and 'Kettle Mag'.


She lives with her mischievous cat, Scout, and her husband, Connor, in beautiful Cumbria, England.


LAURA NOAKES' web page can be found HERE or type this:


FLAVIA SORENTINO's web page can be found HERE or type this:


HARPER COLLINS UK web page can be found HERE or type this:


And as it's a Sunday, we are joing the Sunday Selfies, Hosted by Janet Blue of the Cat on My Head blog, in America. 

I shall leave you with MY Sunday Selfie 🙂 🙂

Images are all ©


Till laters!


Sunday 22 January 2023

MARSHMALLOW PIE, the Cat Superstar; the four book series


 Written and fully illustrated by Clara Vulliamy;  


An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Literary Cat©, International Book Reviewer.

Hello, and welcome to my weekend Book Review featuring Adventures in Middle-Grade Fiction.

If you're here for a selfie, please scroll on down!


This week we head straight into our review, with a FAB set of four books, featuring a feisty feline called Marshmallow Pie!

AUTHOR:  Clara Vulliamy


Cover art by:  Clara Vulliamy


All interior art by:   Clara Vulliamy


Published by: Harper Collins Books

Publication date: Book 1  6/8/20.  ISBN:  978- 000 8355 852


Publication date: Book 2  6/8/20.  ISBN: 978- 000 8355 890


Publication date: Book 3  7/1/21.  ISBN:  978- 000 8355 913  

Publication date: Book 4  5/8/21.  ISBN:  978- 000 8355 944



Cover price for Paperback £5.99 approx


Pages: 128 approx


Age range:  6-9 (and all cat loving readers everywhere!)




Just a few as to plot direction and characters.


A Huge Thank You to... 


Clara Vulliamy for offering insights and letting us reproduce the images from within the stories. There are so many fun pictures that we have had to limit ourselves to one from each book. I do hope they will give a flavour of the action.


Also, thanks to Mrs H for buying this series as a set of four books for me. They made my week!


As ever, our views are our own, and we only ever share reviews of books we like and feel our readers deserve to know about and that we hope they will enjoy. 



The plots

Book 1. Marshmallow Pie, the Cat Superstar.


Book 1 cover. Image Copyright©


Amelia and her father live in a small top-floor flat in the middle of a busy city. When rich Aunt Julia has to go away travelling, her white and fluffy cat named Marshmallow Marmaduke Vanilla-Bean Sugar-Pie Fluffington-Fitz-Noodle is sent away from his country house to Amelie Lime to look after. It's quite a change for Marshmallow Pie, or Pie as Amelia calls him. But Pie doesn't mind and has a balcony to lounge on. Better yet, Pie loves to tease Buster, the big burly dog on the balcony below. He does this by staring at him or dangling his tail over the balcony edge and just out of reach.


Life is good, and Pie pretty much rules the small apartment, taking central place on the sofa and doing everything a home-loving feline could want to do.


Then, one day Amelia finds out an audition for a local animal acting agency is taking place locally. Knowing, as all cat carers do, that Pie is super special, she enters the audition. It means that shy Amelia can get to do exciting things, whilst Pie is the one in the spotlight. So, in preparation for the audition, Amelia tries to get Pie to do tricks. Well, you can guess how that turned out.


Come the big day, whilst Amelia is very nervous, Pie knows he is a star and what to do to shine. 


Pie is presented for audition. Image ©


Amelia meets a lad from her school who has brought his kitten along, aptly named, Gingernut. Obviously, Pie is unimpressed by the youngster. When Buster turns up with his owner, things turn for the worst, a disaster. The rest I shall leave to the imagination and for you to discover!


Book 2. Marshmallow Pie, the Cat Superstar on TV.


Book 2 cover. Image Copyright©



After the antics of book 1, the woes and disasters and tears, we find Marshmallow Pie has the chance to star in a TV advert. It happens to be for Pie's favourite treat, 'Shrimp Crunchies'! But, the downside is he has to star alongside Gingernut, the somewhat annoying kitten belonging to Amelia's new pal, Zack. 

Come the day, Pie, Gingernutt, Amelia, and Zack arrive on set but are brushed aside by the rather obnoxious, fake-tanned director, Brad Carter.


On set, Pie gets carried away. He wants to outshine the kitten and hog the limelight. 


Pie knocks over a bowl! Image Copyright©

Even when the kitten wants to help, he gives him the brush off. As is the way with cats, especially when it comes to following directions, things go wrong, and the kitten seems to get the brunt of the blame from Brad, even though Pie was mainly the cause. 


Day two starts well, but disaster strikes, and the set descends into cat-driven chaos. The ending is definitely not what you may be thinking! I shall leave the what, why and how for you to discover. 


Book 3. Marshmallow Pie, the Cat Superstar in Hollywood.


Book 3 cover. Image Copyright©



For reasons I won't go into for fear of spoiling book 2, Pie and Amelia find they have an offer they can't refuse! Yes, Pie is destined for Hollywood stardom! Pie has come to the attention of big Hollywood producer Rocky Milan, who thought Pie was HUGELY talented and FEISTY! That is precisely what he was after in cat to play...... the villain's feline companion in his new movie.


