There is no book review this week, as we have no books to read!
Mrs H hasn't got anything lined up for a few weeks as we (read that as she) need to focus on some home decorating, garden shed building, and pre-winter tidying. All this and doing charity knitting for the local sheep.
Why sheep, I hear you ask. Well, Farmer Clarksin tried a new sheering method. Well, let's just say buying cheap depilatory cream from dodgy small ads is bound to go wrong!
Suffice it to say, the local WI (Women's Institute) have a long stretch of knitting ahead of them to make suitable attire for 22 embarrassed ewes. Plans to knit one long scarf to save on making sleeves and buttonholes have now been shelved. Rumour has it Mrs Singh, from Singh's International Food Emporium, has sponsored some of the whole thing. In exchange, she gets to advertise on the sides. She wisely decided that promoting a new range of condiments, including mint sauce, was a non-starter!
OK, enough of the frivolity, here's my selfie!
We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kittes Blue and their mum, Janet Blue in America.
Any suggestions as to what I was saying or thinking. No prizes, I'm afraid, just for the fun of it.....
Oh, and a huge shout out and Thank You from Mrs H and me to my awesome new doctor, Henrietta.
She had been having a very trying day with some felines that had been swearing. Whilst I have been known to have a hissy fit, and be 'hissed off' I do not swear đ.
Till laters!