Sunday, 7 January 2018

Order, ORDER!

It's Sunday Selfie time & Story!

Join me this week, as we participate in the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the fabulous Kitties Blue from The Cat on My Head blog.

This is a lovely showcase of blogs and bloggers from across the globe, and brings fun love adventure and friendship to many.

My selfies this week show me practicing my whole body alignment training. 

To those new to this revolutionary system, the aim is to get ones head legs and tail to align in sleep and thus make us harmonised, and even better when we wake. 

As you can see I had a little bit of an issue with that hind leg, but it is early days so I shall undertake more and dedicated training sessions (outside of the normal naps) and work on it.

Why not try it yourself, I think you'll find it's very relaxing....

To see what other fun things my pals have been up to, please click the links below.

I hope you'll enjoy this weeks story too....

Order, ORDER!




Really Ladies, I have never heard so much discord over a mere trifle!

Last year was bad enough, over the sponge and what filling we should have, but a TRIFLE? Come on now, this isn't the White House or UK Parliament where we spit abuse at each other and send incoherent social media messages.

This is the WI, the Women's Institute, for heavens sake, and we.....

YES, Mrs Ben-gal, what is?


OK. Our esteemed Secretary has rightly pointed out, FYI, we are the sub branch of the WI, namely the FWI the Feline Woman's Institute. Thank you, Mrs Ben-gal, please minute that, FYI FWI not WI, AOK.

Now where was I?

Ah yes? Ladies, fine felines, we are the FWI and.....

What's that Ms Coon? Do you have a question or are you just scratching your ear? I do hope you took that flea treatment I suggested? You did, that's good so if you have a question you need to raise a paw.

Ah, thank you. The chair recognises Ms Coon, well it should as my memory isn't that bad. What is it dear?

The litter box? Oh, umm, yes just use the one in the corner, and remember to wipe your paws! It took the cleaner ages to get that icing sugar off the polished floors after our last soiree.

But to be fair, no one realised that the caterer had supplied grey mice dusted with sugar instead of the white mice specified. Poor things were so hyped up on the sugar we had to send them to run it off under the house keeper's bed! Poor Mrs Hudson, she was not amused when they nested in her stockings.

OK, as I was saying, ladies, we run the country, and the back bone of the community and the pillars of society. We give the public tradition and premium content. We DO NOT flimflam folk with artificial ingredients or modern fillings.

Nor do freely fling flans at each other at committee meetings, Ms T Abbie, like last year! There will be no flimflam or free flowing flung flans whilst I'm in charge. And try saying that after a bowl of nip soup. Mouses!

The contents of the flan are quite another issue but I dare say the rules can be interpreted to allow for modern trends, i.e. Silvervine in preference nip.

NOW. I mean to finish this pre Easter meeting before we get to Easter, so if we can all settle down.....

Miss Tuxeledo! I know the FWI embrace the younger generation, after all your kittens will be the next generation of members, but I must ask that you leave breast feeding till after the meeting. All the slurping sound is making me thirsty.

Right as to this trifling trifle. Ladies I propose that to resolve this issue we have a taste test. Mrs Manx will make the sponge in pink, and Madame LaPerm will be making the golden yellow sponge. I am sure we'll enjoy the fruits of their labour and next week.

One final note, please don't be tempted to use any of these alternative milk products or substitute creams. Frankly we need to put our paws down and demand fresh cream. Whipped is OK, but not out of the can as that is far too gassy. Believe me I have experience in the GAS department here at the Palace from the staff. Whilst it's a great renewable energy, methane is not desirable in or indeed out of ones guests...... especially near open flames!

If the your chefs quibble at the choice of ingredients, just remind them we are obligate carnivores and obligate creamivores. All natural ingredients if you please ladies.

Ms Simian! Aby, please. I know you are a working mum, and on the go three maybe four hours a day, but please do not bring snacks to the committee table. We'll be finishing soon so you can indulge in a little mouse play then. But for now please keep a paw on that mouse, or swallow. Thank you.

Right, moving on to the rest of the fayre for the fair and what stands we will be having. Mrs Toni Kinese, sends her apologies for tonight, but says she will run the Tom-bola stand with prizes for all tickets that contain a nine. She just needs to find some more toms who are willing to be bola'd!

Ms Mason and her brother, Seville, have said they'll happily whisk over from Nova Scotia and run the Premium Pick 'n' Mix cheese and Nip stand. It was such a huge hit with everyone last year, I think we may have to limit the size of the bags, and provide a break out area for those in need of a sit down.