So, Pie, Amelia and her dad arrive in tinsel town. They have a beautiful hotel room and beds more immense and more sumptuous than they have ever seen! Of course, Pie takes all the glitz, the glamour and the luxury in his stride. 


Like most kids her age would be, Amelia is very nervous the next day as she visits the set and gets to meet stars, cast and crew. The villainess's daughter, Madison, an internet star in her own right and a tad older than Amelia, is there too. She has her own brand and instantly falls for Pie, saying he'll be the perfect accessory for her. Her brash character, the opposite of Amelia's, takes charge. She takes them all shopping between acting sessions, driven and escorted by her very own security guard, Big Barbara.


Madison and Pie look seem so much alike. Or are they? Image©



They get to meet the press and go shopping in all the best boutiques. Why, Pie is really enjoying this glamorous life. But what of Amelia, who is being increasingly pushed aside? 

As filming goes on, Madison starts taking over, manipulating things and ..... OK, to say much more, I fear will take away from the second half of this adventure and a rather fun and very feline ending. 


Book 4. Marshmallow Pie, the Cat Superstar on Stage.


Book 4 Cover. Image Copyright©



We find Pie and Amelia are back home on the rebound from fame, fortune, and the red carpet treatment in Hollywood and global recognition. Life is good if a tad less dramatic, but stretching out on fresh laundry is just what a cat loves. 

We just know this can't last, and my, the peace and calm are shattered when Pie's Nemesis from Book 1 gets dumped on Amelia to look after when his owner goes away. Talk about putting a cat's nose out of joint. Well, Pie is not amused, and old rivalries ensue. 


Amelia sits between Pie & Buster. Image ©


Now, as a timely relief from this, Pie's agent, Dexter, from the Animal Acting Agency, calls with the chance to audition for a new role. It is a chance to appear in a new performance in the BEST theatre in town! What cat could say no to such an important role? Certainly not our Pie, especially when it means leaving Buster behind.


But when Amelia's dad has to go out to a meeting, Buster has to accompany Pie to the audition as he can't stay home alone. Pie is NOT amused. 

Of course, Pie is a shoo-in for the part in a play called The Everett Emeralds, about a cat burglar and a jewel robbery. Pie plays a companion cat who helps solve the case. It is a role he excels at. But to Pie's dismay, Buster gets hired when the producer says she is also in need of a dog. 


Come the day of rehearsals, Buster seems determined to upstage Pie. Have old rivalries suddenly come home to roost and spoil the day? And what has been going on in the wings that is distracting Buster? All is most definitely NOT what it seems, and great peril awaits come the opening night. Did I mention another villain? Well, to find out how it all goes down in this, the final book, you'll just have to wait until the books arrive from your local bookshop 🙂.

So, what did we think? 


I absolutely adored the stories. Each has a moral, a lesson for Pie to learn. The interaction between Amelia and Pie is heartwarming. The interaction between Buster and Pie is very much tongue-in-cheek fun and, dare I say it, how we often think of cats v dogs. 


There is a sense that Amelia is growing as much from her experiences with Pie as she does from teaming up with Zack. It is, I think, a timely reminder that not everyone is bold and brash or able to make friends just like that. It also demonstrates how much our canine and feline pals mean and what they bring to kids and families (and housekeepers).


The scrapes Pie not so much creates as wanders into and then gets out off, and how he reacts are pure feline. Clara's observations of cats are, she tells me, from growing up with cats, six in total over the years. Alas, these days, she has no companions, only her fictional animal pals. 


Clara has quite a few YouTube videos. One is about how to draw cats, and it features Marshmallow Pie. If you want to have a go, or just want to be enthralled as to how easy Clara makes this not-so-easy task seem, please follow this LINK or type 


It is just over seven minutes long, but time very well spent, and I think the kids will love it.


Now, if you don't already recognise Clara's work from her numerous other children's stories, you may well be familiar with that of her mother, famed illustrator and author Shirley Hughes. Mrs H says her formative years were filled with images from children's books illustrated by Shirley. 


Sadly, Shirley passed away in 2022, leaving a fantastic legacy. To learn more about Shirley's work, the illustrations, which to us are utterly captivating and timeless, please head on to Twitter, where there is a Twitter feed of her books and characters on her behalf. Use this LINK to visit

So . . . . 

Crunch time. 

An absolute must-buy series of four short stories for the younger readers in your life. The artwork, which appears on nearly every page, is bold, fun, and full of life. Mrs H said she could see so many feline traits in Marshmallow Pie that she couldn't help but wonder if, given the same situations, I'd act the same way? My answer is yes, of course!


We love to review books that have companion creatures in them, and every now and then, they feature companions as protagonists. This is one of those times, and it delivers a cracking read for ages 6 and upwards. 


For dog lovers, Clara told me that the new series, starting this August, will feature canines. This is definitely one to look out for.

Want to buy a copy?


To get a copy, please head down to your local independent bookshop; auditions and accompanying pets are not necessary. There are plenty out there, and each shop just waits to serve up whatever kind of mystery, fun and adventure you desire.


Clara Vulliamy's web page can be found HERE or type this:


I shall leave you with a Selfie. We are joining the Cat on My Head Blog Sunday Selfies! Hosted by Janet Blue and all her fine felines.🙂 🙂



Till laters!