Right what I need, are volunteers for the following attractions:-

1) The Glitter Ball and spoon race.

2) The five legged race.

3) The box race.

4) Pin the tail on the mouse. Always a favourite with the kittens.

5) The Edam cheese shy.

The Shooting gallery this year has been kindly donated by Bionic Basil and the B Team from their very own practice range, and promises to be extra fun. It will however be for the adults only on account of using tanks and live ammunition. And whilst I don't anticipate any issues, I have put the neighbours on alert in case they need to evacuate

Ok ladies I think that about wraps it up for this meeting.  On next weeks agenda is how we at the FWI can help outlying felines who do not have Internet connection. One suggestion has been made that we should have a FWI-WIFI Hot Spot. If anyone can think of something a little less risqué then please do bring it along.

Now tea and nip scones with double cream are served in the small study where one of our new member, a Miss Pura Singh will enchant us with her singing and a rendition of Verdi's Requiem for a Mouse.

Whats that Ms Ben-gal?

OH OK, I see. Right an apology and correction from this Chair. Our new member is named Miss Sing-A-Pura and is from Singapore, and not India. Also she'll not be singing. She will however be demonstrating the art of making stir fry nip-noodles, mouse and cheese dumplings, and by all accounts a rather feisty Singapore Nip Sling.

Miss Simian, I don't suppose you have a spare mouse do you, as mine's just run out!"

                                  ~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~

I hope you enjoyed this extract from my weeks events. Please do feel free to leave a comment on the way home, flan, cream or mouse based most welcome.

Erin FWI Chaircat and Chief of Everything.....


  1. Now I are hungry for some cream!!

    1. Sorry about that... would you like a white mouse with it?
      Toodle pips

  2. Princess, you are a busy lady and so clever as ever! And you are sure to get your Committee in working order and up to good things. All that talk of silver vine, creams, white mice dusted with sugar and such makes me want to crash your next meeting or pose as a lady cat so I can be a member. Tee tee tee! Paw kisses, dearest one! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Ah well when you live in the country and lady of the manor you have to get used to these things. Oh Valentine, I think you would be allowed in as a guest should you come, and certainly welcome relief for me from some of the committee members! I dare say you would be quite an attraction too with your handsome floofiness! Thank goodness I am not the jealous sort. And I can always need a paw with the after meeting cream teas and sandwiches..... eating rather than making MOL
      Toodle pips and Pawkisses my sweet wooly bear.


  3. Mason, Seville and Basil too? MOUSES! Love your comfy selfies Princess!

    1. Yup, they were all free for the event.... cost wise too Mol. Thank you, it pays to do the training ;)
      Toodle pips and purrs

  4. My, you have a lot of tongue-twisters in these meetings, Princess! I really don't know how you manage it. Also, I am thinking that once you get that alignment technique down, perhaps you should do an instructional video to sell at all major outlets. It would be so popular!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the twist in the plot, mol. Hmm well I could do a workout video, I suppose, but it could end up quite long, Do you think it would be popular?
      Purrs Erin

  5. Princess Erin, you did such a great job with your body alignment training. We agree ... it's super relaxing! We enjoyed the glimpse into the FWI meeting. Such important stuff!

    1. Thank you, these routines are worth sharing and purrfecting, even for humans. The FWI is a must for all felines, old or young knitting enabled or not!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  6. Have a spectacular weekend!

    Noodle and crew

    1. Thank you, I will try. But these meetings are very complicated and take a lot of effort so I suspect I will need to sleep it off... a few times in fact Maol
      Toodle pips and have a great weekend too

  7. Beautiful selfie, Erin ! Your body alignment is amazing ! Purrs

    1. Thank you, hard work and napping pay off, well almost! Mol
      Toodle pips

  8. That was a fascinating glimpse into your FWI meeting. I think we humans are missing out on a lot of things that you kitties can enjoy.
    Your whole body alignment is coming along very nicely.

    1. Sure are, may be could become an associate member? Payment of fees in treats is mandatory! Mol
      Toodle pips

  9. Replies
    1. Indeed it does,and we need to get value for money from our down time and this is the perfect opportunity to learn. It is tiring though so be prepared for more naps! Mol
      Toodle pips

  10. Goodness Erin! I shall have to start alignment training, I figure if I start now, I might have a chance of winning the "Pin The Tail On The Mousies"!
    It sounds like this is going to be so furry much fun and it looks like you got everything in PAW especially with Mason helping!

    1. Young Prince, I am sure you will master it very quickly, and be giving lessons too. I shall save you spot on the “Pin the tail on the Mousie” stand so you can show off your skills.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  11. I know Easter is early this year, but isn't it a tad bit too soon for a meeting about it? Great selfies. XO

    1. Nothing ever too early with the Feline Women’s Institute. Be prepared us our motto and the early cat catches the mouse. Mol
      Toodle pips

  12. What a busy girl you are Princess,xx Speedy

    1. The toil is one of love, and nobody leaves the WFI! Ok I made the last bit up Mol
      Toodle pips, and can I put you down to make some Devon cream scones?

  13. I can't help it, but I got stuck at the nip soup, Erin...that sounds so delicious *licks paws*. Your Selfies are excellent for today :) I have a paw that lives on its own too, so this looked very familiar :D Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead :) <3

    1. Nip soup is delicious, do you are forgiven... to tell you the truth, half the fun of the FWI is eating. Mol
      Toodle pips

  14. Oh my mouses! OH MY MOUSES! I LOVE THIS POST!!! It was even better than that episode of Home Fires when the leadership of the FWI... I mean, the WI was in doubt. PURRS.

    1. Thank you, it’s awesome that we can beat TV! Today TV, tomorrow the FWI take the world..... but only between naps. Mol
      Toodle popscand purrs

  15. my stars ERin, best fishes to you with the new FWI organization; I daresay
    with you as the CEO it will run smooth as that creme that should be in your
    bowl...and your selfies this week are superb !!! happy belated 2018 to you
    and the peeps~~~~~~ hugs from dai$y ♥♥♥

    1. Best fishes and thanks to you too. Will you run the shoot the fish in the barrel stand for me, please?
      Toodle pips and purrs to you, Daisy

  16. Mee-you ERin Purrincess yur trainin lookss putty good frum where mee iss sittin!!! Yur all wayss so purrty no matter what yur doin. An of course yur thee Chief of Efurryfing!! Thee hole werld knowss that rite??
    ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

    1. Aww, thank you prince Siddhartha Henry, but it’s all about girl power..... and loads of practice too.... not forgetting lots of naps. Mol
      Toodle pips and head bumps

  17. Well Erin, we're not sure we followed much of the meetin'. The mousey was a bit distractin' and thinkin' on eatin' and throwin' flan made our minds wander. But, that bein' meowed, we'd be happy to volunteer our services fur anythin' ya' need. And, you be lookin' gawjus as always. big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. It was one of those meetings where food seemed to dominate, as well as culinary skill rivalries! You are most welcome to join, and I’m sure you would be a great asset to the committee too! I’ll tell you when the next meeting is and you can come for a ‘Taster’ session Mol
      Toodle pips

  18. Wow, that's a pretty amazing selfie, Erin. We think your feet are purrfectly placed. Good job!

    1. Thank you, a bit more practice for that one hind leg will make it all work better.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  19. Great whole body alignment. The FWI meetings sound fun.

    1. Oh they are, when they don’t descend into chaos. Thank goodness I run a tight ship!
      Toodle pips

  20. oh MOUSES! the cleverness of your sleeping position and how relaximation that am... was wondering though about the Easter Meeting... did we miss the meeting fur Valentine's? Does you haz a copy of that meeting? We am sure we coulds cattribute sumpin fur prize the couples catnip race like fishy hearts or bouncy balls or sumpin. -Angel who likes racing thru the house to get to the screened in porch...

    1. HI. It does work quite well, to relax that is. Well we haven't actually done Valentines Day, as it isnt really a holiday. Maybe the FWI could look into it at the next AGM, and come back to you regarding the very kind offer of prizes. OK?
      Toodle pips and Purrs

  21. You should do an infomercial about your revolutionary system - I mean, isn't that what they're for?!? ;) Cheddar rounds on you!

    1. Hmm not sure we have those info things around here? Cheddar rounds? What are they? Sound nasty!
      Toodle pip

  22. MOL thanks Erin fur letting us help this year, I'm putting Smooch and Fudge on a lucky dip stand next to the shooting range, so they should stay out of trouble. I'll make sure that non of the lucky dip gifts are live ammo, or any type of munitions! MOL

    It's going be a great day!!

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. Oooh I say, that is an excellent idea, and if they misbehave they could be shot! Great incentive! Just make sure there isnt any nip wine around as a prize MOL
      Toodle pips

  23. Totally BRILLIANT!!! Oh it made us laugh!! Well done Miss Erin

    (and sorry we are late its been quite a week but we will get better from hereon in I hope)

    1. Glad you enjoyed, laughter and fun is what we were after...... and mice! Mol
      Toodle pips
